Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 317: Congratulations ig, we are the champions! (2/5 for subscription!)




Five kills!!!


When the shocking five-kill prompt sounded, the entire Bird's Nest scene could no longer be described as collapsed, and there was even a strange festering emotion on everyone's face.

Facts have proved that when the shock reaches a certain node or even exceeds a certain limit, people will really go crazy.

Now, at this very moment, Jace and cherish have surpassed the invisible boundaries in everyone's heart.

Crazy, crazy, fried, crazy!!


"Five kills!! Five kills!! cherish, got five kills!! Five kills skt!!"

"cherish!!cheirsh!!skt rout! skt lost!! Jace is amazing! This Jace is amazing now!!"

"No, it's not a super god!" Miller yelled frantically: "This is a god!! The dragon slayer warriors will eventually kill the dragon, cherish, Jay, today, November 4th, 2017, slaughter Dragon Success!!"

We "will create the next era, and this year, the Bird's Nest, is ours!!"

Tig beef batch!!ig red duck!!”



Hundreds of thousands of spectators in the field immediately rioted when they heard the sound, screaming and screaming. The screams seemed to be rising from the bottom, and the cheers were like waves crashing into Weishan.

The sound waves gathered together into an invisible mushroom cloud, like an explosion, straight into the sky!

Instant fire!!


*ig! Win!! ig come on!"

"ig beef batch!! Qiu dad beef batch!


"I'm crying! Father Qiu, the only father!!"

"Come and fight the big dragon! You can fight the big dragon! You can fight this wave!!

"Hurry up!!

"Come here!!

At the same time, the ig team also shouted like crazy at this moment.

Rookie and Baolan, who had left the battlefield, controlled the hero to come back with trembling hands. Until this moment, the faces of the two were filled with disbelief and extreme regret.

But this moment is not the time to think about things at all, only Bai Qiu can hear the loud "can hit" in his ears. And their own random screams and shouts.

ig three people assembled!

The three people who were alive were all in poor condition, but fortunately, Jess was still there. Bai Qiu took the lead to go home to replenish his condition and equipment.

As soon as Jess arrived in a full state, the three of Ig immediately began to focus on the dragon.

This big dragon was their most loyal "helper" for a second, and this moment became the first key to ig's road to legend.

"Fight! ig is starting to fight the dragon! There are only three people in this wave, can you beat it?!"

Outside, after a period of insanity and madness, Miller finally came back to his senses. Looking at the scene in front of him, his eyes instantly turned red, and he almost stared out.

"This wave of big dragons, we are stable! Now skt, there is no chance to come back!!"

"Their momentum has already been taken by this Jace! Can you get it?! Dalong, can you?!"

"Fast hit! Jace's damage is so high! And blood sucking. omg!!"

Inside the Dragon Pit.

Ig three people set fire to fight the dragon. At this point in time, it is actually extremely risky. If there is one person on the opposite side of skt who survives now, maybe the situation can be reversed and die properly.

But now that all five of skt are dead, Jess has five kills, and directly destroys skt by himself, and now no one can stop ig from taking the dragon.

Syndra and Thresh were already in poor condition, and they couldn't resist for a long time. The task of fighting the dragon fell on Jace at the beginning.

Not only the anti-dragon, including the main output, is also the job of Jayce.

With both output and damage resistance, Jess expressed the word God of War vividly at this moment.

The damage is very high, the dragon's state drops very quickly, the attack speed of Jace is also good, and the blood sucking is quite impressive.

But when Dalong was half-blooded, Jace finally couldn't move anymore. In a state of great disability, he had to replace him to fight.

The sapphire-blue Thresh immediately topped the pot, and the state of Thresh, who was taking medicine, had already reached the second half, but it still didn't take long.

The state became residual blood, so he quickly retreated and changed to Syndra.

After changing the anti-dragon three times, the state of the dragon finally came to about two-fifths.

But when Syndra couldn't move, everyone in the outside world panicked.

Looking at it like this, this wave of ig damage seems to be a little worse.

Can't be killed?

Is it possible that this wave can't get the dragon?

