Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 296 : The Road to Heaven, the moment when the name goes down in history (1/5 for subscriptio

If 1G wins 3-0 against SKT.4 Bird's Nest and wins the 2017 Global Finals championship..

As soon as this picture appeared, everyone had goosebumps.

I dare not think about it any more.

Because all domestic audiences know that once this situation becomes a reality, IG will absolutely detonate the whole world, and countless domestic audiences will be completely crazy!

And the sensation and impact it caused at that time.

It's been like this now, what will happen then?

Explosion in place?

No! It's a nuclear D explosion!!

"Quick, get in touch." Jin Yibo thought of this, his whole body was jolted, he came back to his senses, and was about to speak.

There was an assistant next to him hurriedly holding the phone, his face flushed from nervousness, and he stammered: "Jin, President Jin, it's the call from Tencent headquarters, big boss, the boss asked you to call back..."

big boss?

Jin Yibo's heart jumped inexplicably.

Who is the big boss of Tencent?

I believe that as long as you use the Internet often, there is nothing you don't know.

"I'm going, even President Ma is alarmed?!" A high-level executive next to him took a breath, and his voice changed.

Although their status in Tencent's headquarters is not low, they are only in the game department after all, and the Tencent tree has deep roots and has numerous branches, and it is very strong in various fields.

It can only be said that .26 is now a bit flattering for everyone.

At the same time, they also realized that this matter seems to be really big!

Usually, I seldom ask the big boss here, and call me personally at this juncture. Isn't it obvious enough?

"I'll call back first..."

Jin Yibo looked a little nervous, and after speaking hastily, he walked aside to return the phone.

The call time was very short, but after two minutes, Jin Yibo's complexion had changed from nervousness to flushing after he came back.

Not because of fear, but because of excitement, excitement, and even a little bit of madness!

Headquarters "they already know the current situation, they will communicate with the official and take precautionary measures. Just now, Mr. Ma called and said, we did a good job in S7 this time, let us continue to do it well,

Hearing the sound, the high-level managers of the LPL division, who had been nervous all the time, suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

There was also a sudden fire in my heart, and the big boss spoke in person, even if it was just such a simple sentence, it was of great significance to them!

"Also... Who knows that Jin Yibo hasn't finished speaking yet, he paused, and after attracting everyone's attention, he said with a smile on his face: "The boss has spoken, he will double our funding next year, and at the same time attract investment. Eighty percent of the activity funds are at our own disposal.


Someone uttered a foul language.

How much is the annual cost of the LPL division? Astronomical figures!

Originally, after several years of international competitions in S5 and S6, PUBG has suddenly emerged. After the most promising RNG is eliminated, the development of the LPL division next year will also draw a question mark.

Who knows that the game is not over yet, and the big boss actually said that the funds will be doubled next year!

This is simply a huge sum of money!

At the same time, this is also a sign that BOSS is optimistic about the future development of the LPL division.

No, not optimistic, very optimistic!

"Of course," Jin Yibo said with an extremely serious face amid the astonishment of the crowd, "The premise is that the G team must win the championship this year!"

"Most of these funds will also be used to promote the winning team and cheer for the world champion!"


The meeting room was quiet for a moment, and then the pot exploded.

at the same time.

There are many places, many people.

After IG 2-0 SKT, I was excited, excited, crazy, or in a complicated mood to vent the excitement and fanaticism in my heart.

A lively appearance of all beings has been exposed to everyone.

As the protagonists of all this, IG people are also in a state of "distress" at the moment.

Since they returned to the backstage lounge, the noise and cheers in the IG lounge have not stopped.

Various voices, after winning SKT for the second time, the five IG members have become the protagonists in everyone's mind.

IG, his own family, now looks at the five people in IG with different eyes.

All of them knew in their hearts that the five in front of them would once again win SKT in the next third game.

Then they will create an unprecedented historical feat that will shock the world!

The 7-year expectation of the LPL division, the first 5-game championship trophy is really close at hand!

These are five characters who are very likely to be included in the history of the S game!

"Huh, it's too noisy here, let's move to another place and discuss how to play the third game!"

After Su Xiaoluo was excited, he realized that the current environment, the atmosphere is overwhelming, but it is not conducive to the review and discussion of tactics for the five starting IG players.

"There is no time, the coach next to him gave a wry smile, he reminded everyone just now.

It's a pity that the crazy IG people didn't hear him at all.

You haven't won the championship yet, for the sake of the mountain, the credit goes to one, you are so anxious!

Can't we wait until we win the championship and then celebrate?!

Things can't be repeated, now the third game is about to start, time..

It is no longer enough.

"Ah, is that so?" Su Xiaoluo also came to his senses.

The lounge gradually became quiet, and everyone looked at each other.

"It doesn't matter, until now, tactics are not tactics, it's not important anymore." Rookie's face was a little red, and he didn't know if it was because of the heat or because he was too excited.

He told the truth.

The game has been played so far, and the attention has been drawn to the extreme. This is the most grand one in the 7-year history of LOL since its existence.

In the next game, whether winning or losing, the attention and enthusiasm will inevitably reach an unprecedented level of exaggeration.

Breaking the record has become inevitable, it depends on how exaggerated it can be

At this time, for players, the most important thing is not 133 tactics and replays.

Only mentality is the eternal weapon in this kind of situation!!

A weapon leading to that radiant, heaven-to-heaven road!

"It's okay, we're ready." King Ning also smiled freely at this time, even though his hands were shaking all the time.

It hasn't stopped since the game ended.

"Yes, Brother Qiu." He looked at Bai Qiu beside him.

Bai Qiu nodded, but looked at Principal Wang.


At this time, Principal Wang had already stood up.

The team leader came over to inform everyone--

The director will give a notice to inform the players to enter the venue!

"It's been 7 years since the S game, I won't say much about how important today's game is, how much we paid for this opportunity today, and how many years we have waited, I won't say much.

These ", you should also know in your own heart. This may be the moment in your life that you have the most chance to be famous in history."

"When it comes to the last game, I have no other requirements, I just hope that everyone, let go of everything, let go of everything, give it a go, and leave no regrets!

Go", we are waiting for you to hold the cup!!

"Waiting for you to hold the cup!!"

Dozens of people in the lounge shouted in unison.

There is no passionate BGM, no bloody declaration, but the blood of everyone in IG is already boiling!

The five of them got up together, grabbed the peripherals, and went straight to the brightest stage in the world at the moment - go!

A stage like no other!!

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