Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 318: One crown in seven years, the ig dynasty (3/5 for subscription!)

"It's over!! It's over!! We are the champions!! World champions! Champions of champions!! s7's -- champions!"


Miller's crazy, trembling voice sounded, his throat was already hoarse, and there were even bursts of tearing pain, but now, at this moment, it's not worth mentioning!

At this moment, the commentators in the competition areas around the world shouted like crazy, and at this moment, all the audiences around the world shuddered and stood up collectively.

Also at this moment, hundreds of thousands of viewers at the Bird's Nest, looking forward to all pl fans for 7 years, were excited to tears!


ig won!!

A three-to-zero sweep, a three-to-zero rollover!

Really holding a cup of bird's nest!!



"Guys, we won! We won!"

"My God, am I dreaming? We won the s championship?!"



In the ig competition room, the moment the skt crystal base was knocked out, everyone in ig seemed to have been hit by an evil spirit, cheering and shouting like crazy.

The indescribable excitement and excitement, the indescribable breathing, flooded everyone's brains at this moment, interrupted their brain circuits, and left everyone's brains blank for a moment.

There are no more ideas left, nothing but empty space. 150

This is not that everyone at ig is collectively stupid, it is an indirect sequelae after extreme excitement.

Some people may have experienced the kind of surprise that suddenly happened a hundred times, or even a thousand times, that exceeded their expectations, like a terminally ill patient suddenly coming back to life, like a poor man who suddenly won a 100 million lottery ticket and was promoted at the speed of light. billionaire...

This excited emotion even formed an indescribable feeling of heart palpitations in an instant, causing everyone's heartbeats to slow down and stop at this moment.

Rookie's eyes turned red in an instant, and he opened his mouth to shout something, but he found that he couldn't hear any sound for a long time, and the only thing left was the buzzing tinnitus.

His mouth was extremely dry, and when he was extremely excited, the muscles at the corners of his mouth trembled uncontrollably, and he couldn't even speak.

He can only keep stroking his own heart, and hugging with his teammates next to him.

Xiaoxi is the craziest of the five. After confirming the victory, it was as if he had fulfilled a great dream. on the chair.

The chair overturned and fell to the ground again.

The teammates hurriedly pulled him up, and Xiaoxi kept shivering uncontrollably: "We won, we won, we won


Seeing this, Ning Wang, who was grinning and twitching his face, couldn't help but let out a foul language.

This f*ck, this brother won't die suddenly because he's too excited?

Rao is Bai Qiu, and he is also moved by the emotions of his teammates at the moment. This is a kind of empathy that only the parties can experience. No one knows how much they have paid along the way.

Victory at this moment is not just as simple as winning the s championship, but also a kind of relief from the depths of the soul.

The heavy pressure, the 7-year wait and expectation of countless fans and audiences outside, all became a reality at this moment!

How does this make people not crazy and shameless?!



"Little ig!! Cow batch!!"

"My God, is this true? We won! We really won, we won the s championship!"

"I cried.'s strongest team, ig bulls! I've been a fan of ig-life!"

"I can't believe it, woo woo, we really won, the dream of youth has come true, my youth dream has finally come true

Countless spectators in the audience burst into tears at this moment.

Don't talk about some of the already emotional young ladies, even if they are very elegant and easy-going on weekdays, with a fragrant mouth, and no one is used to resisting pressure, brother, at the moment when ig won the championship, I couldn't help but burst into tears.

This is really tearful, 7 years! 7 years!

How many 7 years does a person have in his lifetime? In his lifetime, he will only experience one youth!

ig is not winning the championship at the moment, five talented teenagers who are too young, they are helping all the post-90s and post-00s in China realize their dreams!

(cgfa) The macho burst into tears. From this moment on, the atmosphere at the scene has reached the edge of losing control.

No, it's out of control!

"We did it, this moment! We finally, finally did it!"

On the commentary table, the commentators were out of control. The doll opened his mouth wide and took deep breaths. His tone was still choked and hoarse, but more, it was an irrepressible passion and enthusiasm!

That is the emotion that belongs to this era!

"Three-to-zero! Three-to-zero sweep!" pdd's fat face was flushed, and he wanted to say a lot, but at this moment, there were no words to describe his mood, just a constant "wow".

Inhale and continue to "wow".

At this moment, the director's lens has also been directly close-up to the ig competition room.

This time it wasn't just the camera, but even the sound in the lounge at the moment was played.

A sound and picture synchronization came directly, and it was also a testimony to this historic and classic moment that is famous for the ages.

"Ness: Ness!!"

"Ahhhh!! Father Qiu! Father Qiu!"

"Bai Qiu Laozi loves you! Bai Qiu is invincible!"

"Uuuu, brothers, am I dreaming..."


Chaos continued in the lounge, and soon, the chaos became more serious.

Because .ig the whole club, all the staff, has rushed up from the front!

Including Principal Wang in the audience, he didn't know when he got in, broke through the "heavy obstacles", rushed into the competition seat, and wanted to hug everyone in excitement.

"Rush up. All the front and back staff of everyone in ig, as well as an unknown boss, rushed up... All of them - hugged together!"

"This moment, familiar with ig, belongs to lpl!"

"7 years, this championship, we have waited for 7 years, today, today in 2017, in the bird's nest, we finally got it!"

The doll stared at the excited IG crowd in the competition room, and wept with joy, with a sentimental tone, full of iconic incitement and blood: "On this journey, we defeated ssg, we eliminated lz!! In the end, we defeated Defending the championship for two consecutive times in the game, the world's first legend recognized as the strongest in history - skt! Win the championship!"

"Don't wait for next year, it's this year!!

"It's now! It's now!! We only understand the persistence and meaning of the past 7 years, we see all the players of .ig, these five young guys, this journey is really not easy! "

Miller's tone was trembling and his voice sounded like a bell: "No one thought that these five teenagers would create a miracle!!"

"Now, at this moment, the old dynasty has been extinguished, and a brand new dynasty has been born!

"Everyone told me out loud, what is the name of this dynasty?!


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