Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 311: Rewrite history, write legend (1/5 for subscription!)

"cherish, is this a god?

On the European commentary stand, the famous international host Yanma blushed and danced with excitement: "This is just too scary... cherish, he, he's not like a person, call, I mean, Cherish is too strong, this He is a player who is underestimated by everyone in the world, I have never seen such a strong individual!"

Although she is a girl, at this moment, the excitement and excitement in her voice are no less than those of the male commentators.

"The .ig team will achieve an unimaginable feat because of cherish." A commentator next to him was silent for a while, wearing his shoulders and said: "Of course, I mean that maybe the game is in the early stage after all, but the momentum of .ig has already Couldn't resist it."

"This Jess is really a level stronger. On this stage, he seems to be one level higher than everyone else, like an invincible god of war, ig's god of war, and Ipl's god of war!"

The god of war of ig, the god of war of Ipl.

At the moment when Jess relied on his personal ability to kill three-way in the early stage, the id of cherish has really won a supreme honor, and he can be regarded as the first person to win the championship 26.

ig's god of war, ig has achieved a series of brilliant achievements that were previously unimaginable because of the new top laner cherish introduced this year.

Ipl's God of War, in the Ipl division - the second seed all died suddenly, when looking around without relatives, it was ig who stood up, and it was cherish who stood up!

An "old player" who just played the game this year, burst out with a powerful strength that makes everyone crazy!

Unique personal strength!

After this wave, how can this Jace stop?

in the game.

After finishing the bot lane, Bai Qiu finally chose to go home. After returning to the spring, he replenished his state. The huge sum of money on his body was directly replaced by a pair of armor piercings and a pair of shoes.

When Jess is online again, this equipment and state have completely crushed the opposite hunio

Really overwhelmed.

How long until the game starts?

Up to now, Shen still only wears a simple outfit for going out, plus a small cloth armor.

Looking at Jess again, this is already a complete economic dimensionality reduction blow.

Not to mention that Jace's current rank is overpowering Shen, whether in terms of experience, economics, or other aspects, the current Shen has completely lost the capital to compete with Jace.

Less than five minutes into the game, the top road collapsed first.


Not only the physical collapse, but also psychologically Huni couldn't stand it anymore.

Jess, who was back on the line with eyes wide open, huni had two big heads, and asked his soul: "No, don't you do it well, why did the opposite suddenly change from two heads to five heads?"

"How else can I play? Come and play against him!"

The rest of the skt heard the sound, but did not speak, and the atmosphere in the team was a little depressed.

Because this wave is indeed their pot.

Originally leading by two heads in the top lane, Jess was at best a little fat, but with Huni's basic skills, he could barely maintain the line.

But.. within a few minutes of f*ck, Jace went out for a walk, and it went from two heads to five heads, and a pheasant to a phoenix..

To be honest, no one can stand it for anyone!

"Don't panic, we still have a chance, it's only in the early stage." In the end, it was skt's eternal Dinghai Shenzhen, Brother Li said: "Jesse is very fat, but the top lane is a side lane, and now it's the early stage, our lineup is exerting its strength. The period has not yet come, and there is a complete chance to stabilize.

"Xianghe, we, we won't lose, right?" The bot bang who had been silent for a while suddenly asked.

Brother Li was silent for a moment, then affirmed in his tone: "No one can beat us.

Everyone was at peace.

Faker added: "Unless it's us."

The skt team is definitely the most terrifying team in the history of lol. Apart from their terrifying dominance at their peak, what is even more terrifying is that they always have such a team spirit in their team.

Outsiders call him "God".


This is the god of lol that is recognized by hundreds of millions of players around the world and countless professional players.

As long as he is there, skt seems to be full of hope in a difficult situation.

Is now the hardest time?

Not yet, because this is just the beginning!

They can make a comeback under the ten thousand economy, not to mention the current situation?

When Brother Li said that skt would not lose, it was as if he had given everyone the greatest strength. Originally, because of Bai Qiu's three-pronged start, the skt that was a little broken in his heart actually stabilized.

This stability lasts for more than ten minutes!

Until fifteen minutes into the game time, the situation on the field was still in a "peaceful" state.

ig's economic advantage was slightly expanded before, but it was all due to the defense towers on the road, the snowballs didn't roll much, and the economy was also bitten by skt after 2,500.

Yes, during this period of time, skt launched a textbook-level resource-changing game with ig through various tactical operation routines such as lane change, line operation, vision battle, and information contrast.

This style of play directly led to ig's three teammates whose basic skills were not better than skt's, except for the middle and top, began to lag behind in rhythm, and had to force Bai Qiu's Jayce to make up for the shortcomings of his teammates.

Shen, who was on the road, was not destroyed. He successfully developed after changing lanes. After he was upgraded to level six, he completed his mission.

Brother Li's operation in the middle is still sharp. At dusk, the faker in the sunset is showing his final glory to the fullest.

skt's bot lane duo didn't make any mistakes either. After such a delay, another few minutes passed.

When the game time came to the early 18th minute, this economic gap was still not widened.

It was also this scene that everyone at the scene felt an inexplicable depression in their hearts.

"I still haven't opened the economy. Eighteen minutes later, Dalong is about to refresh at 133." Miller stared at the big screen, his voice was already trembling indescribably, these more than ten minutes, "peace" on the field , Off the field, the nerves of the global audience and the commentary are tense every minute.

The emotions are too excited and too nervous to control.

Up to now, in just ten minutes, Miller actually had a feeling of "exhaustion".

This kind of tiredness is even more uncomfortable when I see that the ig economy has been bitten by skt all the time.

"Two thousand and five, at this point in time, it's almost equivalent to no economic gap... Doll frowned: "skt. This team's understanding of changing resources and operations is really... a bit scary.

"We looked for several opportunities during this time, all of which were resolved by skt, to be honest." pdd couldn't help but said: "I feel that this situation seems familiar.

Hearing the sound, everyone was stunned.

Deja Vu?

Think about it, it's not.

In skt's comeback game, basically every game is this kind of process and trend. From this point of view, what pdd said is deja vu, and it's true.


This thought flashed through the hearts of everyone, only to see the crowd gathered on the battlefield around the big dragon pit, and among the ig crowd who had been pulling with skt, Bai Qiu's Jace suddenly came out without warning.

And hand in hand, it's earth-shattering--

Rewrite history and write legends, starting from this moment!,

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