Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 315: The universe is undecided, you and I are both dark horses (5/5 please subscribe!)

"Hammer up! Jess! cheirsh, Jess went straight up, this wave is going to counterattack! Cherish is going to counterattack!!"

Damage "High! Jace's damage is high!!"

At the scene of the blasted Bird's Nest, the commentators and audiences of more than a dozen competition areas around the world were watching this scene like crazy at this moment.

A single Jess, one person, one hammer, shocked the audience!

Really like a god of war, stand up at this critical point--

Jess, it's hard not to be a god!


This shock and madness did not last long, and the cold reality on the field was pulled back to reality.

Jace's condition is really bad.

After several waves of battles, Bai Qiu's bloodline remained below half.

This wave faced the five people rushing over by skt alone, relying on his high burst damage to kill the mouse in seconds, and hammered the bewitching girl in the form of a hammer, only a couple of times before Jess's blood line was destroyed by the angry skt The four people set fire to a great disability.

"One Five Zero" four people set fire, and one Jess, who was in a bad state, couldn't stand it at all!

For a moment, the audience was stunned. Bai Qiu also had goosebumps all over his body, and almost reflexively ran towards the back.

Can't beat it.

A person saves the world 1v5, it's not that he hasn't done it before.

But the conditions and environment at that time were completely different from now. With the current development of Jess and the timing of the game, if Bai Qiu really had a five kills with residual blood, it would be a real cheat.

Novels can't be written like this!

Just in time for Jess to retreat, the skt people finally recovered from the shock of the death of the mouse, and when they wanted to continue chasing Jess, they were already pulled away by the other party.

Although this distance is very short, the four people currently alive in skt have no flashes, and their skills are not good. The four are chasing Jess who is running in the direction of the big dragon pit. Only the long hand of the enchantress can walk a few times.

Jace's state continued to decline during the enchanting walk, but for the time being, his life was not in danger.

"Don't let him run!! Don't let him run!!

"Kill! Kill! Whoever has better skills, go straight to it!"

The skt team is in chaos at the moment, and everyone's emotional and mental state has a big problem.

Only Brother Li, who was the only output to Jace, remained calm and said, "Don't panic, Jace can't run, his position is a dead end!"

Dead end?

Everyone was stunned, and after looking at it, their hearts suddenly became awe-inspiring.

This Bogers came over because of the previous hammer shape q, and then the escape position has been deviated from the previous position. Instead of walking in the direction of the f6 pit, he passed by the red buf pit in the upper half of the wild area of ​​skt, and then went straight to the bottom.

Just below the red buff pit, is above the big dragon pit, separated from the river by a big dragon pit wall.

If you don't go from here, if you go far, skt will definitely stick to him before he leaves the jungle.

No matter how Jace goes this wave, he will definitely die.

Ahead, there is no way out, which seems to reflect the ending of ig in this game.


The doll held her head with a collapsed face, and the whole person's tone was already crying, "I can't run Jace, there is no road ahead, skt is still outputting, the demon girl has been sticking to Jace, and the state is going to be bloody. now!"

"Ah, why, me, grass." Miller's mouth opened and closed, closed and opened, trying to say something, but couldn't say a word.

I licked my lips, only to find that my mouth was already extremely dry and bitter!

Countless Ipl spectators off the field have been completely desperate. The bird's nest scene has been boiling all day, and the home audience of the lck audience has been suppressed for a whole day. At this moment, the momentum has been counter-pressured.

The second-level inversion, the program effect is full.

pdd maintained his final sobriety, staring at the lonely and desperate back on the big screen, his tone was extremely complicated: "Jess, it's bloody, it's on the dragon pit, is the flash ready? Can't go, this wave of ig. lost."


"Kill Jace! Kill him! Kill him!"

At the same time, there was an earth-shattering cheer in the skt team.

On the field, Jess was finally cornered.

In the end, Bai Qiu didn't choose a longer distance to escape, because he would definitely die if he took the road to the exit of Luye District.

In front of Dalongkeng, it seems that there is no way to go, but there is another vitality!

"There should be no mistake, I should remember correctly."

Jess was less than a hundred yards away from the wall above the Great Dragon Pit, his eyes fixed on a position in front of the Great Dragon Pit.

I remembered the last second in my mind.


A brand-new explosive fruit was manipulated by Bai Qiu, like a flower blooming in the desert, and next to it was a clear spring that could save lives.

Explosive fruit, refreshed!!



"Exploding Fruit! Exploding Fruit!! Is there still a chance for this wave?! Jess Exploding Fruit + Blink, can I go?!!"

In an instant, the audience was in an uproar.

But in the next second, everyone was stunned.

Because .skt's skills are already good!

The prince's eq is good, Shen's e and Yaoji's w. are all good!

"Go straight up, get some fruit, and kill Jace!"

Brother Li responded quickly, and when the voice fell, he saw the three of skt, and without hesitation, rushed directly to the front of Jess!

The prince raised his hand at the speed of light eq, huni went over carefully, and Li Ge Yaoji also w at the same time!

In an instant, except for Tam, who had no displacement skills and flashes, three of the four skt went straight to Bai Qiu Jess!

"It's now!!!

Bai Qiu, who had been keeping an eye on the movements of the skt people behind him, shuddered all over his body, and then he didn't stagnate at all, and kept running forward, as if he wanted to click on the explosive fruit before the skt people arrived, and Jace, who escaped from heaven, turned back suddenly!


Come up with your own flash!

At this moment, the hand speed reached the extreme, and the reaction came to the peak of Bai Qiu's career!

What is the highest peak?

Faster than any of the three skt people!

Even when their skill animations first started, Jess had already completed this wave of operations!

Flashing smooth hair, yellow light lit under the feet.

The next moment, Jess flashed in a reverse direction, not towards the bottom of the big dragon pit, but directly to the side of the skt people.

Of course, soon the skt crowd will not be here.

Ahhh. t.

skt has three displaced people, all from their original positions to the top of the big dragon pit, where Jess was before,

It's a pity that people have gone to the empty building now, and none of the three skills have hit the bloody Jace.


At this moment, Jess, who flashed before, already had a hammer form e skill, and he also hammered Tam to the top of the big dragon pit.

Let wolf and the other three good teammates of skt gather together.

neat and tidy.

Reverse flash? What is this operation?

wolf and skt others were stunned.

"Why did he flash 5.0 over there? What the hell is he hammering me for!"

Before he finished speaking, the next moment, when he saw Jess, who had completely exchanged positions between the two sides, he changed his cannon form in seconds.

"Nishihachi!! Hurry up!! Hurry up and explode the fruit! Hurry up!!

Brother Li's hair stood on end in an instant, and the souls of the dead were all out, and he shouted like crazy.


Still late.

Jace's level was one step ahead of them, and there were four skt people, no flash, no skills, and four people who were also very disabled.

With a click, he was bombarded by the aftermath of the explosion of the explosive fruit.

Over the mountains and mountains, Qi Qi airborne into the Dalongkeng.

Below, a newly refreshed big dragon is full of anger, and the status output is on the table.

The red longan has locked on the skt residual blood quartet airborne by Qi Qi.

An unprecedented massacre that shocked the world

Start here!

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