Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 302: Shocking the world, this is the reaction speed of a 17-year-old (2/5 for subscription!)

Can one kill?!

Miller's words instantly detonated the scene that had just quieted down again, and everyone's eyes were instantly focused on the road.

Shen's state is really bad right now.

Originally, Huni was about to die just now. Although there were a lot of medicine bottles on his body, it would take some time for him to recover his blood. Bai Qiu just caught Shen's current recovery CD.

This is the most eye-catching place, because Jace's state just now was similar to Shen's. If he were a normal person, he would choose to go home.

SKT also thought that Jayce had gone back, but Bai Qiu did the opposite.

I have to say that the quality of the finals is really high. The battle of wits and courage on both sides, not only operations, but also consciousness and brains, have all been fully filled.

"Huni still doesn't realize.. Bo Cherish's shot back is really too spiritual." Miller stared at the big screen excitedly: "Shen's current position, as long as he goes a little deeper, he will have a chance to kill directly!"

Hearing the sound, the restless atmosphere off the field could no longer be tolerated.

On the field, at this time, the new line of troops just arrived, and Shen did not continue to advance.

After a few repairs, it has risen to the second level.

The state has recovered a bit, but it doesn't matter.

These few soldiers were replenished, and only the long-range soldiers were left. Shen took a few steps forward, and when he waited, he was dead!

But after waiting for a while, everyone found that but Shen did not move forward randomly.. actually kept around this position.

What does it mean?

"Are you sure the other side isn't home?"

At the same time, in the SKT team, Xiao Hei, who had come around again, asked hesitantly.

"I'm not sure." Huni, who was still trembling with reinforcements on the road, replied. Although there was no one in sight on the road now, he always felt that he was being watched.

"But believe me, this person on the other side can't be seen with normal eyes. His brain circuit is different from that of ordinary players."

"The big can't go home without a blood bottle? Are you talking about this brain circuit?" Xiao Hei said embarrassedly.

Huni was also a little embarrassed, but still said: "It's okay to try, anyway, you have exposed your position just now,

This is true.

Before the prince appeared on the road, King Ning had already taken advantage of the situation to enter the lower half of the wild area opposite to fight against the wild.

This is the sequelae of the jungler not catching the dead, and it is no exaggeration at all.

Xiao Hei felt aggrieved in his heart. If he had a chance, he would still want to kill Bai Qiu for dozens of times.

The prince has been careful, one step at a time, first through the triangle grass, and then directly under his own defense tower.

Seeing that it was already exposed on the line, in fact, it was subtly stuck in the field of vision, and the pace moved forward with the advance of the soldier, just behind Shen, stuck at this distance.

Such a creepy scene instantly silenced the scene that had just boiled.

Some young ladies with poor psychological quality even screamed in fright.

This wave, the prince has come back unexpectedly!

A brace?!

Prince "Prince is back! Walking behind Shen, Kashou, Xiao Hei is in Kashou's vision!"

"Shen continued to push the lane to fill up this wave. Huni is conscious! SKT still wants to continue to catch Jayce, they-know that Jayce didn't come home?!

"I'm going, do you have eyes? No, how did you get this?"

The commentators in the world's competition areas stared at this scene, and they were all confused.

After reacting, the faces of several LPL commentators instantly turned from red to white, which can be called the face-changing of Sichuan Opera.

Heart is shaking!

SKT actually realized that Jayce didn't come home. To be honest, this was even more shocking than Bai Qiu's shot back just now.

Because this time it's going to be Jace's death!

Let's go", I can't squat anymore, SKT is back squatting!" Miller panicked: "Come on, Cherish!"

"This Bogers is on the second floor, but SKT is on the fifth floor!!


He shouted like this, but the players on the field couldn't hear the commentary. Jace looked at the bloody Shen, how could he give up?

It's over ", SKT's cooperation is so perfect. Cherish didn't realize it!" PDD lamented.

On the other hand, strife within the SKT team also began.

"Are you thinking too much? In this position, I feel like he can't scold people." Seeing that Shen had reached the center of the line, but no one appeared, Xiao Hei began to doubt again.

Dragging on the road like this has a great impact on his rhythm.

"Really gone?" Huni himself had a little self-doubt. He had a very wide field of vision from this position, and the only blind spot was the grass above the side.

But in such an obvious position, would someone like Cherish squat?

Combined with the state of Jace's disappearance just now, it seems that he really thinks too much.

"Xiba, being beaten like this is enough for you.

Huni taunted himself, turned his head and said to Xiao Hei: "It's time to go back, this wave of mine, you hurry home, Xiba?!"

Before he finished speaking, he saw a Jace rushing out from the grass above!

In fact, Bai Qiu is also helpless, this wave he has two ways to start, one is the cannon form QE to shoot first, but the opposite Shen has been stuck at distance and small soldiers, this cannon can't find the angle.

Hammer form Q is not enough distance, looking at Shen's distance, thinking that the opposite side will not be able to run, Bai Qiu directly walked out.

But when he came out, Huni suffered another myocardial infarction.

Then the whole person's eyes are red, crazy!

"He's here! Kill him! Kill him!!"


Needless to say, the moment Jace appeared, the little black prince moved!

This time the movement is so fast, I don't know if it was affected by the previous time, this time Xiao Hei didn't even leak his face, and directly used the residual blood of Shen to seduce Jess, as long as Jess showed up, his vision was stuck. The prince will immediately follow the EQ.

The card vision speed of light EQ, the immortals can't escape!

Blackie could even see Jace's panic when he found out.

This wave is sure to die!!

With this thought in mind, there was a bang.

The next moment, Xiao Hei's ecstatic expression instantly froze.

Bai Qiu told Xiao Hei and everyone with practical actions.

The skills that the gods can't escape, he can!

I saw that almost at the moment when Prince EQ started his hand and was exposed to Jess's field of vision, Bai Qiu's originally calm face suddenly tightened (well), and under the pupil contraction, the sound of "Fuck" shook the IG and other people's eardrums hurt. .

The subordinates have already proposed their own flashes.

The hand speed has reached the extreme, and the reaction nerve has been too fast to imagine.


The yellow light under his feet instantly lit up, and Jie's figure instantly disappeared from the spot.

The prince's card field of vision, the speed of light EQ, fell immediately, but it directly EQed the air!

Blind vision flashes, dodging the prince's EQ!!


"Fuck! FUCK!! Jace! Blink!! Oooh! 17-year-old reflexes! Is that the reflexes of 17-year-olds?!"

"This wave of the prince's EQ - is actually empty!!


The expressions of the commentators in the competition areas around the world were dull for a moment, but before they could say more, Jace, who flashed after seeing it, was already close to Shen.

Now the Shen, Da disabled, no flash!

To fight back?!


Hunj was completely stunned, completely stunned. father,

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