Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 323: Heroes, you are the heroes of lpl (3/5 for subscription!)

"I hope you can pay more attention to our ig. You can also give us more support on our ig. Well, we will not let you down!"

Bai Qiu's words fell, and the scene went crazy instantly.


"Little ig bull batch!! Little ig ah ah ah ah!!"

Really "a little moved and a little guilty, I remember that I used to hack ig.."

"+1, I couldn't play black ig last time, why don't we come and participate in the s game. I was wrong.

*ig sorry..."

The audience will always be the most authentic group of people, but you can't say that this authenticity is wrong.

Sometimes this kind of truth will make everyone more lovely.

Looking back, ig's journey has been really hard, and he has been disliked by the world.

But, so what?

At this moment, standing on the most central stage, ig, the middle and upper pair, has already ruled the world, scolding Fang Dao!

"Indeed. ig really needs more people's support." Ren Dong nodded beside him, and then said: "Of course, I believe that all the audiences around the world are your fans now, and they will support you in the future!

Because, you are the champions, we are the champions!"

150 Okay, the last question to ask about rookie and chersih. "Ren Dong said this sentence, and his words were also full of paint and excitement: "Because everyone knows what it means to be the champion of the s game, and even more aware of our lpl division, for the champion of this s game, for today, How long have you waited..

7 years, 7 years of perseverance, now, you have done it, two world champions, what do you want to say to those Ipl viewers who have also persisted for 7 years and waited for 7 years, as well as everyone in the Ipl division - words ?"


When the words fell, the hundreds of thousands of viewers at the Bird's Nest had gone completely crazy.


rookie and Bai Qiu looked at each other, the latter smiled at his excited look.

"That can, can help the lpl division, we can help lpl to win the first s championship, it is an honor, that is, I am very happy, and then, thank you for your words, me, we will make persistent efforts in the future, I won't let everyone die, it. Disappointed, sorry, I'm a little excited, I don't know what to say.

After (cgfa), the broiler was speechless and stuttered, and the language function of the brain had been temporarily lost.

Next to him, Bai Qiu smiled and said, "I'm honored and proud. I hope everyone can support us and ig more. Well, thank you!"


ig-fan for life!"

"Starting today, ig has gained hundreds of millions of fans!!"

"Just relying on the first crown in 7 years of lpl, is there no problem with ig being permanently free from black?"

"Aah! Qiu Daddy! Broiler!! So handsome!! Love you!!"

One championship in 7 years, this championship, the Chinese audience have waited for 7 years!!

This is an unprecedented feat, and it is a legendary deed destined to endure forever.

Ren Dong applauded heartily from the side, and when the audience felt a little weaker off the field, he smiled and said: "Okay, we believe it will, you have already done it!! Ig bulls! Ig will win!"

"Let's give the applause to ig again, to these five young heroes who fought for lpl and fought bloody battles. They are the heroes of the lpl division!!"

ig: ig!

Bai Qiu and the broiler returned to the crowd, and the interview for the championship that was watched by hundreds of millions came to an end.

When the two were interviewed, a staff member had already brought up the exquisitely made, majestic and handsome exclusive honorary shirt for the s competition champion on a tray.

Black gold edge bottom, lined with red dragon, printed with the classic icon of s7 global finals.

The back is inlaid with gold, and each person's exclusive id is engraved with dragons and phoenixes.

"Cow batch!"

"Handsome, Brother Qiu!"

"Is Lao Song still crying? It's alright, it's alright, the process is not over yet, so I'll cry when I go back."

"Damn, it makes Laozi feel like crying, woohoo."

"Grass, it's nothing, isn't it a champion of the s race?"

Ning Wang and a few others joked for a while, but the emotions in their hearts were no less than those of the two teammates who had just been in the limelight.

On the other hand, Ren Dong also continued the process of winning the championship.

"Next, let's invite League of Legends joint partner, LOL international event leader, Riot's Vice President Trydamier, League of Legends Asia Regional Director, Peter Shock, and LOL China League General Manager Mr. Jin Yibo, these guests, for the ig, send the champion medal!"

The grand atmosphere, full of solemn ritual sense of bgm sounded.

The rhythm is very strong, making people feel blood boiling.

Along with the enthusiastic bgm, one of the shareholders of Riot's head office, Tryndamere, who was dubbed the Barbarian King by players, and Jin Yibo, the leader of the Ipl division, came to power one by one.

Followed by the trays in their hands, dressed in exquisite uniforms, beautiful and moving etiquette ladies and sisters.

This is destined to be a moment full of honor, and it is destined to be a day that will be recorded in the history of the s game.

Big bosses from various competition areas and regions around the world - came to the stage, with smiles all over their faces, they personally managed the medals of the world champions.

ig everyone lined up in a row, in addition to the starting five teenagers, plus a substitute top laner duke, and the coach, a total of seven people, it can be regarded as a neat and complete gathering.

Bai Qiu started as the top laner and stood in the first place, and "Barbarian King" Tryndamere was the first to award him the honor.

From the tray in the hand of the young lady next to her, she took down a golden world champion medal, which symbolizes the highest honor, and Bai Qiu wore it.

Bai Qiu bowed his head in thanks and shook hands with the other party.

"Very good, lad, now I'm your fan."

When shaking hands, the fist boss complimented with a smile, and then, regardless of whether Bai Qiu could understand it, he added: "And as a top laner, I really look forward to the day when you play with Barbarian King, um, During the s game."

"I'm waiting."


Of course Bai Qiu could understand him, but

The barbarian king plays the s game?

what the hell is this?

Well, the fist boss has selfishness, but unfortunately, this selfishness, I don't know how long it will take to realize.

After that, the others also wore the glittering championship medals one after another. When the big guys went down, the IQ crowd stood on the stage of the bird's nest with hundreds of thousands of people.

Suddenly I felt a bit of a dream-like dream and a trance.

Now they're wearing championship shirts and beautiful world championship medals.

In Bai Qiu's hands, he also holds a heavy but crazy one-s championship trophy!

Everything, they got it.

At this moment, they were completely on top of the world.

From now on, no one can ignore them, no one can ignore them.

ig, officially rise!!

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