Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 288 : The world's best to catch the order? Non-existent (3/5 for subscription!)

"Wow. Cherish, the laning is picturesque, the individual abilities of this man are truly terrifying!"

At the commentary booth, the commentators from all over the world were shocked by Bai Qiu's laning strength, and they were even more surprised that the opponent could play such a terrifying suppressing effect on the final stage of the global finals.

It is no exaggeration to say that these few minutes of laning are enough to ruin Huni's reputation and his mentality!

But at this time, when everyone was sighing at Bai Qiu's arrogant and unreasonable laning strength, the director's camera suddenly turned again and gave it to the middle lane.

Brother Li's rock sparrow has a fierce face, and is actually chasing Rookie's clockwork hammer!

The mid lane matchup was originally evenly matched. Although Li Ge is strong, Rookie is not weak.

But I don't know if it was the reason for entering the key game, or if SKT really had a BUFF in the S finals.

Brother Li's BUFF is undoubtedly the biggest one.

Taliyah is playing clockwork, in fact, it is impossible to say who is good at fighting who. The strong period of the two-person Taliyah will come a little earlier. After reaching level 6, Brother Li can walk around the whole map, relying on big moves and TP to drive the rhythm frantically.

From this point of view, Taliyah is undoubtedly a weakened version of Galio, which is very suitable for the current Li and SKT.

And Rookie's clockwork period is coming a little later, and it is difficult for him to make any amazing moves before he has enough equipment and damage.

At this moment, when IG was on the road, Li Ge couldn't sit still. The rock sparrow made a precise rock protrusion, and sent the clockwork to the protrusion, and directly threw it back into his army. With the WQ skills, the middle was connected smoothly. The flat A.

A set of Rock Sparrow's highest burst output in the early stage was directly full, which instantly suppressed Rookie's state to half, while Li Ge, on the other hand, still had most of the state.

After landing, the broiler can only hurriedly put a shield on himself, and the QW Taliyah hurriedly retreated.

Even if he slowed down the opponent, in the end, he was chased by Taliyah abruptly for two times.

"Middle, Li Ge, Faker, Yanya's rock protruding is really accurate!" Seeing this, the attention of the commentators in the world's major competition areas was immediately attracted.

As a commentator in the LPL competition area, Doll also has to admit that Li Ge is really a big mountain in the LPL competition area forever.

Just looking at the details of this wave of line-up operations, for some reason, instantly gave everyone a heavy pressure.

It made everyone feel even more depressed. Before the sweep, the people who were excited because of the advantage in the top lane, and the duel in the bottom lane.

IG's bot lane combination is recognized as the biggest shortcoming in the team, and it is against SKT's champion bot lane, even if Bang often makes some very confusing operations, such as backhand jumping in place.

But, to be honest, IG's bot lane is still a bit overwhelming, and Wolf's support is really good.

In this way, from a single look, IG has a bit of a disadvantage in other paths except for the top lane.

This is something no one thought of.

It was completely exploded on the online, which made people feel uncomfortable, and there was a kind of suffocation that had nothing to say,

What should we do if we can't fight? Our team members' personal strength really can't beat the opponent...

SKT, now there are three lanes, and two of them have some advantages. We only have a certain advantage in the top lane. "Miller frowned at this scene, and his heart was a little complicated.

After all, "it's the triple crown champion_SKT has such strength, it's no surprise." On the contrary, the doll seems to be quite calm.

SKT's historical results and past records are there.

If nothing else, among the five starting players at the moment, the least three of them have also won two S championships.

How do you compare with this kind of performance and strength?

"Well, but the only good news is that our top lane advantage is bigger than SKT's other two lanes, and Ning Wang's rhythm is also very good." PDD sighed: "It's still Cherish, this guy has a lot of tricks from the first wave. Forcing the prince to flash, which directly led to the early rhythm of Xiaohuan being suppressed by Ning Wangxiao, the IG of Cherish really found a treasure, which can be called a treasure.

The best introduction of the year!"

Hearing the sound, everyone's faces looked a little better. PDD is right, at least they still have an advantage when they hit the road?!

At this point, Miller's face suddenly changed: "This, it's not right, it seems that there is something wrong with going on the road!"


The rest of them were stunned, and when they looked over, they saw that Bai Qiu had already pushed Hu(cgfani back) on the field.

It was still an extremely smooth combo consumption, and abruptly used a weak short hand in the early stage to force Jess into the defense tower. It is estimated that Bai Qiu is the first person in history.

The scene in front of you is normal, and it is no different from what you saw just now. If you have to say it, it is

Huni's state is even worse, and now he really doesn't dare to go out to the tower to replenish his troops.

"This is normal, what. Huh?!"

Before the baby finished speaking, he saw Qinggang Ying, who had been madly pressing people on the field, not far from the river below him. The jungler of SKT did not know when, and he had quietly approached!

Peanuts are here!

The jungler came to arrest someone?

"Jungle is coming!!" Miller took a breath, and his emotions were instantly tense: "How do you say? Qinggangying didn't do it for this wave. Cherish, this person is good in everything, but he doesn't do it!!"


Indeed, to talk about Bai Qiu, LPL audiences are very satisfied with everything about him, and even admire him, but only one point--

He has never done eye surgery, or in this person's subconscious, he may not have the habit of doing eye surgery at all.

He didn't have it before, and probably won't have it in the future. In his consciousness, it would be better to make a few seconds to face each other.

Now this shortcoming has been expanded infinitely, and it is also the only way to victory that countless IG opponents have found after studying the video of the game - catch it and it's over!

Little Peanut was aggressive, and before he came, he deliberately blocked IG's vision and deliberately appeared in IG's vision, causing IG to think that he was still in the middle and bottom lanes.

In fact, he's already on his way!

Qinggang Shadow is as fierce as ever, and has reached the side and front of the first tower of SKT's top road. This position,

"No way, didn't Qinggangying realize it? Take it back, if you don't spread this wave, you may be caught to death by the prince!" The muscles on the baby's face trembled, and as the prince approached on the field, the tone changed. .

Because this Qinggang Ying hasn't left yet, he didn't notice it at all, and is still madly pressing people!

Strength "strong, Tailang is also going to die." Little Peanut finally breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help laughing.

As a jungler, his favorite player is actually Bai Qiu.

Dare to catch and die, the world's number one order? The world's number one is good to catch the top order!

While speaking, the person has already reached the position of the triangular grass, and if he goes further, Qinggangying will surely die!

"Ouch," seeing this, the commentators of the competition areas all over the world shook their heads and wailed. Bai Qiu's show made them crazy, but this only one wave made everyone feel a pity.

IG now has the only advantage on the road, once this wave is dead, it will have no advantage at all!

"Don't come out, I'll go up and drive him first!"

Little Peanut's voice just fell, and before taking a few steps, he was suddenly stunned.


I saw Qing Gang Ying, who had been on the road as if he had no brains and crazy pressure, but when the prince was about to enter the best position to catch people, there was no warning - he retreated!


What's the meaning?!

found me?.

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