Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 309: God meets God, cherish is respected (4/5 please subscribe!)

"Not dead! Soldier line!! Soldier line is just coming! Jess hammer form q skill! Hammer is gone, out of the hatred of the defense tower, it has not been replaced!!"


"God, I have witnessed the duel between god and god, cherish, this wave is a single kill! Syndra hardly encountered the enchantress in the whole process, and it was this bloody Jess who was always showing, under the opponent's defense tower. , Canxuexiu is dead faker! cheirsh, become a god!!"


On the field, watching Jess's hammer-shaped Q skill that could no longer be the limit, he succeeded in escaping to the limit, and the audience suddenly burst into the most terrifying cheers since the start of the game.

The commentators of the world's major competition areas are also crazy at this moment, all kinds of screams and shouts are emerging, the atmosphere is bursting, and all the audiences of ipl are already crazy!

Solo kill!!

Silk blood show dead faker! It's still under the opposite defensive tower!

The shock that Bogers gave to the global audience was too great, just like what the European commentator said when he was excited.

"You can't imagine something so incredible and shocking happening on the final stage of the World Championship."

What's the state of Jess this wave?

Since the double kill on the road, he has never returned home!

Remnant blood, great remnant!

In this state, he couldn't even hold the opposing defensive tower! Even if a laser shot down, Bai Qiu would die without a place to die.

This so-called shocking show will also evolve into a "blind operation" and become a stain on the career of cherish, the id's entire life.

Don't underestimate the importance of the life and death of the global finals. If Jayce really fails in this wave, the consequences are really no less than the reverse "-q" of a genius mid laner in the Ipl division.

Perhaps this is one of the reasons why everyone admires Bai Qiu, and even goes crazy.

Just imagine, if they were Bai Qiu, in such an environment, would they dare to do such an operation?


Dare ass!

Error tolerance is too low!

No, I can't say it's low, because there is no chance at all, this wave is completely dependent on Jess's powerful personal strength, there is no chance, and he has given a chance with his own manipulation!

Move face to face to avoid e, predict qe, and finally leave the limit of the hammer formation line.


Is the lineup really that coincidental?

Just at the most critical moment, when Jace was about to be replaced by a turret?

The commentary of the major competition areas around the world has been unthinkable.

Once by chance, twice by luck, what about three or four times?

When this kind of "good luck" becomes more and more, even every time it appears, any explanation and self-comfort, as well as lies, are pale and powerless.

Cheirsh, his strength is like this, he is a monster who manipulates the gods!


In the Ipl commentary, Miller shouted out these two words in a shaky tone under his emotions, giving the only evaluation in his heart at the moment.

The other two partners were silent, but in their hearts, there was an inexplicable sense of agreement with this evaluation.

"What, brother, this wave really makes me look stupid. I can't think of any other words to describe cherish except monsters."

After a long time, the doll let out a long breath, pointed at the big screen and said excitedly: "He was in a state of great disability, alone, forcibly entered the tower, and forcibly caught the faker alone."

"First, you hide your face, and then predict the ge. How many details are there in this wave? Consciousness, operation, and even courage are all full!!"



"Qiu Dad!!

"Father Qiu killed me! Father Qiu is handsome!"

"I've never seen such an outrageous contestant. I really got wet on the spot. Damn, my mother is a woman!"



The screams off the field came one after another, and at the moment when Jace caught the enchantress to death, the original balance of power on the field had been reversed by ig again.

This time, they rely on this Jace on the road.

He was on the road first, using his terrifying personal strength to make his scalp tingling, to gain a certain advantage, and then he was alone, and unexpectedly came to the middle road and forcibly captured the enchantress to death.

Help ig bloom both ways.

Strong? Too strong!

But just when everyone thought this was already the limit of Bai Qiu, this Jayce on the field.

The next moment, Bai Qiu told everyone with practical actions--

There is no strongest, only stronger!

The hero Jess, the player cherish, was born to push the limits.

…… ask for flowers…… 0

Logic is not logic, limit is not limit, everything is possible!

I saw that after Jace's Hammers successfully escaped, there was no pause, and there was still a lot of noise outside the arena. Because of Jace's first two waves of operations, he couldn't extricate himself. In the next second, a tp beam of light lit up on Bai Qiu's body--

That's right, he TP!!

When everyone outside the venue saw this scene, all kinds of cheers and screams stopped abruptly as if they were being strangled by the neck.

Weird scene, even a little funny.

The dead silence was less than one tenth of a second, and the baby's broken voice sounded first: "tp!! Jess: cherish!! What the hell?! Jess, why is this wave tp? Not going home?!"

"The position of tp is in the bot lane, the bot lane is fighting, King Ning came over to catch it, and Jess's residual blood tp.

Miller quickly glanced at the movements of the bottom road, and after this scan, goosebumps instantly arose.

But see what's on the field at the moment.

Just after the mid-lane game ended, King Ning, who had been hiding in the bottom lane, finally seized an opportunity.

This opportunity can be said to be hard-won, King Ning has been wandering in the bot lane for so long, and finally he didn't waste his time.

The blind man came around from the grass and blocked behind the skt bot duo, while the ig was being held down by the bot duo went crazy and went to hammer Mouse and Tam.

Sapphire Blue Thresh caught Tahm directly with his Q skill, the mouse moved and twisted the blind man's Q, and Ning Wang touched his face and came over to stick to the opponent.

After the activation, the assistant Tam was the first to come to the residual blood, and the mouse was not much better.

However, at a critical juncture, the skt bot duo reacted very quickly. Bang and wolf treated the weakness and made full friends. When the two were severely disabled, the mouse directly twisted the eq's qw, and then relied on the position to madly retreat.

Tam directly handed over his flash and distanced himself from the three of Ig.

The two of them drove back to the bottom of the defense tower.

That is, at this time, not far from the side, on ig's eye position, a tp beam of light suddenly lit up.

"f*ck, is this guy crazy, he wants to go up, down, down in less than two minutes - kill them all?!"

Seeing this tp beam of light, bang and wolf, as well as the commentators and audiences of the world's major competition areas, my scalp is numb. and.

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