Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 320 : Golden rain, hold a cup! ig (5/5 for subscription!)

faker cried.

This cry caught everyone off guard and made everyone helpless.

It feels like your deep-seated cognition has suddenly been shattered. In the minds of everyone in the world in the past, the id of faker represented power and invincibility.

It is an invincible victory, the founder of the Triple Crown Dynasty, and the undisputed first person in history.

This grade is not a big teenager in the general population, but it has really suppressed Ip for 17 years.

And now,

The dream demon actually cried.

The cry is so sad and so desperate.

Like a child who has lost his favorite toy, the nerves that have been frantically tense for a long time in order to maintain the number one position seem to have been completely released with this heart-wrenching cry."

It's just that there is no relief in this cry.

Bai Qiu watched this scene, listened to the voice in his ear, and felt only endless reluctance and nostalgia.

That is Faker's reluctance to give up on his past brilliance and achievements, and that is his sadness after the collapse of the legendary dynasty he created with his own hands.

There is also the incomparable professional career of the Holy Spirit in his mind - nostalgia.

At this moment, everyone was silent.

The bird's nest scene, which seemed to be about to explode, fell into a brief silence and silence for a moment.

In the past, everyone has fantasized about defeating skt countless times, and fantasized about how the mighty Demon King will look after losing the game, and how comfortable the global audience will be.

That must be a beautiful thing.

Everyone is tired of skt's victory, tired of their domination, and even the official fist, changing the version every year, is to change the direction of skt, against faker, and want to defeat the big devil.

They didn't do it, ig did it.

Everyone wants to defeat the Demon King, but after defeating the Demon King, in addition to achievement and satisfaction, the only thing left is a feeling of emptiness, or even a pity.

Is it a pity for the other person? No one can describe the emotion.

But when all this really happened, looking at the scene in front of them, everyone suddenly realized that they were far less surprised and happy than they had imagined.

Seeing this helpless and desperate young man crying with his head in his arms, there was a second in his heart, as if his heart was blocked by something.

Until then, everyone suddenly realized--

Oh, it turns out that God can cry too, it turns out.

faker is not a robot.

He's not a god, he's just an ordinary teenager in his twenties

At this moment, my heart seemed to be blocked by something.

We "saw... that Xie was interrupted.

Because the stadium was silent for a moment, someone suddenly shouted the first "faker".

Immediately afterwards, more "faker" cheers sounded.

From one person to a thousand, from ten to ten thousand, or even tens of thousands.

The sound waves gathered together, neatly, as if to cheer for faker, and as if hoping that the suffering teenager could relieve some of the pain.

Ipl fans and spectators are also shouting that at this moment, it has nothing to do with the division and the team, it is just a simple tribute to the faker who once dominated the s game for three years, created countless miracles, and a legendary player.

"Faker. We saw faker cry.... Miller continued what he just said, the madness in his tone recovered a little, and the excitement was full of indescribable complexity: "This man who has dominated 5 games for three years The long-standing great devil, the top 1 who put wireless pressure on everyone in the past, finally collapsed at this moment

pdd nodded, with an equally complicated tone: "I think we should give faker some respect.

"Yes.... The baby's words fell, and his voice increased: "However, the journey of ig is also not easy! It is not easy for ig, and it is not easy for us lpl!"

"How long did we wait for this championship? How long did ig wait?! All the staff, spectators, fans, commentators, and even our official staff in the Ipl division, how long have we waited? 7 years! A full 7 years!! People How many 7 years are there in this lifetime?!"

"Now, ig is the ultimate winner. They have already created miracles. From today, from this moment on, ig is the new overlord, the new dynasty, who is about to take over the position of skt and rule the world!!"




The cheers of faker off the field have disappeared, and what has been transformed into more crazy ig shouts.

The baby is right, ig is the winner, and faker is admirable, but ig's victory and ascension to the throne are the real highlight!

ig everyone has left the skt competition seat neatly...

The first five teenagers, plus the coach, a total of six people, have come to the center of the Bird's Nest stage, which is also the most eye-catching and bright stage for all audiences in the world.

Here, there is a supreme honor that is enough to make everyone in the world go crazy and compete for a lifetime--

2017 World Finals Summoner Trophy!

At 6:05, the bird's nest today is exceptionally bright at night, and it is rarely a weather without haze.

The cloudy sky before the start of the game no longer exists, the moon is bright and the stars are sparse, and the pale white moonlight has already shone on the five teenagers on the stage.

Dressed in starlight, peerless elegance.

Everyone in ig artificially formed a circle and put their hands on the base of the exquisite Summoner's trophy.

"Wow.ig, they have already stepped onto this stage. The doll's eyes instantly turned red, and she said loudly: "No one knows better than them how difficult and difficult this journey is!!"

"But at this moment, now enjoying the honor, it's all worth it!!"


"Brothers, are you ready?!"

ig everyone took a deep breath.

"Come on, ig!! Pick up the championship trophy that belongs to you!!" The next moment, Miller's bloody cry came.

The tone with excitement and trembling, business ability and true feelings, are all full!

break out!

"My 5.0s are the champions!!!"



Everyone at ig held up this exquisite and gorgeous Summoner's trophy.

The brilliant silver trophy symbolizes the highest honor in the world. Under the pale white moonlight, it looks so bright and charming.




In the center of the arena stage, under the night sky, bursts of explosions came, and the golden rain instantly sprinkled over the earth, like the stars in the night sky falling from the sky, turning into little golden raindrops, sprinkled on the white team uniforms of the ig crowd.


Not far away, there is a well-known lpl photographer Yicun, who took this picture destined to become a classic.

In the not too distant future, this picture will detonate the world, and over time, it will become a


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