Moba: Peak Era

Chapter 109

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Outside the stadium, there are still many people who are paying attention to the"EDG vs LGD" battle of the century.

Data analysts, coaching staff, and team management from major regions around the world are watching this game.

The collision of top teams will reveal a lot of information, tactics, and even version trends... including the upcoming match tomorrow.‘IG’and‘QG’Also watching this game.

With 12 minutes to play, Fiora made three strong kills, destroyed the second tower, and aimed at the high ground. Everyone was shocked by the dominance shown by 'Reaper'...

Is this still the top laner they remembered?

"what's the situation?"

"Reaper's personal strength is unquestionable, and he is recognized as strong. But in the previous regular season, he was not so strong.……"

"The recent version changes have indeed weakened several ADC heroes, and ADC equipment has also been cut. The bottom lane no longer has the absolute carry ability like in the previous versions."

"Do you mean the top lane has been strengthened?……"

"In the current version, not yet, but the recently reworked heroes such as Crocodile, Sword Princess, and Captain all have the potential to carry based on the hero growth curve.……"


"We still lack the right equipment."

Players, coaches, and analysts were discussing this.

The sudden surge in Reaper's dominance didn't mean that he suddenly 'had an epiphany and ascended to heaven'.

Professional players are a group of players who are closest to the 'ceiling' of gaming technology. Any improvement in technology requires long-term training and talent. Reaper's personal skills are recognized as strong even among all professional players... and the stronger they are, the harder it is to improve.

Reaper may be improving, but it can't be this exaggerated.

Has A become worse?

No, in LGD's last game, A was still the most stable pillar of the team. Did

EDG prepare a routine?

No, if even new heroes are considered routines, then the professional team is too unskilled.

Even if they can't play Fiora, they must be familiar with all the skills of the hero Acorn. It's impossible for them to collapse just because of 'unfamiliarity'.

There is only one reason.

——Version changes.

Versions can turn a weak team into a strong team in an instant.

It can also allow a second-rate player to compete with the world's top players.

A very strong team in a certain version has many very strong players.

When a player with unique strength is blessed by the version, he will show unparalleled dominance.

For example, Faker in S3 was favored by the version in the era when the mid lane was king and assassins were rampant.

In S5, this game faintly revealed a sign

"Is the era of top lane carry coming?"

This game made all the LPL team players and coaches have this idea.



"Brother Qianzhu, how could the disadvantage be so big?"Imp asked puzzledly.

The person in charge is confused, but the bystander is clear.

LGD did not immediately realize the version change. It was very strange... Why did Acorn, who has always been known as the"immortal top laner" and the most stable team, collapse like this?

"I... I don't know either."

Acorn looked depressed, looking at the gray screen, shook his head, and said weakly:"The new version of Sword Princess seems to be very restrained against Tree, but...but……"

But it shouldn't be like this -

Acorn has dealt with countless games where the opponent used a natural counter hero, and even if he was killed once, he had never been at such a disadvantage.

After destroying the second tower, Fiora returned to the city to replenish equipment.

The game lasted thirteen minutes. Fiora lasted + killed the jungle, a total of 132 hits, 3/0/0, level 11, the best in the game.

And Maokai... only 68 hits, level only seven.

Being suppressed by four levels and more than sixty hits, the miserable situation makes people wonder if Maokai was idle for five minutes before coming online’……

Greedy Hydra + Silver Treads + Eclipse + Doran's.

At this point in time, Fiora with this kind of equipment and development is unstoppable.

The tree can't hold.

If Fiora is left alone like this, the highland tower will be demolished.

Abandon the top lane?

If they continue to abandon it, the top highland tower will definitely fall before 20 minutes.

As a last resort, LGD moved the bottom lane duo to the top lane.

I thought Fiora would be more stable when seeing two people, but I didn't expect that as soon as she met Minotaur + Mouth, Fiora directly Qed over.

