Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 327: National carnival, a phenomenal event recorded in history (2/5 for subscription!)

Time seems to have stopped.

Everything is slowing down at this moment.

The frantic cheers and screams all around became the best background sound.

On the stage and off the stage, there are two figures.

This moment, this second, is like the most beautiful picture in the world.

I don't know how long it took, but it seemed to be just an instant, a terrifying heat wave swept through the scene, the scene of the stop began to flow, and countless crazy shouts came into my ears.

The director's camera has completely locked the strange girl under the stage.

He knew that this strange girl had become one of the protagonists in the second half of tonight, and she would no longer be a stranger after tonight.


Ren Dong on the stage was stunned for a long time, and finally came to his senses. Looking at the stage, he couldn't help but let out a heartfelt admiration for a while.

"cherish. This scene is really meaningful, you seem to have succeeded?"

Bai Qiu finally came to his senses, looking at the group of people in the audience who were still waving their hands to him, he couldn't help showing a bright smile on his face.

"Well.. do you need to invite her to the stage?" Ren Dong asked subconsciously, and then he knew he was going to suffer.

There is no such process at all in the championship stage of the s competition and the award ceremony.

And... let someone who has nothing to do with winning the championship come up, if this really comes up... it would be a bit inconsistent.

Fortunately, Bai Qiu hadn't lost his mind and shook his head to refuse.

Next, Ren Dong asked two more questions. Unfortunately, no one at the scene paid attention to these anymore. Everyone's minds were now on the scene just now.

Especially the people around the audience under the stage, most of the girls' eyes seem to want to stab her deeply, while the boys are confused and haven't reacted yet.

For this reason, the agent beside Tuantuan had to take her away in advance.

The awards ceremony on the stage has also reached its final stage.

After the interview with fmyp, all the awards were given out. The fist that put on the crown for everyone in iq and the big guys in Tencent came on stage again and stood with everyone in ig.

Everyone in the ig club also took to the stage.

In the center of the Bird's Nest Stadium, there was a collective carnival of hundreds of thousands of people under the stage. The spotlights on the stage flickered, and the golden rain on the ground reflected a charming rainbow. Members stand in the center.

King Ning and Bao Lan held the Summoner's trophy and looked at the camera together.

Shout out to the eggplant.


The screen freezes.

The 2017 Global Finals are officially over!

And this picture will also become the most classic picture before the start of s8. In the near future, Ipl official Weibo, Riot official Twitter, Iol ten million official Weibo, will change the background picture and avatar to this picture.

The background of the lol client is no exception...

All of this indicates that ig will take off from tonight.

As for the altitude this take-off will fly to, no one knows.

As we all know, from the moment when ig flattened skt's crystal base for the third time, a unique and unprecedented national carnival began!

It's really a national carnival.

People who haven't experienced this day simply can't understand how shocking and crazy this scene is.

outside world.

A 985 university dormitory.

It was late at night, and the dormitory building was already quiet. At this time, many students returned to the dormitory to rest even if they didn't sleep.

At the beginning of November, the cold was pressing, and the sky was already dark.

Everything seemed quiet and serene.


"Ahhh!! Ahh"

"ig beef batch!! ig beef batch!!

"We are the champions!! We are the champions!!

"ig! Awesome!!ig! Awesome!!"

In the dormitory building, it was as if an earthquake suddenly broke out. From silence to eruption, it was completed in less than a second.

The explosion and vibration at this moment seemed to even shake the floor.

The auntie in the dormitory who was ready to rest didn't even have time to put on her coat, she ran out of the room with a pale face, and said in a panic, "Earthquake? Is it an earthquake?!"


The terrifying cheers continued, and the auntie in the dormitory waited for a few seconds, and finally determined that it was not an earthquake.

But, it's worse.

who is shouting?


what is ig??

Are they crazy??!

For a moment, the aunt in the dormitory even felt that she was dreaming, and what happened in front of her eyes was too absurd and dreamy.

Because the several teaching buildings around her were actually screaming like never before.

This kind of mutation made her feel like her heart was trembling, that is, her heart was fine, otherwise, I'm afraid something big will happen!

Tell the school leaders immediately!

At this point, the aunt in the dormitory building was about to move when she heard the girls' dormitory building, which had no movement, and began to respond one after another.

"What's the situation? What's going on?"

In a girl's dormitory, six young ladies and sisters were chasing dramas, and those who put on masks, when they suddenly heard the screams in their ears, all of them were dumbfounded.

"What happened? What happened?" A young lady was by the window, and immediately leaned on the window and looked at it, and found that it was the surrounding buildings that were shouting

The craziest of them all was the male dormitory opposite.

What is *ig.ig?" By this time someone could hear what they were shouting.

Moreover, they also saw a huge red banner of "Ig is awesome!!" that was suddenly hung from the window of the male dormitory on the opposite side.

*ig, don't you all know?" A girl who had been looking down for her mobile phone raised her head: "The global finals always know, right?"

The other girls shook their heads.

After all, the e-sports audience has a larger base for boys, and many girls do not pay attention to these.

"And what about cherish? Doesn't cherish know?"

"Ah, I know this! Is that the very handsome little brother?" Someone knew now.

And he wasn't alone, five of the six young ladies in the dormitory had heard of Bai Qiu's id.

One of them even blurted out, "Father Qiu?!

"Send. You know him!"

"I don't know, but I heard a lot of people call him that, as if he was playing e-sports.

*ig won the championship today! The world championship, this world championship seems to be the first in 7 years, the young lady who knows best pretends to understand and explains: "For example, um, the level of winning the National Football World Cup! "


This time, everyone suddenly understood.

They seem to understand why the boys are so crazy at the moment.

(De Li's) No, not only boys, but many girls in the same building have also joined the cheering camp.

The young lady by the window blinked and tried to shout, "Ig is awesome!"

"Ahhhhh!! iq!ig!"

The result was an immediate terrifying response.

And the atmosphere at the scene has exploded, and no one will pay attention to them at all..

Thinking of this, more people joined the formation

And this scene is just the tip of the iceberg across the country today.

At this moment.

Internet cafes, university canteens, dormitories of major colleges and universities across the country, Wanda Plaza, and even the auditoriums of some military schools and police schools..

In all places where people can gather, from the moment when ig flattened the skt crystal base and made sure to win the 7-year championship three to zero, there was a tsunami of cheers and screams!


Totally blown up!!

An explosion that no one could imagine, a national carnival that no one dared to imagine.

This time, not from the Internet, but from direct mapping effects to reality.

Starting from reality, ig has soared completely!!.

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