Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 331: At the beginning of the national name, as long as you call ig awesome tonight, we are b


This is a real butchery!

There are nine of the top ten hot searches on Weibo, and they are all related to ig winning the championship!

And among the nine hot searches, five more were about Bai Qiu himself.

Where can these hot searches go and not add together, the popularity.

It's already over a billion!

The popularity exceeded 100 million!! Less than an hour!

What is this concept?

This is a shocking scene that has never appeared in the countless events of various sizes since the establishment of Weibo!

It is the brilliance and peak that the ig club has never had since its establishment.

too exaggerated!

It's too heart-wrenching and heart-wrenching.

The popularity has exceeded 100 million hits. This is just a look at the top ten most popular searches on Weibo, and if it is pulled to the level of the top 50 on Weibo.

Everyone will find that almost 80 to 90% of the top 50 most popular searches on Weibo at the moment are hot searches about ig and cherish!

This is a phenomenal event of the highest level among phenomenal events!

Seeing these 26-scene, almost no need to think, everyone has this idea in their hearts.


All crazy!

Such a carnival scene, such an unprecedented feast of emperors, how could they be missing?

It's all attention, it's all money!!


"ig awesome!!

*ig ahhhh!!

"cehrish, Qiu Daddy!!

"we are the champion!!"

The popularity "Break 100 million? My god, is there a problem with the display here? Weibo is paralyzed?"

"There's a bug? It's too scary, isn't it? The cherish confession in the second place has almost surpassed the first place. I'll go

"History has been made, it's really a lot of bullshit!"

"I am surrounded by people who call ig awesome. I want to ask, what is ig?"

"That's right. Same question? It's not a fight, it's because I really didn't watch e-sports competitions very much before. The classmates in the dormitory are all crazy today. Who can tell me what happened?"

*ig? Has the Egyptian pharaoh been resurrected?"

"Although I don't know what's going on, but I'm shouting ig right now, no one should have an opinion, right?!"

*ig awesome!! Whoever calls ig awesome today, we are friends!”

The excitement of winning the ig7 year, the madness of the record-breaking popularity, and the confession of Bai Qiu

All kinds of big events have come together, and the entire network audience has completely regretted it!

Everyone underestimated the power of the 7-year-old IPL division, and even more underestimated the influence of e-sports on contemporary young people in China and Q.

The amount of discussion and popularity are still rising wildly.

at the same time.

Seeing this carnival scene, it was so terrifying that it made people feel that there was a bug. Except for the main audience in the e-sports circle, people in other circles finally couldn't sit still.

Whether they are in the e-sports circle or not, all of them start to speak at this moment.

The popular post-90s Xiaohua, the domestic first-line star Xia Xue who once appeared in the popular children's drama "Family with Children", directly posted the sign of her support for ig at the Bird's Nest scene, and also specially printed a sign with "cherish" "id's fan card was issued as a separate feature.

"#ig won the championship ##cherish##2017 global finals #ig strong strong strong (muscle muscle muscle), really so excited, as a post-90s, playing lol very early, waiting for this championship every year , Now in the 7th year, I finally waited!

ig will win! Also. cherish is so handsome!! @igchersih you are my idol!"

The time period in which this Weibo was posted can be described as incomparably subtle and just right.

When many people didn't respond, Xia Xue took the lead and instantly gained a huge amount of attention and traffic that she couldn't imagine before posting on Weibo.

The comments exceeded 50,000 in just five minutes, and reached the peak of her career in her early 70s.

Retweets are 10W+, and likes are also 10W.

Even the number of Weibo followers has soared by tens of thousands.

The comments below are all compliments of "surprise".

"Wow, I didn't expect my sister to be a fan of ig too!"

"Ahhh!! I like cherish too! Qiu Daddy!! I didn't expect my sister to like Qiu Daddy too, Qiu Daddy, forever!"

"My idols like my idols, characters, this is not a scene that only appears in novels.. It actually happened!"

"Sure enough, all art comes from life!"

Tig is really awesome! I didn't expect Xia Xue to watch the game too, and suddenly I have a crush on her.

"As long as you say IG is awesome tonight, you are the fattest (great)!"

"Xiao Xue! You are so good!!" The agent saw this scene, his mouth could not be closed, and he pulled Xia Xue with admiration: "I didn't expect you to move so fast, I originally planned to take the initiative to be with you. Just a word."

"It's okay to step on this wave of heat! It's not stiff at all, and it's very professional!"

Xia Xue couldn't help laughing and said, "It's not like taking the heat, I did watch the game, and I quite like cherish.

"Oh, I forgot if you didn't say it. It looks like IG is hot now, but one of my executives on Weibo told me that the popularity of this person is several times that of other people in IG! This is actually the most Hot, you just gave him the right gift!!"

"Too talented 150!"


Well, the crooked hit is right, in short, when this wave of rubbing heat comes out, it can be regarded as a complete start to the frenzy of stepping on the heat tonight.

Everyone saw that Xia Xue just sent a simple sentence and responded to Bai Qiu, and it attracted so much traffic and popularity.

Red eyes!

And what should I do if my eyes are red?

Along with it of course!


On this evening, I saw a lot of popular stars in the entertainment industry like Xia Xue, not popular, second- and third-tier ones, all ran out.

Bulls, ghosts, snakes and gods, demons and ghosts, can't sit still in the face of the terrifying heat created by interests and ig!

After all, the entertainment industry belongs to the public circle. Compared with the e-sports circle, there is more public attention and attention.

Therefore, the most direct result of such a commotion is that these people have become popular, and the popularity of ig winning the championship continues to skyrocket in a manner that surpasses everyone!

Later, this heat has become a real phenomenon-level follow-up craze.

Even some orthodox sports circles, literary circles, and even the usual high-end circles have all been taken out.

Keep up and shout together --ig awesome!

This kind of arrogance, when a tens of millions of big v starting with the national font name goes off the court in person..

reached its peak!,

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