Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 313 : Earthshaking, ghosts and gods are shocked (3/5 please subscribe!)

Tig's going to win! skt. rout!! They're rout!"

omg. is so beautiful, in this wave of teamfights, ig and skt., the two strongest teams in the world, played at the top level in the world!!"


The scene was once in a very chaotic situation. Every commentator in the competition areas around the world was screaming and screaming, excited voices, passionate music, and hundreds of thousands of spectators off the field, and the hundreds of thousands of people watching the game. ..

Time seemed to slow down at this moment.

Brother Li moved!

Just as he has created miracles and history countless times, the id of faker seems to have been born to climb to the top and exist to be invincible!

The demon girl, who was already bloody, was chasing after the IG crowd and the other skt teammates were defeated. While pretending to retreat, she suddenly seized a wave of opportunities. The demon girl rushed forward with a w. Combo burst.

In an instant, it was all given to Konishi's ez.

Before there was any reaction, Xiaoxi's blood line was engulfed in an instant, coming directly to Big Money!

At the same time, the demon girl chain rang out and rushed to the front, and Thresh, who had the ability to keep people, was directly charged in place.


The demon girl's figure was like a ghost, she returned to her original position in an instant, and followed her teammate 133 away without looking back.

In such a short time, the others in skt have also briefly distanced themselves from the ig crowd.


This wave of skt actually ran away?!

"What's the situation?! Faker.skt is gone?! This wave of demons stopped everyone in ig in the past! This wave of skt actually managed to escape?!"

Seeing this scene in front of him, Miller's whole person's emotions have completely collapsed, and he said with an unacceptable face: "No, why, why!!"

"Why should skt go, why should this wave!! It shouldn't, it shouldn't!!"

"Don't get excited, brother, don't get excited first. Baby." Usually, he was much more emotional than Miller, but seeing this old partner's appearance at this moment, he felt that the other party would have a heart attack if he made trouble.

Tears are coming down soon, this Po Miller is really about to cry!!

Not only Miller, but at this moment, all the commentators in the world's competition areas, and the hundreds of millions of viewers around the world, have already exploded with emotions, the kind that can't be stopped!!

What about the final battle? What about the cup?

Why is skt still not dead or defeated?

- The mood and atmosphere of the whole repressed (cgfa) went into full swing at this moment. Although the game was still going on, everyone off the field, even the official staff, could no longer control it!

They're going to win, they're going to hold the cup, they're going to do the biggest feat in seven years!!


"Chase! You can continue to chase!! ig, ig has chased it! This wave can be chased!!"

The doll roared at the throat, the veins in the neck burst out, and the brain had already shouted some hypoxia and dizziness.

On the field, everyone at ig was equally crazy.

The eyes are so hard that everything is within reach, and there is no time to think about it. Everyone has only one thought in their hearts at this moment--

Don't miss skt, don't miss the biggest opportunity in this wave of seven years!!

Chase, keep chasing!!

The five ig chased towards skt like crazy.

The two sides rushed into the upper half of skt's wild area one after the other.

The distance is not far, but in the team battle just now, skt lost three flashes, and ig has also lost the flashes, and the skill CDs are all on cooldown. Chase.

- After chasing and fleeing, under the intense gaze of the global audience, the skt people with residual blood are finally about to leave the wild area and rush into the second tower.

"Ahhh!! I can't catch up, the cd is not good, it doesn't flash. Ahhh!!"

The doll couldn't hold back at this moment, and started to cry in pain while holding his head.


At this time, I saw that the five skt people who were about to retreat safely on the field had been retreating all the time, and they all moved in unison!!

Their counterattack came so suddenly and so quickly.

The global audience was caught off guard, and everyone who hit ig was stunned!

Hope in desperate discovery, and create life in mortal death!

skt, the division of the dynasty, just got out of the desperate situation, and instantly counterattacked!

The bot's big move cd finally turned good, swallowed the prince next to him, and then saw a deadly whirlpool not far behind the ig crowd chasing the five skt people.

Tam's ultimate move, teleported here!!

"Fuck!! Run!!

Seeing this, everyone at ig felt a humming in their brains, goose bumps all over their body instantly, and rookie roared with the highest voice in his life.

But it was all too late.

Sometimes the victory or defeat of the game is often produced in such an instant.

The ig crowd didn't flash, and the position went deep into the upper half of skt's wild area. There were walls on the left and right sides, and there was no way to go back!

Tam and the prince drilled out from behind them, without Tam's action, the prince of Xiao Hei broke out at this moment, the last highlight of his career.

The prince starts, the speed of light eq!!

ka ka ka

The ig people who were forced back and forth had no room to hide at all. Except for Bai Qiu and rookie who played on the spot and twisted the prince eq sideways, the other three igs were all hit!

People danced in the air, and Shen Shen, who had been pinching the flashing huni, fell to the ground.

Directly connect to the flash!

This time, even Bai Qiu and rookie were not spared, and the five ig people were directly mocked!

The enchantress turned back to make up the output.

The mouse in the distance has already started the ultimate move, and the range has reached the limit, shaking his head frantically.

La la la.

Almost in an instant, Xiaoxi, who was in the most crippled state among the IG five, was set on fire and evaporated into the world.

Killed on the spot.


"Dead!! ez was smashed! skt fought back?!"

There was a scream from someone off the field, and at the next moment, King Ning, who was also in poor condition, also fell to the ground.

"sktfaker killed igning!"

Ning Wang is also dead!!

In an instant, ig killed two people!


"Ah ah! skt!! skt!! Han G explained that he was crazy for a moment, and the heart-breaking second second was still there, but it was no longer mourning, but screamed like crazy: "Faker! skt!! skt is impossible to fail, skt is never defeated!

"We won! We won this game! ig lost, this wave of two people was beaten, and the dragon was about to be lost!"

"No! Not two people, everyone else will die!!"

There was a sensation on and off the field, but at this moment,

Bai Qiu's Jace finally moved.

This movement is shocking, and all the ghosts and gods are shocked!

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