Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 314: Global Explosion, Ascension to Immortals (4/5 for subscription!)

On the field, with the death of the two of Ig, the situation has completely entered a desperate situation.

It's good that the ad is dead. After all, Xiaoxi has always been a "tower-resistant ad" and "stealth-type ad" in the ig team.

But.. the blind man is dead too!

King Ning's death, for ig, is no less than a sharp sword piercing his heart, piercing his heart and tearing his lungs to pieces!

The jungle is gone!

The jungler is dead!!

Can the dragon still fight?

ig and skt are now in a balanced situation, jungler and ad are killed in battle, ig three-five-five, no output, no jungler!!

The dragon is about to be lost!

At this moment, everyone's brains seem to be in a state of collective hypoxia, and everyone can't even feel their own breathing. Some are just indescribable despair and helplessness.

Also, the tears are about to fall, I am going to cry!

"Get out!!"

rookie shouted out this sentence, the death of the jungler and the ad is not the end, the worst of this wave is more than that, because although the other three of .iq have recovered their freedom, their state has become very bad. Bad, and the location is extremely bad.

Rookie's Syndra is the third target to be set on fire. From hope to desperation, his brain has long been blank. After shouting, he can only rely on his body's subconscious reaction to operate.

Perhaps it was really an outbreak in a desperate situation, or perhaps his personal strength was indeed the second strongest in the ig team. In this case, Syndra's qe turned for the better, and when he was about to be killed, he clicked - unexpectedly. Sweep the skt four people!

The only Shen who was not under control was at the side and rear of the crowd, the farthest away!

"Go go go!!

In an instant, everyone shouted like crazy, and the auxiliary Thresh, who was standing with Syndra, was already rushing towards the top of the jungle exit.

The front is the junction of skt's middle road and the second tower. It does not seem to be the best escape route, but for the defeated ig crowd, it is very critical.

The five skt people are all at the bottom of the flank now, two of ig have died, the jungler is gone, and the big dragon is about to refresh, as long as they are not fools, they will not entangle the two residual blood of ig, and they will not be able to make waves. auxiliary.

Two evils, whichever is lesser!

Under the rout, if they can die one less, they will die one less, at least they still have a chance!

With this kind of thought in mind, after Syndra and Thresh escaped, skt really did not chase after them, but just swept the two, and the five of them went straight to the big dragon pit!

No, no, it's not Dalongkeng. On the way to Dalongkeng, there is another one with blood residue, Jess!!

Syndra and Thresh can walk, but Jess is below the skt's side, blocking their way to the big dragon pit, and they can't walk if they want to!

"Syndra and Thresh are gone. skt didn't go after them, they wanted to take the dragon directly, and the dragon was refreshed!"


After the explanation, the game time officially came to 20 minutes. In the big dragon pit, a long-awaited purple dragon, Baron Nash, drilled out of the ground, roared around, and the dragon overwhelmed the world.

The dragon is refreshed!

At the same time, everyone in skt just glanced at it, faker, and said quickly: "Direct big dragon!!"


Aggressive, the five skt people are already crazy, the dragon is close at hand, and the victory is also close at hand!

Even the original idea of ​​killing Jace disappeared with the appearance of the dragon.

If the other side wants to leave, skt can't even look at it. At this moment, they only have the big dragon in their eyes!


But the next moment, everyone burst into foul language.

I saw that Jace, who could have taken the opportunity to leave, did not retreat at this moment. When he saw the five skt people coming down and wanted to get the dragon, he took the initiative to rush up!

Yes, not only did not retreat, but took the initiative to rush over!

Do what?!


For a moment, not only skt was stunned, but all the audiences around the world trembled inexplicably.

"cherish. What's this for?! Jace hasn't retreated yet, does he want to continue procrastinating?!"

The doll opened his mouth wide: "This.. there is no chance, there are five people in this wave of skt, and Jayce is in very poor condition, only half of it is less than blood, this wave has been given for nothing in the past!!

"He, he still insists, and cherish doesn't want to give up." Seeing this scene, Miller burst into tears.

At this moment, there was no one around Jace, two of the four teammates died, and the two escaped with residual blood. On the battlefield, he was the only one left.

He is in poor condition, and his position and environment are desperate.

But.....haven't given up, skt wants to take Dalong, he doesn't agree!

I don't know why, although this picture would definitely be sprayed into a sieve by the audience on weekdays, at this moment, it infected everyone.


Jess was alone, but his aura was no less than when all five of Ig were there.

Even if you are alone, you are like a mighty army!!


Bai Qiu's eyes were red, and at the moment of contact with the skt people, Jess's cannon was aimed at the mouse who was already a little overwhelmed and rushed in front.

ka ka ka

Three small cannonballs flying like lasers sounded like three thunders out of thin air at this moment. Jess was ahead of the equipment and level advantage for the entire game. At this moment, they all erupted!!

Only in an instant, I saw that the mouse with residual blood actually stopped its aggressive footsteps in the three strokes of Jess, and the blood bar on its head disappeared and emptied.

Fall to the ground!!

*igcheirsh killed sktbang!"



The mouse was actually stunned!!





The scene that was already crazy, at the moment the prompt sounded, there was a second of dead silence.

Under the eerie silence, the hearts of all Ipl viewers are suddenly hot!

"Dead!! Mouse! Three hits!! Jace: Jace!!"

The doll trembled with excitement, opened his mouth wide, and spittle stars flying: "cherish! cheirsh! When ig was most desperate, he stood up!! He stood up again!!

"Can you fight back?! Can you fight back?!!"


After the words fell, I saw Jess on the field. After the sudden explosion of three seconds to drop the mouse, he directly switched to the hammer form, and the hammer was at the forefront of the skt, and the state was also very poor.

On the witch!


Two flat a hits, the state of the enchantress drops rapidly - in jeopardy!


Faker was horrified all over his body, his hair suddenly rose up, and his scalp was numb!

what's the situation?!

Is this wave, he also died?

Once the enchantress is dead, can the rest of skt beat this Jace who has a huge damage table?

If you can't beat it.

Under lv5, Jess stopped the five skt people, stopped them from the dragon, and missed the only chance to come back.

Isn't this Jess going to directly ascend to immortality?!

How is this possible!! and.

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