Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 326 : When we meet at the end of the world, we embrace the top of the world (1/5 for subscri



Shout out her name in public?

He or she?

male female?

At this moment, the boiling bird's nest venue fell into a strange silence again after Bai Qiu said these words.

Everyone listened to this sentence, and there was an inexplicable feeling that something shocking was about to break out in their hearts.

Is it an illusion?

Of course not.

Ren Dong next to him opened his mouth and couldn't help but ask something.

A certain girl in the corner of the stage unconsciously stopped shouting and stared at the stage with big eyes.

Bai Qiu on the stage smiled in this direction, not sure if it was an illusion, she felt that the other party must have seen her.

On the stage, Bai Qiu paused and said, "It is indeed a person's name."

"In that period of time when I was in a very bad state and was very depressed, the team gave up on me, and my friends didn't contact me. Even my parents, I never had the confidence to face it. Many people gave up hope for me, only her . She gave a lot of encouragement and she adopted me during that time."

"She often jokes in private that she seems to have a little white face...cough cough...



All kinds of incredible screams have sounded off the field.

Bai Qiu smiled and nodded: "Yes, now I have to fulfill my original promise..

"I'm going to shout her name out--

Zhai Yuting, I love you!!

In an instant, the audience can hear the needle drop in an instant!

But after less than one tenth of a second, everyone was like a video with the key removed, or the one with ten times the speed!

Crazy instantly!!





"what's the situation?!"

"Zhai Yuting? Who?!"

"My God, what the hell is this? Have you confessed?"

"I heard right? Father Qiu? Father Qiu is actually confessing now?!"

Winning the title "night, in front of the world's confession? awsl!!"

"?? Who is Zhai Yuting? Who is it? The hatred of the husband is inseparable!!

aa!! I'm crazy!! Ah I'm dead!!

"Everyone is stupid.. I'm not just dreaming, is this a self-destruction?!"

It is inevitable to cause a sensation, no one can think of it, and no one dares to think about it.

On the day of winning the championship in the S competition, the most high-profile cherish, who was once a myth during this period of time, Qiu Dad, who was blown to the sky, unexpectedly confessed in front of the global audience!

The object of the confession is not mentioned for the time being.

This act alone is already a ground-breaking shock, shocking the world!


Also too romantic.

Everyone thought that winning the championship was the biggest news hotspot on the day of the championship, but at this moment, everyone knew that perhaps a more explosive news was about to appear.

And these two most breaking news, the protagonists are the same person...

too exaggerated.

At this moment, outrageous information flooded their minds, causing many people's brain circuits to be unable to turn around.

Tuantuan in the corner of the bird's nest has also been completely stupid.

She had already guessed that Bai Qiu was going to call her name, but she didn't expect the other party to confess!

How many times, how many times she hinted at her intentions, but Bai Qiu didn't know if he really didn't know, or if he was acting stupid and didn't give her a positive response.

She originally thought that maybe there would be no more in the future, but she still had hope every time.

Until now, until now, Bai Qiu really said it.

Or in front of the whole world, when this spotlight flickered and gathered on him alone, when the most brilliant and radiant, he said this sentence.

He has never forgotten the original promise, and he has never forgotten!

In an instant, tears were pouring down under the peaked cap. Years of accumulation and anticipation, strong surprises and excitement after Bai Qiu won the championship, all mixed emotions, which usually made the carefree Tuan Tuan burst into tears in an instant.



at the same time.

On the stage, Ren Dong was no less confused than others.

He even looked at the director offstage with a bit of confusion.

what's the situation?

what happened?

Is there a link to this?

Under the extreme daze in my heart, I can't really stand here stupidly.

This is a global live broadcast, and this is the Bird's Nest championship ceremony.

Ren Dong wanted to wait for the screaming to be lower before speaking, but after waiting for a long time, he found that the people in the audience were crazy at the moment, and he didn't mean to stop at all.

Can only bite the bullet and say: "What. This. cherish. Our cherish. Is this a confession?"

Bai Qiu next to him smiled and didn't answer.

Ren Dong made a move, "Then I want to ask, did the person you mentioned come to the scene today?!"


After the words fell, the scene that had been out of control off the field actually returned to normal in an instant. Countless people began to look left and right, and then stared at Bai Qiu on the stage excitedly and complicatedly, waiting for the answer.

Being watched by everyone, Bai Qiu paused and nodded: "Here it is!"


In an instant, the scene was like a boiling oil pan, the director's camera began to switch frantically off the field, various chattering voices sounded, and countless people began to look around, asking friends and strangers around them.

"Are you?"


"Who is it?"

"Stand up!! Why are you robbing my husband!! It's not true! Ahhh!


Ren Dong on the stage had already shown a smile, as if he had mastered the hot code.

"Then can I ask the director to look for her?" Ren Dong smiled and looked at Bai Qiu: "Do you know where she is?"

Bai Qiu knew that Tuantuan didn't like to reveal real information, so he just kept silent.

Ren Dong reacted immediately, nodded 150 and said: "That should be impossible to find, there are too many people at the scene today, um, I didn't expect that there would be such a story about cherish, although I didn't find her, but I believe that at this time At this moment, that person is on stage...


"Is it her?! I'll go!"

"He looks so pretty!

"I do not know...

Ren Dong's words were interrupted again, and the atmosphere off the court was extremely chaotic. Only a girl who didn't know when she walked to the front row took off her cap and mask and waved frantically at the camera.

The mouth is still shouting: "Qiuqiu!! Qiuqiu!!

The director is worthy of being a director. From the reaction of the crowd, he quickly locked this area. Finally, after confirmation, he came directly to a single close-up.

Under this close-up, everyone can see the girl's appearance.

Although his eyes were swollen from crying, and although one hand was tightly covering his mouth, he was still able to see a beautiful and refined face through the camera.

Especially a pair of eyes, big and spiritual.

She has been holding Bai Qiu's aid in her hand, and she also has the ig flag on her body.

At this moment, seeing the close-up of the camera to himself, Tuantuan didn't have any hidden thoughts, just raised the ig's team flag with both hands, and waved to Bai Qiu on the stage.

At this moment, one person was shining brightly on the stage, and one person was raining with pear blossoms under the stage.

When we meet at the end of the world, we embrace the top of the world. ,

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