Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 322: Tears in the Bird's Nest, please support ig (2/5 for subscription!)

"Then let us interview first. He played very well in the finals today, rookie--cherish!"


"Qiu Dad!!"


"Qiu Daddy Niubi!! Qiu Daddy I love you!!"

"Qiu Daddy smokes!!

Ren Dong's voice fell, and when he heard these two IDs off the field, he was like crazy in an instant. The terrifying cheers instantly covered the entire Bird's Nest venue, bursting the same atmosphere, directly pressing everyone who was standing in the center of the stage at the moment. of breathing stagnates.

Bai Qiu and the broiler, who were in the middle of the storm, began to tremble, and a layer of white sweat instantly appeared all over their bodies.


Ren Dong himself was shocked by the excited audience, but in his heart he felt that all this is normal, and all this is as it should be.

From the moment of winning the championship, the team ig, the player cherish, has become a new legend.

When the new king ascends the throne, there will naturally be a response.

Bai Qiu and rookie came to the front desk under the push of their teammates, still wearing the ig team's flag.

There was a breeze blowing, and the corner of the team flag was blown, showing that the two people at the moment were majestic and high-spirited.

"Okay, the audience at the scene was very excited. I believe that while everyone is excited, they also want to know what the world champions are thinking after winning the championship."

Ren Dong smiled and said: "Then let's ask cherish first.

Going around to Bai Qiu's side, Brother Indestructible Grip said with a smile: "cherish.. how is it, after winning the championship, how are you feeling now?"

Simple, rude, and direct.

Crazy screams sounded off the field, but this is what everyone cares about and wants to know the most at this moment.

Bai Qiu stood on the top of this world, and his heart that used to be calm as water inevitably became restless.

He took a deep breath, thought about it, and finally answered very simply and simply: "Well, I have won the championship in 5 games now, and I feel very happy and excited...

"Well, gone.



"Qiu Dad!!!"

Ren Dong himself was stunned by Bai Qiu's simple words. After reacting, he couldn't help laughing: "Then let's ask rookie, rookie."

Before he finished speaking, he saw that Lao Song was not as good as Bai Qiu. Perhaps no one could understand the excitement and complicated emotions in his heart at this moment.

Rookie seems to have been a supporting role since his debut. Compared with Bai Qiu's brilliant debut, he is even more bumpy.

After his debut, he was given to ig as a gift, and then he started his career as an orphanage director for several years.

During this period of time, I have been criticized and criticized countless times, and I have been questioned countless times.

Your operation is so good and your strength is so strong, why does ig always grind so hard? You are the biggest tumor in the ig team!

In the past, he once had the idea of ​​​​retiring, not to mention the s championship, even an ipl championship, he could only dare to dream about it.

All kinds of experiences and ups and downs, all the way to the current counterattack and ascending the throne, under the emotional progress, rookie actually cried on stage before Ren Dong finished his words.

This cry broke the big guy.

Ren Dong warmly waited deliberately before giving a speech to rookie.

"Well, first of all, thank you very much, all the fans who have always supported ig, all the fans who have always supported rookie."

The emotions are too excited, and the second half is actually a bit stuck, and the words are incoherent.

The audience at the Bird's Nest was already crazy at the moment, no one cared about Rookie's gaffe, everyone was screaming ig and his id again and again.

"I have longed for this championship for a long time. For so many years, when I was not in good condition and when my grades were not good, I always had the idea to retire and quit this professional player. It was the fans of ig who gave me encouragement. Thanks also to ig's teammates..Thank you Bai Qiu. Well, that's cherish. Thank you to everyone else."

"It is my luck for three lifetimes to meet you."

When the words were over, Bai Qiu turned around and hugged rookie gently. He was much taller than the other, so he looked like a big brother comforting a little brother, even though the identities of the two were completely opposite in the team.

Both hands patted rookie's back lightly.

When everyone saw this picture, their hearts trembled inexplicably, and it was extremely heartwarming.

It also made some old ig fans on the scene, including all Ipl audiences, instantly burst into tears.

Even some foreign audiences suddenly felt the friendship and tacit understanding between the two strongest thighs in the IG team at this moment.

"Ahhh!! Please Daddy!! rookie!"

"Woooooo, I cried too, I really felt like crying when I saw Qiu Daddy's calmness and rookie's tears."

"Qiu Dad has always been cold, but he is really warm! So handsome!

"Ahhh!! Qiu Daddy and the broiler, I can do this for CP!! Can I beat it to death?!!"

"The best middle and top in the world!! Ig beef batch!! Ig is the most dangling!"

God, "What kind of magical team is Xiao ig!"

Ren Dong on the stage was also moved by this scene and looked at everything in front of him with great emotion.

He had a feeling that all this, this moment, would also become a classic in the future.

Woolen cloth.

On second thought, isn't everything that happened today a classic?

"Then, let's ask cherish again, I want to ask, because iq has come all the way, really, as everyone knows, it is not easy, and it can even be said that it was obtained under the circumstances that everyone is not optimistic The 2017 World Championship trophy."

Ren Dong adjusted his mind and looked at Bai Qiu: "I want to ask, when did ig in your team feel that he had a chance to win the championship?"

Bai Qiu had already let go of the broiler, and now the latter was standing beside him wiping tears, very embarrassed.

Bai thought for a while and said, "Actually, along the way, we have indeed encountered a lot of doubts, and we have once doubted ourselves, but when it comes to champions, in fact, since the quarter-finals, the team felt this way. Probably our best result, but I think we have the strength to win the title."

"Because I know the real strength of our team, maybe I'm confident, but I really think we have a chance.

"Then, I also hope that everyone can support us and support us more in the future. All of us are really afraid of losing the finals and losing this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!"

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