Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 330 : Hot search on the slaughter version, the popularity exceeds 100 million (5/5 for subsc



"I f*ck!!

But anyone who clicks on Weibo at this moment and sees this string of data will be shocked, and everyone will be stupid!

what's the situation?

More than 70 million hits?!

Since the emergence of Weibo, has there been such a high level of popularity in history?

Is there such a high statistic so quickly?

It's been less than an hour since ig won the championship!

What is the concept of 70 million popularity?

If Weibo can increase the popularity of hot searches, then the number one on the list is not a dark brown explosion, but a dark purple crack!!


For a time, the people who saw this popularity had no other words. Everyone knew that if ig won the championship, it would explode, but it was obviously beyond everyone's expectations that it could explode to this extent, and it stimulated them like never before. Three views that have long been fixed,

Some "one-fifty" bigwigs in the industry got these data for the first time, and then everyone started to contact the current ig club at the first time--

They are not ordinary people, and they don't have so much time to be shocked. In the eyes of others, this is 70 million yuan against the sky. In their eyes, where is the data, this is obviously a waste of money!


Since the development of e-sports, decades have passed, and the capital circle has finally started to riot for the first time, because of e-sports, but also because of ing..

the other side.

When Weibo recovered data, the majority of netizens finally had the opportunity to browse news online.

While scolding the Weibo server for rubbish, I feel that

With such outrageous data as f*ck, it's no wonder that Weibo will collapse. There will be ghosts if it doesn't collapse after 70 million.

Terrifying to incredible data, in addition to shock, there are endless expectations and curiosity.

Everyone wants to see how many people are carnival under this string of data.

What is the reason, it will cause the high 70 million people to be stunned.

And when you click on the top 70 million in the hot search list, what you see is an even more outrageous scene.

Topic reading volume: 1.23 billion.

Discussion volume: 120W.

1.2 billion!! 120w!!

These two data made some people who thought it would be bought by ig instantly became miserable.

At first glance, these two figures seem to be very different, and there is nothing to be noticed.

But anyone who understands the hot search on Weibo, who has been playing Weibo all year round, understands what this means.

For example, in normal time periods, the number one on Weibo's hot search list, not to mention the popularity, only to talk about the topic discussion volume, 90% of which are maintained at around several million to ten million.

The remaining ten percent is in the hundreds of millions.

This can also be regarded as a kind of click.

But this kind of hundreds of millions.. is only hovering between one and two hundred million, at most, for example, a top stream in the entertainment industry bursts with dy, which is the reading volume of six or more.

This is the result after a day of fermentation.

And now.

In less than an hour, the reading volume of ig winning the championship was as high as 1.3 billion, and the discussion volume was as high as more than 100w!!

These two data are telling everyone that what they are experiencing and facing at this moment is a veritable national entertainment, national carnival, and phenomenal event!!

There is always someone saying that one thing that goes out of the circle is the ceiling, but now ig has proved with practical actions that if the out of the circle is the ceiling, then they have broken the ceiling now, and the fire has gone out of the universe!!

The most searched Weibo is the victory message from the ig club itself, and it is also accompanied by a classic picture of ig five people holding the cup in the bird's nest.

Now the comments below have reached 59W.

Like 100w+, forward 100w+!

In less than an hour, this data has completely broken the record of everyone in the country, including some so-called top players in the entertainment industry, basketball kun, brother Xiao, etc..

"My God, Mr. Su, we really flew!!"

On the way to the celebration banquet, a staff member of ig trembled with excitement, ran to Su Xiaoluo's side tremblingly, and gave Su Xiaoluo a look at the current situation on the Internet.

Su Xiaoluo was already in a state of extreme excitement, but when she saw the news, she almost dropped her phone in excitement.

Su Xiaoluo asked astringently: "The comment is already 60w?!"

"Yes, yes, another ten thousand!"

"It is certain that 100w can be broken 100% before twelve o'clock today! Another staff member said.

Su Xiaoluo was completely silent.

In the silence, there was a trembling that was already excited to the point of suffocation.

"Too, it's too exaggerated, how long has it been... The assistant next to me said excitedly, "We are really going to take off this time! The son of a dog is really going to take off!"

"It's more than just taking off... Su Xiaoluo glanced at him: "Just this one, enough for all of us to lay down and earn money for the rest of our lives, and have nothing to worry about...


This sentence is like a bomb. After speaking, the surrounding is quiet, and only slightly heavy breathing can be heard.


The first champion in the pl division in 7 years, all young people in China have been waiting for the champion for 7 years...

The China Q division is also the country with the largest audience in the world.

The credit book has written the names of all of them. In the years to come, as long as they don't kill themselves, it will be completely cool...

"Quick, see what everyone has to say."


Before he finished speaking, someone next to him exclaimed, pointing at the screen of the mobile phone, and his voice was a little broken with excitement: "President Su Su Su, this is 5000w! 5000w!!"

"Huh?" Everyone was stunned.

What 5000w?

Didn't you just say 7000w?

The man saw everyone's confused expressions, but he was even more affectionate: "No, I'm talking about the second! Look at the hot search for the second!!"

The second most searched?

Su Xiaoluo's brows trembled a few times, and quickly refreshed, and then.

Just saw that Weibo topped the list, and the hot search that ig won the championship still dominates the list, and the popularity of 7000w is unprecedented.

As for the second

#cherish bird's nest confession#



Seeing this string of data, Su Xiaoluo couldn't hold back and uttered a foul language.


Today's hot search is the second, actually 5000w!

In the past, this was definitely the first material, but today there is a hot search for ig winning the championship, and this only ranks second.

However, it seems that there is no such hot search just now,

"It seems that 5.0 is directly out of thin air and jumped up. A staff member said weakly: "Not only the second, but the others, as well as the others.

A few others too!

At this moment, it is in the top ten of Weibo's hot search list.

They are:

#ig wins #7350w popularity.

#cherish bird's nest confession #5103w popularity.

#s7 holding the cup #929w popularity.

#cherish public romance #820w popularity.

#Autumn Dad! #501w popularity.

#ig#420w heat.

#2017Global Finals#205w popularity.

#Bai Qiu exposes #200w popularity.

#cherish #182w popularity.

#XXXXXActing#142w popularity..

In the top ten of the hot search list, nine of the ten hot searches are all about ig.


Home edition!!!.

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