Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 297: After 7 years, the voice of ig shakes the world (2/5 for subscription!)

Walking out of the lounge all the way, everyone on IG did not look back.

But they can still feel the eyes behind them staring at them.

Not a pair of eyes, but all eyes.

At some point, all the staff of the IG club, including Principal Wang, had already walked out of the game room, watching the backs of the five starting IG players leaving.

Not talking, just quietly exercising attention.

They know that IG will either become a god or

no either!

When they walked to the corner and left the corridor, everyone on IG suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Ning Wang twitched the corners of his mouth, forcing a smile: "I'm so stupid, I was really stressed just now."

"I can feel the club's expectations of us." Rookie exhaled.

Although they didn't see the gaze just now, the hopeful and hopeful gaze from everyone on IG made everyone excited and satisfied, but also a little heavy.

"We can definitely win!

Xiaoxi gritted his teeth and said, "I never thought in my life that there would be such a day, I dare not dream!"

"But since we've come here, I believe we can do it!"

It's like cheering on teammates and comforting yourself.

After all, in the entire IG team, his strength is the worst, a little worse than the support Baolan.

"Most definitely..

This is Baolan's murmur.

"Definitely, I've spoken out, I'll get married if I win the championship!"

Everyone has come to the exit door, and the terrifying and suffocating cheers and heat waves of the bird's nest venue outside have already rushed to the face.

Although they haven't gone out yet, everyone can already feel this crazy atmosphere.

The heart began to tremble at this moment, and the momentum and emotion reached an unprecedented level at this moment!

Bai Qiu paused and looked at everyone, just when everyone thought he was going to say something "roaring" to cheer for the final battle.

Without looking back, Bai Qiu stepped out of the backstage and appeared!

"These words, when we win the cup, let's talk about the championship acceptance speech.


"Enough to force!"

"I thought I was enough for the second grade, but I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it. Damn it!"

Everyone on IG reacted and shook their heads with a smile, but before they said a few words, as soon as they stepped on the arena, they were already shocked by the audience off the court.

I saw the bottom of the Bird's Nest venue at the moment.

In the auditorium, which is large enough to accommodate hundreds of thousands of people, countless audience members have already stood up.

IG was black and white, the huge black flag full of momentum fluttered in the wind, and the BGM of the final entry of the players was played in the venue.

This is a BGM that is different from the first two games. It is bloody and passionate. When you listen to the prelude, you will feel a surge of adrenaline.

Perhaps even the official has realized that in today's third game, there are likely to be shocking scenes that no one can imagine.

The sky has already darkened, and the night has come, but the atmosphere of the bird's nest has already exploded to the top!

The moment when everyone on IG stepped onto the stage and made their official debut.

Hundreds of thousands of spectators in the entire venue shouted in unison:

"IG! Come on!!

"IG! Must win!!

"IG! Come on!!

"IG! Must win!!

How shocking is the scene of hundreds of thousands of people pulling their necks and shouting in unison?

Those who haven't seen it with their own eyes will never be able to experience it.

It was an audio-visual feast that was not fully felt even if it was broadcast live.

The black crowd, throwing a big living person into it, will not set off any waves.

If the bird's nest is not open, at this moment, the roof of the bird's nest will be overturned!!

Everyone on IG couldn't speak anymore, they were completely shocked by the scene in front of them.

Infected by all the enthusiastic LPL audiences and lovely local audiences.

Of course, even if they wanted to talk now, they couldn't hear each other.

With an unparalleled, even a little heavy heart, everyone on IG walked to the center of the stage and sat down in the competition room.

Wherever you pass along the way, the voice of IG shakes the world!

"Okay, welcome back, this is the 2017 Global Finals, the final scene, the China G Bird's Nest!"

"Hello everyone, I'm a doll!"

"I'm Miller!

"I'm PDD..."

The shouting at the scene weakened slightly, and on the commentary stand, the three LPL commentators also appeared in front of the camera with flushed faces.

Although the shouting has become much weaker, when they speak, they still have to use the roar to roar into the headset.

Otherwise, viewers watching the live broadcast may still not be able to hear their voices clearly.

It can be seen how much the explosion has now exploded.

"Wow" such a shocking and exaggerated scene, let alone a few people in IG, everyone, even the official ones, have never experienced it!

The doll glanced at the people off the field. Before the game started, the whole person's emotions were completely ignited and exploded.

"Too, the audience at the scene, the audience at the scene now, is really, too enthusiastic!" Miller, who has always been very calm, could not help but sigh with a vibrato in his tone at this moment: "Really, today The audience who didn't come to the scene missed it, sorry!"

"It's a pity." The doll replied: "As far as the atmosphere of the scene is concerned, I dare to say that this is the hottest time in the 7-year history of the S competition. It is a worthwhile trip. The audience who entered the Bird's Nest today, congratulations, It's really worth it."

"Aah!! IG! IG!"

"IG beef batch! Little IG punches duck!"

When the voice was a little weaker off the court, the baby smiled: "Of course, the most important thing is that our team is too powerful today."

“IG.. now has 2-0 against SKT! Got the match point of the 2017 World Finals!

"As long as we win this game again, we will be able to win the championship trophy of the Cup Finals for the first time in 7 years of history!"


When the words fell, the scene that had just returned to calm was filled with terrifying cheers again.

The cheers are shocking, the screams are piercing father!

After 7 years of holding the cup, no one can keep calm!

"I think the game is now, we don't need to say more, everyone knows the meaning of this game, and what it represents," Miller took a deep breath: "(Well) but it is destined to be difficult process.”

"The global audience of SKT's strength is clear. If it is another team, if it is 0-2 in the S finals, we can say in advance that we have won the championship, but SKT can't."

"This team is really full of variables. Until the last moment, no one dares to say that they will win the game 100%."

PDD nodded and said, "That's right, and all this is because of one person--Faker!

"The team within the SKT team, the most legendary player in history, Faker, Lee Sang Hyuk!"

"Yes, in the same way, the players on IG's side are also very strong. For example, the entire S7 this year has performed exceptionally well, enough to be a god-like top laner, Cherish!"

The director notified the doll and nodded: "Then the players ahead are ready. Before the game starts, the ace players of the two finals teams also have something to say to each other and the global audience."

"Let's hear it together..."

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