"No," the baby opened his mouth. His emotions and mentality could no longer withstand the waves. The game was only for twenty minutes so far.

But no matter how good-hearted a person is, after going through the various reversals before, they can't stand it anymore!

Don't make a fuss, the quick-acting heart-saving pill is gone, let's end it!!

Can you take down the dragon safely and win the game?!

It seems that I heard the mourning in the hearts of the global audience at this moment, just when the three of Ig's resistance reached their limit, Igad and the jungler who died the earliest before finally rushed over!

The two of them had been resurrected long ago, and with their arrival, Dalong had no suspense at all.

A few seconds later, the big dragon howled and fell to the ground.

|igning killed Baron Nash!"

Successfully get the dragon!

Almost at the same time, everyone who died in skt was resurrected one after another, but looking at the dragon who had fallen to the ground, his heart was full of despair and ashes.

"It's over, it's really over." Huni said with a dull gaze.

Is it finished?

Now that the game has been played, skt, a team that has never conceded defeat in the past, has been beaten to the core.

The ig. on the opposite side is too strong.

In other words, the top order on the opposite side is simply not a person.

After being beaten up by him for a whole day, Huni, who was seriously injured, could no longer have the least bit of fighting spirit in his heart.

It was already in a desperate situation, and there was no fighting spirit, the result was obvious.

All five of ig got the big dragon buff, and then went home together to replenish the state, and then the body trembled, with an indescribable emotion, gathered, and went straight to the middle!

Mid push!

Destroyed and destroyed in general, skt did not come to defend at all.

The first tower fell quickly, followed by the second tower.

Until the high ground, the skt people had to come out to defend.

Faker's enchantress hides behind the crowd, in the shadow of the field of vision--

Even now, he still holds the last glimmer of hope, he has not given up, he wants to rely on his own strength to turn the tide and help the building fall!


easier said than done?

The reason why miracles are called miracles is because the probability of occurrence is too small.

skt has had many miracles in the past, but the goddess of fate will not always favor them!

Today, ig god is a foregone conclusion, ig is the biggest calamity hit by skt!

Bai Qiu said nothing, Jace relied on the short vision to capture, and directly a blind vision qe cannon stepped forward, accurately blasting the enchantress.

With a bang.

The enchantress was like being swallowed up in an instant, and she lost half of it!

At the same time, when Jess saw that the skill hit the enchantress, he had already hammered it up in w-hammer form!

Kick three times, e-skill strikes!

The witch fell to the ground!

|igcherish killed sktfaker!"

Single kill, second kill the enchantress!

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! faekr! Faker got smashed!!"

Tig!!ig!! Push!ig!!”

The scene shouted like crazy, and the souls of the rest of the skt people seemed to be shaken.

faker is dead.

faker is dead..

So can they stand it?

Of course I couldn't hold it.

Just like the straw that broke the camel's back, once the team spirit of skt died, the remaining four people of skt no longer had a support in their hearts.

The ig crowd started to jump the tower directly and fiercely. At the moment when the adrenaline was crazy, (by Li's) they didn't even consider the consequences of jumping the tower.

There were a lot of mistakes under the excitement, but skt made more mistakes than them.

There is no suspense in a wave, and the historic zero-for-five ended.

When the "ace" sounded again throughout the venue, everyone knew - the game, it's over!

SKT was destroyed by the group again, and everyone in IG waited for the troops to come in and started a horizontal push!

Five seconds later, the high ground in the middle was broken.

Not long after that, the first incisor tower fell.

And then there's the second incisor tower!

"Cherish destroyed a tower!"

"Win!! Win!! ig!! Tweet Tweet!! Keep Tweeting!

Five seconds "Four seconds, skt has not been resurrected, it's too late, there are still three seconds!"

"It's over!! It's over!! We are the champions! We are the champions!!"

In the cracked Bird's Nest venue, night has already fallen, and the starry sky tonight is extraordinarily bright.

The game screen freezes at twenty-four minutes.

Time stopped, everything seemed to be over, but it started again.

A new legendary dynasty has arrived.

ig, won the championship of the 2017 global finals!

World Championship!!

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