Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 303: The first background board, the skt that was shown to a trance (3/5 for subscription!)


"Hidden! Blink!! OMG. What is the speed of reaction? What kind of speed is this?!"

"Oh my God!"

Bird's Nest scene.

The tense and suffocating scene, under the reaction speed of Jess, which can be regarded as the limit of human beings, instantly made the entire bird's nest scene silent for a second.

Maybe in less than a second!

A second later, the commentators in the world's major competition areas went crazy instantly!

Huni and Xiao Hei on the field were also stunned.

In fact, when it comes to the consternation in their hearts, they will only be bigger than the outside audience who are watching the game from the perspective of God.

Only the parties involved know what happened just now!

Under the blind vision, even Jace didn't move his position after the prince's QE,

That is to say, before the prince appeared, Jace did not know that the other party existed.

The only time he could react was when the prince was on his way to QE,

But in this interval, the interval may not even be a few tenths of a second.


How did he react?

How is this possible?!

Being treated as a ceiling show to a somewhat disgusting little black, the whole person's brain appeared blank for a short time.

This kind of blankness, when seeing the next move, instantly transformed into endless panic, and the goosebumps instantly fell to the ground--


The screams were shrill, but it was too late.

Bai Qiu, who had avoided the prince EQ with extreme flash, had been in a position close to Shen since 133.

Under the hammer form, a Q skill leap of the sky, hammered out without any stagnation!


The next moment, a heavy hammer fell, and the Shen state dropped a little in an instant, and the blood bar became a big wreck at a speed visible to the naked eye!


Huni screamed, and the reaction speed was also fast, and the kit reflected directly towards the upper side and E out.

Under the crisis of life and death, his reaction speed and hand speed were also full, and he pressed E almost at the same time when Jace Q arrived.

When Bai Qiu thought about E, he couldn't come out immediately.

But he didn't have any surprises. He switched the cannon form in seconds with a faster hand speed, and without looking back, facing the top of the side was an enhanced version of the QE cannon.

The angle is above the side, and there is no one here for the time being.

But in the next second, a severely disabled Shen came over.


The huge blue cannonball bombarded Shen's body with precision, the angle and timing were not much, not a little.

Shen, who came over, fell to the ground in despair before he even had time to take a look at the outside world.

"IGCherish killed SKTHunt!


First Blood! (cgfa)!

One kill, one blood!

"Dead! Hammer to Shen, predict QE!! Jess, successfully single-killed Huni!"

"This wave--Anti-kill!!"


In an instant, the entire Bird's Nest scene was instantly boiling, and the cheers and shouts of the commentators from various competition areas around the world sounded at the right time, and everyone's tone was full of disbelief.

In this wave, Jess actually fought back!

Although the process was a bit twists and turns, but in the end it was counter-killed.

Not only did he not die, but he successfully got a blood.

"Cherish, Cherish!!" The baby blushed and said excitedly: "This reaction speed, wow, is too terrifying, and it also predicts QE. This Bogers directly predicted Shen E's position.

"Otherwise this Bo Shen might have run away! Huni's reaction speed is already very fast!"

Indeed, but this Bogers will also be replaced, one by one, we are flash + one blood, this exchange

Miller was also very excited, but looking at the situation on the field, he felt a little pity.

At this moment, Jace killed Shen, but his position was not good. Not far from his side, there was a prince who was almost full, and Bai Qiu himself, because of several waves of entanglement, was in a state of great disability.

this scene.

They don't make much money in exchange.

"I still made a lot of money. After all, one blood is more than 100 yuan, and Shen's flash was beaten up, so it's acceptable!" Doll is more open-minded.

"I still want to die, but this wave of Cheirsh is really too showy, this person" PDD also wants to answer, but just halfway through, he suddenly stopped.


I saw that Jess, who had just single-killed Shen on the field, did not escape backwards, but took the initiative to lean towards the prince.


What does it mean?

You know you're going to die, but you don't want to be so embarrassed?

This idea is not only for the audience, but Xiao Hei also flashed this idea in his heart for a moment.

But the next second. Seeing that when Jess took a few steps forward, he did not click on the prince, but clicked twice on a long-range soldier with residual blood not far away, a very bad feeling suddenly rose in Xiao Hei's heart. hunch..


Sure enough, the minion was killed twice, plus the experience of killing one blood alone, a white light finally lit up on Jace--

Level three up!

The state of the big crippled increased at a speed visible to the naked eye, Bai Qiu tapped his W skill in seconds, and then

Facing the shocked prince, he slammed over!


Xiao Hei reacted suddenly, what about the third level?

In this state of Jess, even at level three, he can kill the opponent alone!

With murderous intent in his heart and extreme unwillingness, the prince directly resisted Jace's flat A, and wanted to go up and end up this Damn it's Jace.

It's just that, above and below Xiao Hei's head, he ignored the most important point--

But any normal Jess will give the prince a chance to stick his face?

Besides, this Jace is Cherish!

Bai Qiu's control of the distance between heroes has almost reached an extreme, which no one has experienced yet, because it is a natural talent of long-handed and short-handed.

In private, he always felt that sooner or later he would have to become Teacher Qiu, and now it is considered an advance practice.

Just saw Jess facing a murderous prince, calmly, while retreating to the left, he continued to level A without any leakage.

One, two, three.

Xiao Hei took three or four straight A's, and he was in a state of half, but he was surprised that he didn't even touch the edge of Jace's clothes.

While he was stunned, Bai Qiu put down his newly learned W, and with three clicks, three small cannonballs blasted out at an extremely fast speed.

The prince state is directly below half!


"Up to three levels! Jess, whoops, what a lot of damage! The prince couldn't touch Jess!"

"Cherish is waiting for Blank on the Internet?! In this wave, he actually wants to kill the prince?"

"Can this kill? That's outrageous?!"

The commentators and on-site audiences in various competition areas around the world were dumbfounded, and the doll's face was completely flushed, and her breathing became rapid.

Just as he was about to speak, after seeing Xiao Hei react on the field, he gritted his teeth and directly mentioned his flash.

Damn, don't you want a kite? The labor and management directly show their faces, what should you do?

Thinking like this, with a bang, as soon as the prince flashed over, he saw that Jace seemed to have predicted half of it in advance, and at the same time switched to the hammer form, and then.

The E skill is hammered down with a hammer.

The prince, who had just flashed his face, was forcibly smashed open again before A Jess even had time.

The state has dropped, there is no EQ and flash, and his position is also very far away from his own defense tower.

Looking around, the little black man became in a trance.


I'm going to die too?!.

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