Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 301 : Century Tianxiu, mighty, tall, rich and handsome (1/5 for subscription!)

"Q!! Jace, Hammer Form Hammer Minion, Prince EQ is empty... FUCK!"

"What's the situation? Prince, Jace E hammered the prince over?!"

"E interrupts the prince's EQ?!"

Bird's Nest scene.

Seeing everything that happened between the lightning and flint on the field, everyone was instantly stunned.

The screen is too fast, the operation is too fast, and before it's time to cheer on Jace's fancy dodging skills, he was overwhelmed by Jace's hammer form skills.

Isn't Q already hiding? Why did you deliberately interrupt the prince's EQ?

Show off?

The commentators and audiences in the competition areas around the world were just spectators, and they were a little confused about what Bai Qiu meant.

But SKT is different!

Almost at the moment when Jess interrupted the EQ and hammered out in the opposite direction, Xiao Hei had goosebumps all over his body--

Before he came, Jace had been beating the prince all the time. With a set of skills in Cannon Form just now, Shen had been beaten to two-fifths of the state, completely disabled!

And look at the position of his hammer on the way to EQ, it was hammered in the opposite direction.

In other words, the prince was forcibly displaced by Jace in this wave, directly pulling the distance between himself and Shen as far as possible!

"Not good!! Hurry up, this person is going to kill you!!"

Xiao Hei's cry fell, but it was already too late.

Try 26 Think about it, which top laner will not advance or retreat when his jungler is about to catch someone?

Isn't this scolding?

There is no such idiot in the ordinary round of rank, let alone on the final stage of the global finals!

But it was because of this "idiot's heart" that when Huni realized that he wanted to leave, he was already stuck by Jace.

Hammering the prince, Bai Qiu switched his cannon form in seconds, QE was almost CD, and he wasn't in a hurry, directly facing Shen was a mess.

Huni is now one level down. He has only learned a Q skill, and he can't even walk up. His blood line status has dropped, so he can only bite the bullet and run towards the defense tower.

Bai Qiu was in a hurry, ignored the prince who was thrown behind him, and continued to chase Shengo A.

One, two, three.

When Jess's QECD turned good, Huni didn't dare to hesitate any longer, the sound of "West Eight" clenched his teeth, and the yellow light lit up under his feet.

a sound.

Straight forward own flash!

Jess' QE blasted out, directly hitting Shen's original position.

The blast of air and the terrifying damage did not hit Can Xueshen as he wished, but he was so frightened that Huni was about to suffer a myocardial infarction.

"Flickering! Shen! I handed over my flashes directly!! Oh~!

"Jace: Jess. Cherish, in the case of SKT's second-level arrest, he actually chased the opponent's top laner in reverse!"


The commentators of the world's major competition areas finally came back to their senses, and all kinds of screams and cheers instantly resounded throughout the Bird's Nest venue!

Until now, everyone still has a bit of hesitation and confusion on their faces.

But it's outrageous, didn't SKT Ueno catch Jayce?

Jace has been pressed so far, it doesn't matter if he can't be caught, why is Mao still f*ck forced to flash back?

"This doll swallowed his saliva, and his heart was beating like a drum. This is the emotional ups and downs that Bogers brought him by using visual stimulation.

Just as soon as the word was spoken, on the other side, Miller rang in a nervous voice: "But what does Bogers say? The prince is behind, can you go?"

"You won't be forced to flash, will you?"

"Kill kill kill! Kill him!"

After escaping, Huni has already pushed back, his face flushed red, and he feels that his personality has been insulted by the opposite Jace.

Repeat these words over and over again.

He successfully blocked Jess from behind, and was a little speechless at Xiao Hei, who was facing the opponent's Ping A.

Can't kill.

Although Jace's state was worse than him, and the prince still had the red buff, Bai Qiu's previous health bar on the line was still too healthy.

Without Shen's help, it would be impossible to kill Jace by a single prince without EQ.

It was just that he gave up so easily, and let the other side pretend to be forceful in front of the two of them to go back, and Xiao Hei gritted his teeth and continued to chase after Jasping A.

After waiting for Jess to walk to the side of his defense tower, the state had reached two-fifths. Under the great disability, the prince reluctantly gave up the pursuit.

A wave of classic solo show ended, and the global audience was in an uproar!

"Let's go, run away, Jie. Successfully returned to the bottom of the defense tower, and he is still in good health. The prince's EQ is not good, and there is no chance!"


Doll Miller sighed in relief when several LPL commentators saw this, and the whole person's emotions were completely excited.

"So handsome, Cherish! This wave of Jess is so handsome!" The doll exaggerated and boasted excitedly: "Can this be used to force a flash? I'm still not dead, and I haven't even paid a flash. !"

"It's still a pity... Miller remembered the scene just now, if Huni hadn't reacted quickly at the end and was hit by the Jess EQ cannon, maybe this wave would have really been a single kill.

"No, brother, are you being too greedy? Isn't this wave not enough?" The doll was a little speechless, pointing to the close-up of Bai Qiu on the big screen: "Just this wave, this Jess: I dare to promise , SKT this game - it's going to be a headache!"


"Qiu Dad!!

"Qiu Daddy smokes: Qiu Daddy is handsome and handsome!"

The crowd cheered, and PDD couldn't help but say: "This is not the most outrageous thing in this wave, this Jess, he can use his Q-dodging skills before the prince's EQ, and under this premise, he also uses E in the opposite direction. The prince's EQ was interrupted, just to keep the prince a little farther away from Shen.

"But if you don't use cross flash, the prince will cross flash.

People: "

Really "a little scary." After a long time, the doll commented.

"It's a pity that I didn't get a single kill, otherwise this wave of SKT would have been completely blown up, eh?" Miller's voice did not fall, but new changes took place on the field.

in the game.

The failure of this wave of arrests in the top lane has a great impact on the rhythm of SKT in the early stage. The first assault was unsuccessful, and it was even more difficult after that.

The prince left in embarrassment.

Shen and Jace were each under their own defense towers, but neither had any intention of going home.

Shen was originally a pressure-resistant position in this game. He wore cloth armor when he went out, and he had a lot of potions. He could continue to stay on the line even after taking the medicine.

As for Jace, it's just that Bai Qiu doesn't feel the need to go home.

Of course, Jayce didn't come home, but couldn't let SKT know.

Bai Qiu retreated to the bottom of the defense tower, and looked at Shen, who had not returned home with the remaining blood. After waiting for the position of the line of troops to be almost the same, he blocked his vision and walked out directly against the wall.

Then all the way to the first grass on the road, and quietly got into it.

On the other side, Shen, who was still severely disabled, thought that Jayce had gone home, and then continued to fill up and push the lane without realizing it.

"On the way. Jace didn't come home! This location. Huni didn't see it!"

Miller's spirit was instantly lifted, and he shouted excitedly: "Then there is this wave! You can kill alone!! Shen Zai moves forward, Jace can kill alone!!"

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