Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 305 : Dinghaishenzhen, the world's most peak duel (5/5 for subscription!)


The commentary went to the west, and the commentators in the competition areas around the world seemed to be infected by the explosion-like atmosphere at the Bird's Nest scene.

Everyone's heart was beating and coughing. Seeing that ig had taken the lead in the early rhythm of the game, the road to killing gods seemed to start from this moment, from the original untouchable dream to reality.

"Be sure to hold on, now we are ahead of skt, don't be careless!"

After the excitement, Miller suppressed the excitement in his heart and reminded: "The opposite is skt. Don't let your guard down at this time!"

"Yes, especially in the top lane, cherish has an advantage = ig has an advantage, Jayce's stage in this game is too big, the early lead is very fatal to skt. cherish must stabilize these advantages and give skt other lines Up and jungle pressure!"

From "Untouchable"—Three-Three" to seeing the light, everything is so illusory and unreal. The more this time comes, everyone's emotions are actually the most nervous and restless.

Is skt easy to deal with?

The answer is of course no.

This team can make its debut from s3 to its peak. After 54 years of ups and downs, 55 began to really dominate the game. It is really a legend.

Even at S7, at the end of the dynasty, the teamwork and toughness they showed is beyond everyone's imagination.

A dead camel is bigger than a horse!

in the game.

After taking the lead of two heads on the road, Xiao Hei's rhythm was seriously affected.

The rhythm of skt in the early stage has been blown up a bit, and the overall momentum of the team is rarely anxious and depressed.

It was at this time that Brother Li, who had been silent for a while, suddenly stood up.

The faker's outburst was so sudden and so normal.

This man always seems to be able to bloom his own brilliance in the most dangerous and darkest moments of skt.

Shortly after the battle in the top lane, the enchantress in the middle lane seized a wave of laning opportunities, blocked a small soldier in front of her, and upgraded her skills at the same time. All damage hit Syndra.

Rookie's state had been consumed to half of his blood before, but after this wave, his state declined seriously. Looking at the enchanting girl who was holding on to it and was constantly approaching, he felt the monstrous killing intent from Brother Li on the opposite side.

Undisguised killing intent!

Dare not to hesitate in the slightest, hand over his flash directly.

Alas, alas.

Almost at the same time, Brother Li's skill chain directly predicted the nature of the chain to the top of his side.

The next moment, Syndra, who flashed and ran away, collided with exactly--

The enchantress predicts the e skill and predicts the success!


Rookie's eyes widened, his heart darkened.

Sure enough, a few seconds later, with a sound from yesterday, Xing Dela was dazed in place, and the enchantress aa twice, took away the head of rookie.

"sktfaker killed igrookie!"

Solo kill!

After this wave of single kills, the atmosphere at the Bird's Nest, which was just boiling, became more chaotic.

Countless personal fans of skt and Brother Li finally found the opportunity, and the terrifying victory swept in. For a moment, it was not much weaker than the cheers of ig before!

This is skt and faker. I have to admit that just the id of brother Li, when the team is in crisis and confused, it is inevitable that any sensation will be caused after such an operation.

ig's fans are now limited to domestic, while faker and skt. global!

There are even countless Hanza in China, the title of Triple Crown is too loud, and the history of skt is really too brilliant!

"Solo kills, this wave of solo kills in the middle is a bit uncomfortable." Seeing this, the baby was a little complicated, and Miller couldn't help but said: "It's still faker. At the most critical time, it was Brother Li who stood up..

"Successfully single-killed rookie."

"To be fair, this wave of Syndra's operation is not bad, but the pre-judgment e. of the enchantress is too showy." pdd said bluntly: "I really can't underestimate faker, this person... explodes with the strongest operation. That person, this point, I believe that the old audience should be aware of it.

Just as he was talking, the director's camera suddenly turned.

It turned out that there was also a battle in the bot lane at the moment.

Unsurprisingly, even if the skt bot lane chose a lineup like Rat and Tamm, they could still hold down the IG bot lane in the early stage.

At this moment, when the director's camera came over, the mouse was stealthy and seized a wave of opportunities, and actually directly forced Xiaoxi's flash out.

The temperature seems to have risen this time.

Everyone can clearly feel--

In the biggest stage competition this year and even in 7 years, all skt members worked hard, even if there was bad news on the road, but other online, except for the jungler, all exploded!

Did the microcosm explode?

Ipl several commentators saw this scene, and their hearts were really a little panic...

Looking at each other, the doll couldn't help but wailed: "Bottom lane, the bottom lane ad was forced to flash, wow, this is not right, ig, the lineup status of IG's middle and lower lanes is a bit wrong these few minutes!"

"Without a jungler, a single player forced a flash, to be honest, it's a bit inappropriate.. pdd tell the truth.

Other people naturally understand, but there is no way.

Even s7's bang and wolf are not comparable to ig's current bot lane duo.

The former is the honorary addition of two s championships, the first bottom road combination in lol history, and the undisputed first in terms of honor.

Facing them, ig bot lane can play like this, which is already very good.

It can only be said that Bai Qiu, who was on the road before, was too dazzling, and he was able to play a huge advantage before skt came back to his senses, causing everyone to have a wrong estimate of ig's overall strength. .

Now back to reality, everyone suddenly found a

Except for the top lane, and a jungler who seems to be slightly ahead. ig other lanes are actually a disadvantage for a while.

Even the jungler was behind because of Jess's good performance in the top lane.

The rhythm was behind before, but now skt relies on single-line personal strength to fight back this lag, and even 5.0 shows signs of catching up a little?

"You have to adjust your state and mentality, or that sentence, you really can't underestimate anyone, especially skt.

"Right now, we are looking at the top lane. In the ig lineup, we want Jayce to gain an advantage in the early stage and drive the rhythm. Then let's look at the top lane. Top lane. Cough!"

The voice did not fall.

I did not know when, Jace, who was on the road, suddenly appeared in the river near the middle road,

When did he come?

Everyone was stunned, and then looked at the situation on the middle route at the moment.

After Faker's enchantress killed Syndra alone, she didn't go home.

This wave, Jace has an idea?

"Say Cao Cao Cao Cao is here, Jess, cherish! This wave of cherish is coming! Are you going to kill Brother Li?! Is there a chance?!"

In an instant, the depressed doll's heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

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