Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 306: Shocking the audience, Bai Qiu is a fairy (1/5 for subscription!)

"Jess! Jess is here. rookietp is online. Faker hasn't gone home yet, this wave of enchantress, remnant blood, hasn't come home!"

in the game.

ig and skt have a bit of a real fire in the rhythm in the early stage.

Bai Qiu just showed off on the top lane, and both the skt mid lane and the bottom lane returned.

That's fine. Even in the jungle, King Ning never found a better opportunity, and was still wandering in the lower half of the jungle.

The rookie in the middle was killed by the demon girl once, and the team apologized at the same time, and the tp went online after the resurrection.

At this time, Bai Qiu's Jayce was gradually approaching the middle lane.

In this wave, he started to approach the middle road after the solo kill, so it was very abrupt and fast.

After Brother Li killed Syndra by himself, only about two-fifths of his state was left, but according to his character and skills, it was naturally impossible to go home.

Originally, the demon girl had a good chance of being caught and killed.


When everyone saw the state of Jace at the moment, Miller was a little stunned: "This. cherish, Jace didn't go home after the solo kill just now. Bo-Jace still has 26 blood!"

Jess with residual blood is even a little worse than the enchantress. Although he is already on drugs, how can he kill him?

"Then there's no chance... The doll wondered, "What does cherish mean by coming here?"

What's the meaning?

Of course to kill.

After Bai Bai Qiu communicated with rookie in the team, although the latter was very frightened, he still followed what he said, pretending to be nothing, and continued to line up with Brother Li in the past.

While facing the line, I couldn't help but ask: "Is it really okay? This wave, if it doesn't feel good, we have to give it a chance."

"Are you sure the opposite side has no eyes?" Bai Qiu confirmed again.

"This, I remember that the eyeless broiler was a little flustered when he asked him, but he was very confident in his memory. He was sure that Brother Li definitely didn't pay attention here, so he added: "Sure!"

Bai Qiu nodded. At this time, the rookie on the field had already met Brother Li. Lao Song's acting skills were still very good, and Brother Li didn't back down despite his blood.

And the location is very close to the grass in the upper half of the river where Jace is.

"Send, rookie's acting skills are good, Jess didn't leave, this wave, I should really want to make a move!" Seeing this, everyone's emotions were immediately lifted.

Miller stared, and his mouth suddenly became dry, "Look at the enchanting girl, Jace comes out - there is a chance to kill!"

"Woolen cloth!"

Before he finished speaking, he saw that Jess, who had the opportunity to kill the enchantress, suddenly did not move forward as everyone imagined, but suddenly stopped for a while when he was about to approach the grass in the middle.

This pause, at first everyone thought he was going to turn or detour, but two seconds later, when they saw that Jace still didn't move, he stood still.

There are no eyes here, what does this mean?


Everyone was puzzled, but they saw that at an unknown time, on the upper side of the red side, separated by a wall and below the f6 pit, the newly resurrected Xiao Hei walked to the middle road, impartially, and directly pointed one eye to the inside of the river grass below the side. past.


The surrounding vision was lit up, and the range came to Bai Qiu's feet, Kankan stopped,

The location is not much, not much, just right, not seen by Xiao Hei's vision!



For a moment, the commentators in the competition areas around the world were stunned.

The doll said with a bewildered face: "No. What's the situation?! The prince is here, and this wave of princes is here, so... why don't you see Jess in the field of vision?!"

"I don't think I didn't see it, but cherish avoided it?" Miller's tone was already a bit of a ghostly horror.

The two looked at pdd together, and it was obvious that there was a brief confusion in the brain at this moment.

pdd swallowed his saliva: "Well, this, damn it, it shouldn't be.

The louder he said, the more he thought about it, the more he felt in his heart: "What the hell, this Bogers stopped two seconds early, is it really such a coincidence? Ig doesn't have skt field vision here, how did he do it? Do you know that the prince will come to plug his eyes?"

"Still in this position, not bad?"

"No, it should be luck, otherwise it's really outrageous!"

Whether it's luck or not, everyone will soon know.

"The prince is here, ig won't have a chance to catch this wave!" Miller frowned: "Although blank has targeted the road several times at the beginning, the country is easy to change, and his nature is hard to change. In the end, he still has to come to Baozhong!"

"Jess is about to retreat. This position is too dangerous. If you take a step forward, you will be seen by skt's field of vision. The prince is on top of him. If you don't show up, you can't even run!"

in the game.

The sudden arrival of the prince made the situation of Ig Nakano, who had the opportunity to oppose the first army, a little embarrassing.

Through Jayce's vision, rookie already knew that the opposing jungler was approaching.

"I'm going, I'm almost there, bro, let's go, there's no chance for this wave." Rookie said with his eyelids jumping.

Bai Qiu didn't answer, but Jace, who was still, didn't leave. Instead, he circled to the side and down, perfectly avoiding the view placed by the prince, and got into the grass.

In the case of knowing the position of the opposite eye, it is not too simple to avoid the field of vision.

This time, he also dared to guarantee in his heart that he would never be seen on the other side.

What do you mean?! Continue to do it?!"

Outside, seeing that Jace not only did not leave, but instead walked around the field of vision and crouched in the grass, everyone's brain circuits couldn't keep up.

Doll Miller's several lpl explanations made his face pale with anxiety.

"cherish133, what do you mean by this wave, the prince is right next to you, this wave can't be done, you may have to send a double kill when you go out!" Miller said in a hurried tone: "iq knows that the prince is here, this wave can't be rushed, this kind of Don't be in a hurry"

He was anxious and nervous here, but found that the doll next to him had not spoken.

This is a real disease, shouldn't he be more anxious than himself?

While wondering, the doll's uncertain voice suddenly sounded: "I'm still thinking about the wave just now, if, I mean, if Jace didn't happen to avoid the prince's vision just now, then. Now that cherish knows that the prince is here, he still dares to come over. Squatting, does this mean...

Before he finished speaking, the prince, who had put his eye position on the field, crouched for less than two seconds as if he was walking, then turned his head and collapsed into the upper half of the jungle.

It just went away.


The baby's tone broke in an instant, trembling because of the overly excited and terrifying tone: "Does this mean--cherish, I guessed that the other side won't squat in the middle, the prince--go!!"

"The prince has left this wave! The pre-plan is successful again! Cheirsh, the wave just now was not lucky, and neither is this wave! From beginning to end, cherish used his consciousness to show off!"

"My mother, I'm stupid, what the hell is this?!

"Is it a fairy?! As soon as Xiao Hei leaves, this wave of faker will be gone!"

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