Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 319 : I saw the radiant mountain tops stand, who has heard the whispering under the valley?


The sound fell, and the bird's nest boiled!

A new legendary dynasty was born, this dynasty, called --ig!!

What a crazy sentence and what a dreamy reality.

At this moment, it has really been achieved, it has been done.

The 360-degree big screen in the center of the stadium has completely turned into a carnival close-up in the ig competition room.

The camera was given to everyone and everyone in the ig game room at this moment.

ig's starting five players, team manager Su Xiaoluo, team leader Aning, head coach, assistant coach, assistant coach, even translator, and Principal Wang

More than a dozen people crowded here, hugging each other excitedly and shouting.

At this moment, a small detail that will later become a classic shot appeared.

ig's five starting members, the biggest hero was surrounded by the crowd, the big boss behind the scenes, Principal Wang, his face was flushed, and he wanted to hug him excitedly, but he found that there were too many people, and he couldn't squeeze in!

As soon as I entered, I was pushed away by a hand that came out of nowhere, and when I entered again, I was squeezed out again.

"wc, why don't you all want wages?!"

Principal Wang was full of question marks, and everyone was stupid.

What is this doing?

I am the boss! I am the boss!

It's fine for ig to start with five people, what happened to the others? Little brother, how dare you squeeze me?

But at this moment, in this excited and chaotic atmosphere, no one noticed the marginalized Principal Wang at all, everyone just screamed wildly again and again, loudly releasing the emotions in their hearts.

Some even cried on the spot.


Seeing this scene, everyone outside was silent for a while.

Surprise and indescribable excitement are still there, and there is no way for this emotion to disappear for ten days or eight days, and there is no way to release it.

But apart from these, everyone looked at the so excited ig crowd, and suddenly felt a little sad in their hearts.

ig. won.

They are happy.


Who would have thought that this team, which has not been favored by everyone since the beginning, is only the third representative seed in the LPL division.

Before the start of the game, some people felt that we were more suitable for the s game than ig.

Even ig didn't even qualify for the main match of the s game at the beginning, they can only start from the most difficult, the least attention, and the most despised play-in match.

On the way, who knows the ups and downs they have experienced, and the warmth and affection of human beings?

From the play-in stage to the group stage, everyone's attention is on the second seed in the major regions around the world. These teams, these players, are the protagonists and the sun in everyone's mind.

Bright and brilliant.

From the group stage to the quarter-finals, it was obviously the first to qualify for the group, but it was dubbed "group d is the weakest, ig first is normal", and everyone's eyes are still on other teams.

In the semi-finals, rng lost, and it was here that many people, including countless local audiences of LPL, still did not have much expectations for ig.

In everyone's mind, perhaps from the moment ing lost, this year's 57. has already ended ahead of schedule.

Tens of thousands of viewers started uninstalling the game and started posting frantically, but no one felt that ig could, and ig could win.

They mourn, they sigh, who has thought of this No. 3 seed?

But ig. has forged ahead all the way, passing the test, killing Samsung, killing lz, and destroying skt.

The three ick teams, the three teams that are recognized as the strongest in the S competition, and the three Korean G division teams that have all participated this year, were all defeated by ig!

All three to zero!!

This is the Hang team that no one is willing to face, this is the eternal dream of the lpl division!

ig, actually a string of three! Still zero seal!!

Until this moment, until this moment, everyone was suddenly shocked.

Looking back, isn't this ig that was once undervalued the most dazzling and most eye-catching protagonist?

Who else can compare to them?

At this moment, the glory spreads all over the earth, and the starlight spreads all over the body.

When everyone in ig is emotionally excited, tears are inevitable. This kind of emotion is not enough for outsiders.

No one can really understand the feeling of their journey. Everyone only sees the infinite scenery and brilliance of ig today. Who has ever heard the whispers and prayers from the bottom of the valley?

Everyone in ig has been forcibly pulled away from the excitement, and at the prompt of the referee who also trembled, they walked out of the competition room and walked towards the skt competition room.

"This journey .ig is really not easy.

Miller wiped the corners of his eyes sensually, and suddenly felt that at this moment, no gorgeous words could describe the hardships and legends that ig had traveled along the way.

…………For flowers……0

Along the way, as a miracle!

"Yes, but it was all worth it!"

The doll next to him was even more excited than Miller. He took a deep breath and looked at the ig group who were almost screaming frantically wherever they went along the way. The audience, commentators, our team of players, including all the staff in front and behind the stage, as well as the audience watching the live broadcast, every one of you, belongs to

each of you!"

"We've been waiting for 7 years for this moment! I don't think it's too much to celebrate,

"Worth for all of us to enjoy!

"I'm really proud of being an ipl viewer, as an ipl commentator! ig, I'm proud of you, even more proud of you! You did it! You did it that no one can do it The miracle, this miracle, will be passed down forever, from today, from this moment, everyone will hear your story!!



When the words fell, the scene of the Bird's Nest was like crazy in an instant. Under the backlog of various emotions, the effect was extremely terrifying and extremely shocking.

It was at this time that the ig crowd walked into the skt competition room.

Here, the air is still as if a drop of water could drip.

This piece of space less than 50 square meters, at this moment, seems to be two worlds with ig and the crazy bird's nest outside the field, no one speaks, and no one looks up.

Yes, just a dead silence.

Bang and wolf stared blankly at the big screen, which was still the final picture of the game. The blood-red word "failure" was like the two sharpest knives in the world. pierced their hearts.

The top single, Huni, lay on her back on the chair, rubbing her temples constantly.

Blank looked around at a loss, as if he wanted to say something, but didn't know what to say.

And that figure.

In the past, everyone dreamed of defeating and dreamed of seeing the legendary figure of his defeat.

Faker, the world-recognized big devil, was lying on the keyboard like a child at this moment, and the cry of despair spread throughout the competition room.

The red team uniform hanging on the chair fluttered in the wind. Faker, the ig symbolizing the pinnacle of history, seems to be drifting gently with the breeze at this moment, like a cloud of smoke.


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