Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 310: Alone, kill three ways, crazy five kills (5/5 for subscription!)


On the field, Jess's sudden tp in the middle shocked everyone.

The crippled Jess, who had just experienced a wave of extreme sky shows in the middle, did not choose to go home to make up for his condition and recuperate, but instead chose to continue fighting.

And the goal of this expedition - is the bottom road!

"The tp is in the bot lane, and Jace's tp is the bot lane. At this moment, Miller feels that his breathing is a little suffocated, and his eyes are fixed on the big screen. There, Jace, who is lit up with light on his body, is alive and well. Take off like a god of war.

But this God of War, the current state is not optimistic.

"No, this wave of Jess is so bad, can you kill this wave of TP?" The baby's face was excited for a while and then fiasco, perfectly interpreting the mystery of the four characters of Sichuan Opera's face-changing.

"Won't you send it directly?" pdd is much more direct, because his mind is still stuck on the operation of Boger's "One Three Three". .

This sentence is said now, no matter whether Jess will die in the future, pdd will be blasted by the crazy cherish fans in the outside world these days.

But this is also the current truth!

If this Bogers returns home and is full of blood, then TP goes to the bottom lane, cooperates with Ning Wang and his own bottom lane duo, maybe he can complete a perfect wave of four packs and two, and he will not fail.

But now, Jess, who has just gone through two big battles, has reached the extreme in terms of blood line and mana. In this state, isn't he courting death in the past?

"There is a chance to fight back! Jess TP comes down and kills the other side first, this person is in poor condition!"

Huni on the top lane yelled, and the skt bot lane duo also had a tacit understanding and took the initiative to approach Jess tp.

In fact, the position of Jace's tp is just above the side of their retreating road. Whether they lean in or not, they are all within the range of Jace's containment.

"Brother, I used the treatment just now!" Seeing this, Xiaoxi panicked and hurriedly prepared the pot.

Just now, ez's treatment was gone, and when Jess was in this state, he might be instantly dropped by the opponent, so he couldn't blame him for not giving him treatment.

Bai Qiu didn't answer, and the other three ig teammates could only subconsciously continue to chase the skt bot duo.

3.2.1! Dropped! Jace Dropped!!"

Outside the court, Miller counted down nervously, but as soon as the voice fell, the tone of voice suddenly rose, and the voice broke, and the whole person was stunned--

"Fuck!! What's going on!! Rats! Where's the rat people?! What did I see?!"


On the field, when he saw Jess tp landing, he didn't wait for the mouse and Tam to attack him. Bai Qiu's hands were fast, without the slightest stagnation. Almost as soon as he appeared, the enhanced version of the ge cannon was bombarded. out!

With a bang.

Unprepared, the mouse didn't even have time to react, and was directly hit by Jess' qe cannon.

That's fine. What makes bang's scalp numb the most, and his brain is blank, is,

The mouse that was originally left with blood was actually cleared by Jace's cannon in an instant, directly.

fell to the ground!

*igcherish killed sktbang!"



Dead! The mouse was directly killed!!

In an instant, Jess's terrifying damage exploded, like a thunderstorm on a sunny day, like a blow to the head, and it exploded directly over the entire bird's nest!

The commentators in various competition areas around the world were stunned for a second, and then went crazy in an instant!

"Dead! Rat, omg. Rat was instantly smashed! A qe from Jace gave him a second! Such a fast hand speed, such a fast reaction speed! cherish! Kill one more person!!"

"Tam Tam can't run either, Jess came out, skt has no output now, Tam is like a fish on the board, he can only be slaughtered! Wolf, this is a poor man, it's not that his strength is not strong, He just met chersih at his peak, the god of top orders!"

When the words fell, as soon as the mouse died on the field, the skt escaped bot duo lost their main output, and it was impossible to complete the strangulation of Jess by relying on a residual blood assistant Tam.

"What's the matter with the Westerners... how did you die?"

Wolf's heart rushed straight to his forehead, and he almost vomited blood.

Bang is still in a state of extreme confusion. After hearing the sound, he opened his mouth a few times, but he couldn't say a word.

"How, how is it possible, how can his damage be so skilled, how can he be so fast..."

"Don't hurry, my f*ck is gone!"

The next moment, the wolf screamed, and the wind waited for Tam's Jess aa twice, a hammer-shaped q skill hammered past, and directly killed!

"igcherish killed skwolf!"



Double play! Dominate the game!!


In an instant, the entire bird's nest scene was like a cracked oil pan, the hot air waves were surging, and the terrifying momentum reached its peak at this moment!!

"Dead!! Tama is also dead! Doublekill! Cheirsh, this wave got a doublekill!"

"No, it's not doublekiu, considering the previous operations in the top lane and mid lane, this wave is a five-kill wave!! It's a fake five-kill!"

"Cherish, he was alone, this wave actually went from top to middle, then middle to bottom, and completed a wave of false five kills in two minutes! Get five heads and dominate the game! Dominate everything! !"

"...My God, what did I see? Is this a man? Is this still a man? God, please tell me this is all hallucinations, it's crazy, crazy crazy!!"

The prompt sounds sounded one after another, and this wave of Jess did not get a double kill, but a real pseudo-five kill!

The reason why it is called pseudo five kills is because the interval between killings is too long before, and there is no special effect sound for continuous killing in the system. . . . .

But these are not important. The operation of Jess alone in less than a few minutes, from top to bottom, one person chopped three lines in the early stage, one person defeated one by one, and killed five skt players, is enough to make the id of cherish completely God!

Even if ig loses this game, even if ig is succeeded by skt today, cherish, it will not have any effect!

This is skt. This is skt!

Don’t worry about it in the late stage. In the early stage, in the early stage of the big stage, one person kills three ways and takes five kills.

This, is this human?

Is this something that humans can do?

This is God!

Don't worry, soon, cherish will really become a god.

At this moment, everyone who saw this scene suddenly had this terrifying and strange thought in their hearts.

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