Laurent's Heart Eye Blade reacted very quickly to block Minotaur's Q skill, and then, the ultimate skill [Unparalleled Challenge (R)] was hung.

After being hit by two flaws, the speed of blood volume decreased very quickly, and half of the blood was lost in an instant, which directly scared Hirano Aya Minotaur to use the ultimate skill to release the control, and a bull's horn pushed Fiora away.

If she was really hit out of the blood recovery array, Fiora would definitely be able to 1v2 this time.

Too fierce.

This Fiora, two people can counterattack, three people can run, only four people can restrict it.

As a last resort, the two mid and jungle also focused on the upper side.

Gathering the strength of the four people, they barely suppressed the momentum of Fiora's solo push.

However, it only suppressed the rhythm of Fiora's solo push.

Fiora was already developing, pushing the line, last-hitting, and brushing the jungle. As usual, the factory manager gave the jungle area on the top lane to Reaper.

As the price of defending Fiora, EDG directly pushed down the first tower in the bottom lane and took the newly refreshed little dragon, and developed very comfortably.

Wei Shen's Clockwork was suppressed by Lulu because he roamed too frequently, and the health of the first tower in the middle lane was also worn down.

Collapse all the way, suffering all the way.

The lower half of the jungle area was completely lost, and the vision was pitch black.

EDG launched a wave of jungle and support linkage. Deft developed alone in the bottom lane, Meiko Annie flashed from the blind vision to hit the bear, cooperated with Gragas and Lulu, took Wei Shen's head, and took down the first tower in the middle.

Frequently pushing the line upwards and trying too hard to suppress Fiora's movements completely messed up LGD's rhythm.

Not only was Lulu's record already 2/0 because of this Fiora, but even the bottom lane, which was originally at a disadvantage for EDG, had to rely on the team's economic development.

In just fifteen minutes, the top, middle and bottom towers were all destroyed, and the jungle fell further.

The only one who was ahead in development on LGD was the big mouth who was the"one" of the four protecting one.

Imp got two kills and also had a few kills.���Deft was killed by 30 knives.

However, because they got the team economy, the gap between the two ADCs was not that big, just a small advantage.

Taobao Quan Lee Sin also developed well because he got a few assists and kills.

Except for these two people, the other three were at a disadvantage, and the top 217 was even more collapsed, and his level was as low as the support.

All other lines were at a disadvantage, and the top was even more collapsed, and his level was as low as the support.

"We can't go on like this, let's prepare for a strong attack." After struggling to hold on until the 19th minute, LGD couldn't help it when they saw EDG was about to set up vision at the Baron and Fiora was also moving to the bottom lane to push the lane.

It was obvious that EDG was about to use the classic 4-1 split-push tactic of"Do you want to protect the high ground or the Baron?" This question was no less than the soul-searching question of"Do you want to protect the big one or the small one?" when your wife was having a difficult labor. This problem that countless men can't solve is even more difficult for professional players who are basically internet-addicted teenagers.

Looking at Fiora's development again, she already had Mercury's Boots + Triforce + Greedy Hydra in her hand, and she had 232 last hits.

This kind of developed Fiora split-push is unstoppable and will definitely kill the Baron.

Fortunately, Acorn finally made the key equipment for the tree.

——Justice and Glory.

With this equipment, the tree can have both strong opening ability and tankiness. Even if the development is very poor, it can still play a basic function.

This is LGD's last chance.

If they win this teamfight, they can take down the big dragon and reverse the situation.

As for losing...if they continue to drag it out, it will be a slow death anyway.

Ekko has a line,"I would rather make mistakes than do nothing."’

——Chen Ziyou always felt that this sentence was a hint to me, Qijiang... ahem.

At present, LGD, which has not won the championship and has not become arrogant, can be regarded as one of the most bloody teams in LPL.

The team reached a consensus in a few words.


Acorn pressed TP at the fountain at the right time.

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