Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 312: ig, a newly emerging legendary dynasty (2/5 for subscription!)

After the game, someone once commented: "Perhaps from this moment on, the wheel of history has changed, and the legend will be rewritten."

The game time was in the early 18th minute. This was a time node that made everyone nervous to the point of collapse and even madness.

The situation of the game is unprecedentedly anxious, and the economic gap of 2,500 in the mid-term between the two sides is almost equal to nothing at this point in time.

Balance of power situation, great balance of power situation!

In terms of ig, only Jess in the top lane has an obvious lead, and rookie in the middle lane also has a small lead, but it is not obvious by relying on the economy of brushing the jungle and filling the knife.

At this point in time, everyone's nerves and emotions will inevitably be a little restless.

Everyone knows that this kind of balance of power will probably take less than two minutes after two minutes. At that time, one side will definitely be eliminated.

big dragon!

The ownership of this big dragon, which will be refreshed in twenty minutes, will determine the winner of today, the winner of this year, and the winner of this year.

Who will stand on top of the highest world and accomplish the greatest feat in 7 years!

The atmosphere is lively and soothing.

Breathing is already a little difficult, and the eyes of hundreds of millions of viewers around the world are staring at the location of the big dragon pit.

At this moment, in the Great Dragon Pit, the five ig and the five skt have gathered together for a long time, and the battle for vision has been launched here for a period of time--

Both sides wanted to set up their visions before the dragon refreshed, so as to seize the opportunity.

ig-fang is as imposing as a tiger, his offensive is as fierce as a sword's edge and a knife feather, skt is as stable as Mount Tai, and the Buddha does not move.

One side is attacking and the other side is defending.

But in the final analysis, ig's side still has a slight lead, and unconsciously, the state of skt people has become worse.

It was at this time that Jace of Bai Qiu moved!

This move can be called a historic scene, and it is also the beginning of a legend that was later recognized by everyone as a classic of killing gods.

The Jess Cannon in the form of qe-issued enhanced version of the cannon blasted out accurately, and the terrifying damage exploded. Among the five skt crowds, it bombarded the bang's mouse with precision in an instant.

With a loud bang, the mouse, which was originally incomparably healthy, actually lost half of it at this moment, as if it was swallowed by a black hole!

Half a shot!

Jace was a shocking injury that shocked everyone in an instant.

When the crowd reacted, Bai Qiu already had a hammer-shaped q skill and hammered into the crowd!

Bang's state dropped again, and he was almost scared to death--if he was killed in this wave, then the big dragon in this wave of skt might be lost.

The World Finals, which can be called the battle of the century, is a life-and-death game. skt will also lose.

Can't lose!

At this moment, the bang's reaction speed was also not slow. Perhaps under the stimulation of Bai Qiu, he also burst out with his strength at his peak.


Healing and flashing are used together, df two consecutive, the mouse is instantly and ferocious, like the killing god Jess, distanced himself, and at the same time healed his own state.

Bai Qiu missed this good opportunity, and the others in skt, whose nerves were extremely tense, had already reacted.

One after another, the voices were broken, shouting confused words, and the fire-focused Jess was already crazy.

In just one face-to-face, Jace's state also lost half of it.

The rest of iq came to support, and ten people in the audience directly opened the decisive battle to decide the final world championship!

"It's on! Go! Jess, what a lot of damage!! cherish. Whoops!! What's the speed of reaction? Bang! Bang, this wave has reacted! Get away!"

"The two sides are fighting together, and the decisive battle is coming! This is the final decisive battle!!"

The shouts of commentators from various competition areas around the world spread throughout the Bird's Nest venue, and everyone's nerves and attention reached their peak with the opening of the ten-person melee on the field!

It is indeed necessary to face this decisive battle with the most peak attitude.

Because of the ten people on the field, this moment is really a show of people and ghosts.

Rookie's Syndra poured a big move on the enchantress, instantly suppressing Li Ge's state by half, and then qe combo moves in seconds, the target is the five skt people!

The furthest bang twisted his waist sideways, the wolf on the top side also twisted away, Li Ge Yaoji directly avoided the skills, only Huni's Shen was stunned by skt.

Xiao Hei's prince has already gone straight to the ig crowd with a qe.

Bai responded to Qiu the fastest, and Jess used the speed of his ultimate move to avoid the prince qe in a circle.

But after it fell, Sapphire Blue's Thresh made a prediction in the air, and accurately gave Wolf's Tam every time he arrived, ig everyone focused on fire, and Tam's state declined.

People and ghosts are showing off, and no one is being beaten at all!

Sometimes things like being present are really contagious.

With stronger people, you will become stronger and stronger, and against stronger people, your strength will also increase unconsciously.

The ig in the s7 period may not be as good as skt, but it is undeniable that each of them is a potential stock, and their upper limit is far beyond everyone's imagination!

Dazzling, under the dance of gods, ig is going to win!

In this lineup of skt, the enchantress and the mouse are undoubtedly the core of the core.

In this game, skt chose also the most stable, most confident, and hottest lineup in their history--

Completely middle and lower dual-core, operating a large lineup in the middle and late stages.

But the core of this lineup, Yaoji and Mouse, were targeted by ig at the very first moment of the war, Jess was targeting Mouse, and Syndra was targeting Yaoji, crippling the state of both of them.

The frontal battlefield double C is disabled, how can skt play?

After some melee, although Brother Li and Bang tried their best to output, they were full of wine, they were textbooks, and they didn't take much damage from ig, but the other three teammates couldn't stand it anymore.

The state all dropped, (well) in the voice of the skt team, this moment is already crazy.

"Withdraw, withdraw!!"

The bottom road wolf screamed, his brain went blank, his palms began to tremble violently, and Tam had already started to retreat frantically.

Everyone else was shouting, even Brother Li was a little lost at this moment. If someone touches his palm at this moment, he will find that,

A piece of ice!

"Defeat!! skt!! skt rout! This wave of ig wins!!"

Outside the stadium, the commentators in the major competition areas around the world were already crazy when they saw the rout of skt.

It's really all crazy.

skt, under the 5v5 frontal team battle of five people, was defeated by ig.

Dalong is going to lose, and this game is going to be lost.

One loss in this game, skt's unbeaten dynasty that lasted for two years, the historical triple crown dynasty that can be called a feat has collapsed!

ig, a newly emerging legendary dynasty, has risen again!!

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