Moba: Me! I Wanted to Score Quietly, But It Was Broadcast Live on the Whole Network

Chapter 332: China e-sports, take off now (2/5 for subscription!)

Yangs News: "At 8 o'clock in the evening, the 2017 Global Finals was held in the Bird's Nest of my country's National Stadium. The only representative team in China, Ig, defeated the Han G team with an excellent score of three to zero on the front. ick, after 7 years of chasing dreams, and finally winning the championship, never giving up, never getting discouraged, working hard and making progress! This kind of e-sports spirit is worthy of all contemporary young people to learn. China g e-sports, take off today!”

China E-sports, take off today!!

These eight characters, the name of the official WeChat account, this paragraph

In an instant, the whole country went crazy!!

That's right, not the whole network, but the whole country!

Even some people offline, some middle-aged people who were prejudiced against e-sports, were obviously stunned after seeing this news.

Yangs News! This is Yangs!!

Anyone who is a middle-aged person knows what the central government stands for, but this is the tongue of the country!!

The spokesperson Wei, personally went off the stage, especially the last eight words, it was really like a thunderbolt, all the bodies of the bomb were broken, and the mind was shaking!

The three views were washed away and reshaped.

Countless e-sports people in the circle who have always supported e-sports, at this moment... actually have a feeling of excitement and tears.

It was a real tear!

No one knows how much CG Esports has come to this point, how much it has experienced along the way, and how much indifference and ridicule it has suffered.

In the big environment of China QQ, playing games and e-sports is almost a typical example of a generation of people who are not satisfied with their jobs.

More than once, everyone has been in despair. Even if it reaches S7, it is already so hot, exceeding the popularity of competitive sports in the domestic Olympic Games by more than 90%, but everyone still sees no hope.

Because everyone knows that a competitive sport that is not recognized and supported by the state has no future!


At this moment! At this moment!

The voice of the Central News, just a short paragraph, made all e-sports people tremble with excitement, tears like rain, and screamed wildly!

The country has spoken! The country finally supports it!

The Central News usually doesn't report on these things, but once they do, they still report in such a passionate tone. Only one result is that the country begins to pay attention to this aspect.

All of this starts from ig winning the championship! It all starts from this 7-year championship!!

For a time, the insiders went crazy, and the audience and fans were also overwhelmed with excitement.

Even some of the top leaders in the capital circle, who were still worried and hesitant for some reason, finally felt relieved after seeing this report.

Decisive end!

What does a real national sensation look like?

Perhaps before today, many people will cite various examples, some major events that have happened in the past, etc.

But after going through everything today, everyone will know how exaggerated and terrifying the real phenomenon-level, national incident is!

The game lol is an indelible youth for countless post-90s and post-00s in China.

Even in a few years, or more than ten years, lol will not be popular, Ipl will not be popular, they have been wiped out by the times.

But what is certain is that it can be erased, but it will never be forgotten!

Because .lol is not just a game, it is for everyone - youth!

In this life, people have been in a hurry for decades, youth is only once, and it is also one of the most precious memories in life!

Looking at it this way, it is not difficult to understand why ig will be so crazy after winning the championship.

The dream of youth has come true, and a championship in 7 years is really no less than the national football team entering the World Cup

All the circles that didn't look down on the e-sports circle at all, or didn't pay attention to the e-sports circle at all, after the entertainment circle took the lead in tasting the sweetness of Zeng's popularity, they all entered the arena!

The carnival of the championship night came to a climax.

At this time, in addition to Weibo, software such as Zhihu, Station B, Douyin, Douban and other software have also restored servers one by one and restarted.

All kinds of cheers and shouts of "beautiful ig" and "we are the champions" have spread all over the mainstream media software in China.

9. WeChat, two domestic monopoly social software.

On this day, many people will be surprised and extremely shocked to discover that some strangers who have not been in contact with or even know each other for a long time are actually brushing an id that they are very familiar with, but can't remember for a while.


what is ig?

Most people know that they are also the mainstream audience of s7.

Originally, they thought that ig's victory would only stay on young people's websites such as Weibo and Bilibili, but they never thought that their social media, their own side, would actually explode first.

QQ space, circle of friends.

On weekdays, high-ranking bosses, school teachers, and even young civil servants colleagues.

Usually high and cold, people have a great sense of distance, but today they are sending out the words ig Niubi.

It was extremely vulgar, but it brought tears to the eyes of those who saw it.

It turns out.. It turns out that there are so many ig fans around me, and so many lpl audiences,

It wasn't until this moment that everyone realized that they thought it was a niche e-sports, but I don't know when, but it has long since become a popular entertainment project.

A mass can't come to a sport in mass!

These things, this evening, happened in many places, and happened to many people.

Everyone's circle of friends, QQ space, and other social media such as Weibo, as well as circles in real life, are all filled with the two letters ig, which are both unfamiliar and familiar.

Whether you like it or not, the word ig is like a robber. Tonight, it broke into your life very domineeringly and inexplicably.

There is no doubt that ig has blown up.

To soaring, it exploded beyond imagination.

Although the parties involved have vague speculations about these things (take Lee's), they never imagined that they would explode to such an extent.

At this moment, when the big circles of the outside world were revelling like crazy, the rest of the ig had also arrived at a five-star hotel in Beijing that Principal Wang had already booked.

Tonight, they will be here to hold a celebration feast after ig won the championship.

In the same way, the number of guests and stars invited to this celebration banquet, the grand scale of the event, and the amount of money Principal Wang spent, are all staggering.

It can be said without exaggeration.

Tonight's celebration banquet is not only a celebration banquet of ig, but also a grand gathering of the first communion between China's e-sports circle and other major circles!


An epoch-making, unprecedented grand party hook!

And in this incomparably grand gathering, the protagonist has always been the one to show off the limelight tonight and completely consecrate the god--

ig starting five!

Chapter 332,

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