Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 283: Heroes also have their way back, ig, please continue your myth (3/5 for subscription!)

"Three ban orders!!

There was an inexplicable excitement in Miller's tone: "SKT. This is the last game I'm afraid of being beaten!"

"Yes, but the Crocodile was banned. It's a pity. Several other Cherish's more famous heroes have also been considered by SKT." Doll shook his head regretfully.

Not only him, but many viewers around the world, who have watched the last game, also hope that Cherish can play a crocodile once.

No way, it stands to reason that if a player uses a hero all the time, not to mention the player, at least the audience will have a kind of aesthetic fatigue.

But the crocodile who played the game was too outrageous, and the operation was too gorgeous. This gorgeousness brought an unprecedented audio-visual feast to the global audience, making them involuntarily want to watch more games.

Even if you can't learn any knowledge, you can watch more Tianxiu operations!

On the stage of the S7 finals, I have always appeared in this kind of operation. I am really excited to think about it!

It's a pity that SKT obviously didn't give the audience this opportunity, and the three bans at the beginning directly killed everyone's expectations in the bud.

"In this case, SKT actually released a few heroes, and Jayce's Qinggang Shadow was released." Miller glanced at the situation and said: "Everyone knows that these two heroes are also Cherish comparisons. The hands are hot, especially Jayce, Jayce of Qiu Daddy. Will SKT release it?"

"They won't be 120 as expected!!"

Before he finished speaking, he saw the blue square on the first floor on the big screen, and SKT immediately locked a familiar avatar--

"Fight for a better tomorrow!"

Future Guardian, Jace!

It's really Jess!

There was an uproar off the field, and Jess's choice made everyone have a reasonable and unexpected feeling.

Now that S7 is played, no audience around the world is unfamiliar with Bai Qiu, and naturally they are familiar with several famous heroes of Cherish.

Although there are many heroes, Jace's support rate is definitely the highest.

In this game, SKTBP did not ban Jess, and he was on the blue side. In fact, you don't need to think about it, you know that the opponent must be thinking about taking it.


"Huni is very confident!" Doll couldn't help but said: "He was blown up by Cherish during the laning phase in the last game. What do you mean by picking Jayce in this game? Do you want to be tough?"

As we all know, Jace, the hero, was born as a line tyrant, which is the representative of a carry hero on the road.

Huni was beaten so badly by Bai Qiu in the last game (cgfa), but he chose Jayce in the second game. From this selection alone, the global audience can feel his unconvinced and unconvinced defeat.

"The big brother on the other side is a little dissatisfied.

In the IG team voice, Rookie shook his head and joked.

"Then, how do we choose? Originally, I was quite happy that Jace was released on the opposite side." Xiaoxi asked.

"Still follow the original choice?" The coach looked at Bai Qiu as if asking.

Bai Qiu nodded.

Naturally, the rest of the teammates didn't say much, but on the premise that Huni chose Jayce, it seemed a bit inappropriate to continue to discuss the choice later.

Although it was inappropriate, everyone still chose to believe in Bai Qiu's personal strength. Bai Qiu on the first floor actively searched for a hero, chose and locked it.

"The world is neither black nor white, but a delicate ash!"

Camille - Blue Steel Shadow!

"It's actually Qinggangying! Locked! IG's top order for this game, Qinggangying!!"

Seeing IG's choice, the scene that had been silent just now became noisy again.

Qinggangying, this choice exceeded everyone's expectations. Because Jess is actually more Conte Blue Steel Shadow, in fact, not only Blue Steel Shadow, because of the number of skills, flexibility and high explosiveness, Jess has almost no natural enemies on the road.

Under normal circumstances, the best way to deal with choosing Jace is to choose a hero with the same panacea, or play a teamfight like Kennannar that is stronger than Jace and also has a long hand.

Who is stronger between Qinggangying and Jess, in fact, the gap is not big, it mainly depends on the performance of the players.

But one hand is long and the other is short. In this version, Qinggangying is definitely no match for Jace.

In other words, Bai Qiu's choice of this hand is a bit like being taken by the opponent Conte.

"This Qinggang Shadow is not good for Jace in this version." Miller couldn't help frowning and said, "Will this .1G be the jungler Qinggang Shadow?"

It should be "impossible." PDD knows IG better and said: "The hero Qinggangying has a very low appearance rate in S7. So far, the only few appearances in the game are almost all selected by Cherish. And he played really well.”

"IG gets Qinggangying, and it must be a top order!"

.I think some respect should be given to Cherish. "Baby said: "This player can always surprise us. Although Qinggangying is not good at playing Jess, it is still the same sentence. A truly outstanding player is not afraid of any so-called suppression by Conte!"

This can only be done for a while, and the BP will continue after that.

The two sides obviously made sufficient preparations before the game. You come and go, and the final lineup is all determined.

They are:

Red Fang IG: Top single Qinggang shadow hits wild blind man, middle single clockwork, bottom lane ice + Thresh.

Blue side SKT: top laner Jayce, jungler prince, mid laner Taliyah, bot lane rat+Tam.

Just from the looks of it, the lineup of both sides in this game seems a bit weird, because until now, neither side has chosen any version of the hero, but played their most confident lineup.

In the bot lane, as always, in the late stage, in the early stage, IG and SKT obviously want to play in the upper jungle.

Mainly Ueno!

After the first game, SKT quickly made changes, and actually started to play a routine with IG!

"SKT, this game is actually going to focus on the upper jungle!" Miller said with a different face: "This, the change is really good!"

"This is SKT." Doll couldn't help but said: "This team is really terrible, they are always improving and changing, but in this way, all the focus in the early stage of the game will be on the top and jungle of both sides, especially It's a showdown on the top lane, Jayce fights the Blue Steel Shadow, SKT should be very confident..

"Yes, compared to IG's early stage, SKT's mid lane Iwaya is easier to drive the rhythm, while Rookie's clockwork does not have this advantage.

Overall, SKT's lineup is still better than IG.

Miller didn't say the last sentence, he wouldn't do anything that would make others popular.

And now the game has started.

The frantic cheers of support from the two teams have already sounded off the Bird's Nest.

"Anyway, the game has already started, this critical match is about the match point, it can be called a heavyweight duel this year, the hero will return, and the legend will also fall! IG Come on! Please continue your myth. !!

"Let's enter -- Summoner's Rift!"

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