Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 287: Going abroad, the only order in the world (2/5 for subscription!)

in the game.

After a wave of shocking 1 show 2 at the beginning, Qinggang got Ying Yi blood, which should have taken some advantages.

However, because Bai Qiu was in good condition, he didn't choose to go home, so he couldn't convert the first blood to a real equipment advantage, and at most he had a little experience ahead of Jace.

But this lead, in front of the long-handed Jace, should not be long before it will be made up.

Everyone thinks so, because anyone with a bit of common sense knows that Jace on the road should not be too hard to play a short-handed Blue Steel Shadow in the early stage.

Even if Qinggangying has E, Jess' hammer form can immediately smash the opponent away, which can be called a real top-laner evergreen.

After seeing Bai Qiu kill him alone, Huni didn't choose to go home the first time, why didn't he secretly rejoice?

But a few minutes later, a scene that shocked everyone appeared.

I saw that when the director's camera showed the line-up situation on the road, everyone saw a Qinggang shadow that should have been suppressed by Jayce in the early stage.

Back on Jess!

Counter pressure is nothing fancy, but f*ck what the hell are you doing so far across the line and pushing Jace to the turret?

Everyone was really dumbfounded.

At this moment, the director's shot has just arrived on the road, and everyone didn't see anything else, only to see a half-blooded blue steel shadow, skillfully twisted and twisted a QE cannon from Jace, and then turned around without saying a word, an E skill The hook lock hooks the wall, and the second E is pinpointed on Jace's face.

While stunning the opponent, AQAAQ's five-legged, Qinggangying's most explosive damage in the early stage is directly full.

Jess hurriedly changed his hammer form, but his E skill was still on CD, and when Qinggangying took out his sixth foot, Jess swung the hammer violently and slammed Bai Qiu to the side.

Qinggangying had expected this for a long time, and at the same time that it was smashed by Jace, W had already been used.

After landing, with a click, Jace's distance was just at the limit and was reached by Qinggang Shadow.

In addition to a few soldiers around, the blood bar jumped a little under Qinggangying W's blood-sucking state.

Jess, because of Qinggangying's gorgeous combo that was so smooth that it was almost indescribable, the blood line was suppressed again, and it had already reached less than half.

this state.

Bai Qiu walked over fiercely, Huni almost subconsciously stepped back--

Even though he knew that the opponent had lost his skills at the moment, he also didn't say that he didn't have the skills. Huni had no choice but to admit sadly for these few battles, plus the laning of the first game.

He has been beaten by the opposite side a little psychological shadow!

Can't beat it!

That really can't be beat!

You must know that after his TP goes online, he is full of f*ck blood!

Although Qinggangying is also in good condition, because he was in the wild before, he was not as healthy as Jayce.

In addition, the blood money has not been converted into equipment, and Huni has no idea that he can't beat the opponent.

But after knowing the fight, Huni realized that he was wrong.

Big mistake.

The Qinggang Shadow on the opposite side has no sense of being a short hand at all. Not only is his style of play extremely aggressive and fierce, but what is even more outrageous is the control of the enemy's hatred of his own soldiers, which is downright creepy.

Outside audiences are just watching the excitement, but they will only think that Qinggangying is too strong against the line, or that the opposite Jess is fine, but the long hand can't beat the short hand.

Only Huni, the party involved, understands that every time Qinggangying's attack seems to be mindless and radical, in fact, the timing of the selection is extremely fatal, and the position of the soldiers is also very well used.

Not to mention anything else, every time Qinggang Ying appeared, when people crossed the line of soldiers, most people would be attacked by small soldiers, but at most he was only hit by two small soldiers, which was the most.

A few times, even only one minion could hit him!

Under the visual effect, Qinggang Shadow is not too far away from the soldier, but the soldier just can't hit him!

Are you angry?

That's okay, Bai Qiu's control over the opponent's skill CD is what disappointed Huni the most.

Originally, E in the form of Jess Hammer was definitely a magic skill to deal with Qinggangying. As a result, every time Qinggangying came to fight him, 90% of Huni's E was on the CD.

Coincidentally, it is not just used, just a second or two.

Just one or two seconds was enough for Qinggangying to play his highest burst.

At first, Huni didn't believe that someone would be perverted to this level, but it was fine once, but when Qinggangying did the same thing twice or three times, Huni was completely shocked.

"How can there be such a strong person in this world...

Huni's face was in disbelief, and the opponent didn't even make a mistake. He was facing a cold and ruthless robot.

After the shock, there is indescribable despair.

But it doesn't matter whether he made a mistake or not, it has nothing to do with anything else, it's just that his pure personal ability has been suppressed, and his laning ability has been completely exploded!

No one could feel Huni's desperation in the few minutes that the director's camera didn't give him the opportunity to hit the road.

When the director's footage was given, and after a few waves, the global audience gradually understood why a Jess who should be strong was actually pressed by Qinggang--

As far as Qinggangying's style of play is concerned, who can't f*ck be suppressed?

"No, who can withstand this?!"

After seeing the burst consumption and blood exchange completed by Qinggang Shadow in one wave, the doll was numb, pointing at the big screen, and said with an unbelievable face: "Brother, what did I see? This Qinggangying can actually get stuck in every wave. To the level A of the opposing minion?! How is this going to be played? The Jess are stupid!"

"In addition to the hatred of the soldiers, Cherish seems to be stuck on Jess' CD, and every time Jess's hammer form skill succeeds in counterattack. PDD people are also a bit messy.

He is the most knowledgeable and conscious among the commentators.

Even when Bai Qiu first played, he went abroad in public -- he was the most talented top laner he had ever seen.


The talent is the highest, and it is not such a high law!

The strength that Bai Qiu has shown now can no longer be described as strong.

This is simply a monster!!

"Monster!!" Miller shouted loudly, his emotions had been forcibly raised by Bai Qiu's strength.

"The opposite is Huni. No matter how bad it is, he is also a triple crown dynasty. The starting top laner of the legendary team SKT, Cherish, what kind of player is this? This person is a monster! A laning monster, at this stage, I don't think anyone can beat him online!!

"No one can!"


When the words fell, the audience cheered.

Countless LPL viewers have gone crazy at this moment.

There is no single kill, and no other advantages are mentioned.

But it was the strength Bai Qiu showed at the moment, which made everyone feel a sense of trance, even unbelievable shock.

because they know

This is the final of the global finals, the biggest stage in history.

At this moment, every move of Bai Qiu is under the attention of the global audience.

This move undoubtedly tells everyone in the world that the top laner in the LPL division can be so strong!!

The only one in the world, who has experienced the darkest moment in the LPL competition area, the top order goes abroad, and the LPL audience who can only be teased and educated by other competition areas around the world.

How can you not be excited, not crazy?!!,

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