Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 316 : A mortal, five killing gods (1/5 please subscribe!)

With a bang.

The sound of the exploding fruit bursting sounded, and at this moment, it was like the last whisper of the death god, and it was also like singing the glory of skt in the past.

The brilliance has become a cloud, after this wave, how to fight?

The four of skt had gone through the previous few waves of team battles, and they were already in a state of residual blood. At this moment, after Jess dropped the explosive fruit, the four of them didn't have time to react at all, and they took off and landed in a plane together.

The next moment, the four of them landed in the Great Dragon Pit!

"Xihachi, it's over!!

Brother Li's brain was buzzing, and his hands and feet were cold for a while.

The teammates didn't react as fast as him, and they didn't react for a while.

But it doesn't matter, soon, everyone will know why faker finished.


Above the dark dragon pit, just when the skt residual blood quartet had just landed, a azure-blue enhanced version of the QE cannon, like a navigation lock, bombarded everyone with incomparable precision.

A terrifying shock wave subtly exploded among the four skt people, and terrifying damage erupted at this moment.

la la la

The four skt people who were originally bloody, at this moment, their state dropped by -26 at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Totally ruined!


"What's the situation?! What's the situation?! Jace! Jace hammered Tam back!"

"Click the explosion fruit, the four skt people were bounced into the big dragon pit, what the hell! What the hell!! Jess, this shot!! This shot! All four of skt are crippled!?"

"It's not a big wreck!!" Miller was completely crazy, staring at the big dragon on the big screen, and roared loudly: "There is a big dragon!! This wave of skt is going to die!! The big dragon is out!"



The audience was in an uproar.

In the Great Dragon Pit, upon seeing the airborne skt residual blood group of four, the newly born Great Dragon did not hesitate, roared in anger, and hatred instantly had a target.

To Shen, who is the closest to the skt four, frantically output!

ka ka ka

The green magic attack, the big dragon just born at the 20th minute node, the output and damage are absolutely terrible, and Shen is the weakest among the four skt people, and only lasted for less than two seconds before falling to the ground inexplicably. .

"igcherish killed skthuni!


Double kill!

Shen was directly sprayed to death by the dragon!!

This is just the beginning, the big dragon father who lost his target in two strokes, after Shen's death, his hatred target was immediately transferred to wolf's Tam.

"Fuck, save me! Save me!!

Wolf stared and walked out of the big dragon pit in despair, but this wave of them went deep into the big dragon pit, and because of the team battle and Jess' last shot, they couldn't support it anymore!

A second later, Tam fell to the ground.

"igcherish killed skwolf!"


Three kills!

Damn again!

The head was given to the four skt people who were bombarded before, and Jace, who was holding the hatred, was firmly held!

"Dragon! Tam is also dead! Three kills!! Cheirsh kills three! This big dragon, this big dragon, is actually helping cherish kill?!!"

"My god, what did I see? What the hell is this, I'm stupid!"

Off the field, because this scene was too shocking, until this moment, everyone in the world suddenly reacted.

But after the reaction came back, everyone's eyes were filled with disbelief when they saw the scene in front of them, which was unbelievable.


Are you dazzled?

Dalong is helping Jace kill

Dragon, Jess Gang?!

Is there anything more outrageous than this?

Everyone understands the principle of this wave of operation, but it is one thing to understand it, and it is another to be able to do it!

In the decisive game of the global finals, the most critical wave of life and death, this shocking scene actually happened.

Now that Dalong has helped Jace get three kills, and there are two others, is it difficult...

Dalong Gang get five kills?!


Thinking of this possibility, the commentators of the world's major competition areas, hundreds of millions of viewers, even countless professional players, can no longer remain calm at this moment, and everyone's faces are filled with indescribable expressions.

Yes, the emotions at this moment are no longer complicated, no longer shocked, there are only indescribable trance and madness!

"Can... can you kill?~!"

This sentence seemed to be squeezed out of his throat, and Miller was hoarse: "Can you continue to kill?!! Great dragon!! This is the dragon of Zhongg, and this is the oriental dragon of the bird's nest!!"

"It starts again, prince! The prince is going to die!"

When the words fell, the prince who was approaching the exit of Dalongkeng finally couldn't hold it any longer and fell to the ground.

"igcheirsh killed sktblank!


Four kills!!

"Four kills!! Four kills!! Jace four kills!!"


In an instant, the scene of the Bird's Nest seemed to be leveled by a nuclear bomb, countless spectators all stood up, and the commentators of various competition areas around the world collapsed directly.

The European commentator even jumped directly to the commentary seat and said loudly: "There is another enchantress! faker!! The dragon is still outputting!! omg. I'm going to witness a miracle!! Today, all of us will witness a miracle Birth!!"

"The birth of a new god!! The slaughter of gods--begins!"

"Evacuate! Evacuate! Evacuate!!"

"Brother Xianghe! Xianghe!"

In the skt team, the players had come to their senses in a trance, and they were crying like crazy.

faker can't die. faker can't die.

Once faker dies, they're all over.

And getting five kills by Dalong is enough to make skt the largest background board in history, the best background board for Bai Qiu Slaughter God!

They couldn't agree, and they didn't want to.

However, sometimes the reality is not that you do not accept it, it does not exist.

In fact, this wave of team battles ended a long time ago. After Jayce blew the four skt people down, it ended.

Regardless of whether the monster girl dies or not, whether she can get this god-level operation that can be called the top 1 in the history of the alliance, the five kills of the gods and the gods.

Nothing will change.

Of course,

The world is as beautiful as it can be, and the enchantress can't escape!

At this moment, faker had walked outside the Dalong Pit and passed through the exit of the Dalong Pit alone.

He is like a last warrior, he will always be on the last line of defense of skt, like a god of war, he will always resist everything from outside with himself.

At this moment, he is no exception. Even at this moment, he still wants to use his own strength to shake this already irreversible game situation.

The enchantress walked out of the big dragon pit without being killed, but her own blood was also sprayed with blood by the big dragon.

A Jess came around from the side and bottom at some point, and the enchantress just took two steps when she saw Jess who was blocking the front.

With the blood of the demon girl, Jace's state recovered a little.

Time stopped at this moment.

Faker's heart throbbed like never before, and the whole person convulsed.

How can a mortal dare to try God?!

Faker is not a mortal, he is a god.

But now, at this moment, I want God!!

Jace raised his hand and made a fluttering a. The enchantress's state was cleared and she fell to the ground.

"igcherish killed sktfaker!"


Five Kills - God Killing!!

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