Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 325: Official announcement, call your name in front of the whole world (5/5 for subscription


This honor can really be said to be the highest among the personal honors of professional players.

None of the kind.

In history, there was only one top single player who won the s championship of the fmvp, that person was Marin, who was previously known as the first top single in history.

And now, the world's No. 1 top laner has been replaced.

Some people may have refuted that Bai Qiu is not the No. 1 top laner in the world, because the honor that marin has won, Bai Qiu has never had, from this point, he will always bow his head to the other side.

But after winning this championship fmvp, no one can use this as an excuse anymore.

Even those black fans of Bai Qiu would not be able to use this as an excuse when they attacked him in the future.

Bai Qiu, who has just been ranked the world's No. 1 single, is now surrounded by his teammates, "One Five Zero Again" came to the stage.

He is still wearing the team flag, but this time the protagonists are not two people, there is no rookie, only himself.

This is also the only treatment exclusive to the s championship fmvp.

Ren Dong excitedly handed the microphone to Bai Qiu, waiting for his answer.

Bai Qiu took a deep breath, and after taking a breath, he finally said, "Hey, I'm very excited and a little dreamy right now. I always feel that this is all a dream!"



"Qiu father! Qiu wait!"

"No!! Father Qiu, you are the strongest!"

"Qiu Daddy I love you! Qiu Daddy is so handsome!!

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the excited audience below.

A tsunami-like sound swept through the mountains, and Bai Qiu could only wait for his voice to drop a little before continuing: "But I know, this is not a dream. I am very grateful, very grateful to the teammates who have come along this way, and also to the audience and fans. their support.

"I remember when I first played, not many people supported me, I really appreciate the fans who have hoped for me from the beginning to the end, hope that everything I have achieved, as you wish, did not let you down! "


Hearing this, some off-court fans began to pay attention to Bai Qiu from his "shocking" 85% winning streak and became his fans. At this moment, he burst into tears.

It's really hard, no one knows how bumpy Bai Qiu's career is.

Now this champion fmvp, standing on the stage at this moment, chatting and laughing, the opportunity of starlight, is how many times of hard work in private, how many days and nights of hard training?

Ren Dong was also infected by the madness of the scene, and his voice was full of emotion at the moment: "Yes.. the fans of cherish, the audience of Ipl, are very good.

"Well, because before, people have always said that you are the No. 1 top laner in the world, and I remember that you didn't give much response at that time, so now the game is over, you also won the championship trophy of the s game, and this fmvp. What are your thoughts now?"


Bai Qiu paused, not flinching, nor being too modest.

Because it is too modest, it seems fake.

He said loudly: "Since you have said so, we have won the world championship again, which proves that no one in the world can beat us at present, so I think that I am now the world's No. 1 single!"

The scene continued to boil, Ren Dong also shook his head with a smile, and then made up his knife with a smile: "It's not just you, I think so too. I believe everyone, everyone at this moment, thinks so!"

"Then, the last question, because we all know that cherish's career is actually not as smooth as it looks. In fact, you entered the e-sports industry very early, um, it should have been four or five years since your debut. years."

"In four or five years of hard work, at this moment, I finally achieved the highest achievement, what do you have to say to yourself, or to your teammates?

Perhaps thinking that this question is too broad, Ren Dong added: "Late, it can be anyone, what do you want to say to him, or to her?"

Hearing the sound, Bai Qiu didn't answer quickly this time, instead he fell silent.

The frenzied scene and the abrupt silence made everyone subconsciously gradually quiet down, and their attention was completely attracted by the world's most eye-catching e-sports star on stage.

"Actually...for a long time, Bai Qiu said, "Actually, there are quite a lot of people to thank..

"First of all, my teammates, I have already thanked them, and the fans have already said this..." Bai Qiu's eyes kept searching under the stage, he wanted to find the familiar figure.

It's a pity that there are too many people at the scene today, and he is a little far away. At the moment, all the people are crowded, and the familiar face can't be found at all.

"Then, Bai Qiu didn't give up, and said, "After thinking about it, I suddenly remembered, in fact, the person I should be most grateful for is a person.

Ren Dong was very close to him, and he could already see that Bai Qiu was looking for someone, but he couldn't say more at the moment, and his curiosity was also raised.

A person?

Not a team club, or a fan or something?

Who can make Bai Qiu thank you under the attention of the world? What kind of brand and treatment does this person have?

"One person? Who?" Thinking to himself, Ren Dong also asked.

He believes that everyone who hears Bai Qiu's words at this moment will be very curious about this person.

at the same time.

Below the Bird's Nest Stadium, near a corner of the front row, a girl with a black mask on her face and a peaked cap wrapped herself around her eyes widened.

Although she wrapped herself tightly, she could still see that she was a very beautiful young lady, with particularly bright and sparkling eyes.

Listening to Bai Qiu's words on the stage at this moment, her heartbeat quickened for no reason.

bang bang bang...

"Who?" On the stage, Bai Qiu thought about it, and finally gave up because there were too many people.

"Qiuqiu!!! 5.0 Heavenly King Gaidihu!!"

Suddenly, a very familiar and unique voice came from off the field, sharp but not harsh, a bit like a two-dimensional cute girl.

The voice didn't know how to get it at this moment, but it actually penetrated the noisy scene and penetrated directly into Bai Qiu's ears.

Bai Qiu's eyes fell on the corner instantly, the familiar figure,

Although he still couldn't see her face clearly, he had already laughed.

"She's my best friend

Bai Qiu's tone suddenly became calm, without hesitation, he said: "Because before, I had a low period for a long time, during that low period, she took me in and gave me a lot of encouragement and help. ."

"I promised her that if one day I won the world championship, I would call out her name in front of everyone.

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