Moba: Peak Era

Chapter 110

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At the dragon position, except for the top laners of both teams, the other eight players will gather together. They will throw skills randomly, try to move, force positions, and arrange vision...

EDG is calm and unhurried. As long as they wait for their top laner Fiora to bring the bottom lane over, they can take the initiative.

They will not give LGD any chance to force the game. When the enemy advances, we retreat. When the enemy retreats, we disturb. When the enemy is tired, we attack. They strictly abide by the guerrilla warfare strategy designated by a certain adult.

EDG thinks that their defense is airtight.

However, in the upper jungle area of the red side, at the red BUFF, there is actually a foreshadowing.

That is the eye position that Hirano Aya Minotaur made two minutes ago, which is about to disappear...

The fish that escaped the net when the factory manager and Meiko arranged the vision. The reason why LGD felt that they could start a team fight is because of this foreshadowing.

Whether it is Rank or professional competitions, there are many situations that can be reversed because of an eye position.


The red whirlwind is coming!

Because this eye position is completely in the blind spot of vision, EDG is completely unaware.

It was not until the big tree stepped on the golden cloud and attacked from behind that the chaos

""Retreat, retreat!" Mingkai shouted.

Chen Ziyou immediately switched the camera to the middle lane to observe the situation and determine whether to TP to support and where is the most suitable entry point.

……Teleport, teleport, but you can't really teleport.

The tree clasped its hands together and activated [Vengeance Vortex (R)】

He was not in a hurry to use W, but walked directly in front of the four EDG players, allowing the group deceleration of Glory of Justice to take effect.

Then, he used the Q skill to knock away Annie and Lulu who did not flash, and tied up the airplane with W.

The factory manager did not give the skills to the tree, but directly used an ultimate move, trying to break up the attacking formation of the other four LGD players.

This barrel blew up four people.

However, at the moment when the ultimate skill exploded, Godv stood up.

He flashed forward directly, and used the ultimate skill of the barrel to move forward a distance. The moment the E skill was used on the tree, he released the ultimate skill of the Clockwork Mage.

——Command: Shockwave (R).

Annie, Corki, and Lulu were swept away.

RW skills were pressed continuously. Although the damage of Clockwork was not exaggerated due to poor development, EDG was successfully defeated.

Kog'Maw activated W, flashed and damaged, and ARAQA set of combos directly killed Meiko's Annie

——The modification of Kog'Maw's five sprays per second was in the S6 period, but the Kog'Maw's burst damage is still not to be underestimated, especially after Imp made the three phases.

At this time, Corki used flash to pull away and began to damage under the protection of Lulu and Gragas.

Minotaur, Lee Sin and Kog'Maw arrived and took over the situation.

The red side's F4 instantly became chaotic.

"Lao Gandie was very nice in this teamfight, and took Annie first. EDG is in danger! How many people can EDG escape from this wave... No! Reaper teleported! EDG wants to counterattack this time.!"Ze Yuan yelled.

Chen Ziyou chose to TP to a bush ward in the upper jungle area of the blue team.

It just happened to be a ward around the back.

Four seconds later, Wushuang Sword Lady landed, and the battlefield was in a mess.

Annie and Gragas were dead, and only Lulu and Corki were left struggling to hold on.

On LGD's side, the health of the Alistar, Maokai, and the blind front row were all low, and all their skills were used up, but the two C positions were in good condition.

——Retreat or advance?

Everyone is paying attention to the Reaper Sword.

And Chen Ziyou also gave the answer

"Sword Princess is here!"

"LGD's heroes' skills are all on cooldown, so they are all dispersed. They want to hold on for a while and then fight back after their skills cooldown ends!"

At the river, LGD scattered, with the top laner and AD going together, while the mid, jungle and support were still chasing EDG's two Korean aids.

Fiora chose to help her teammates first, and went straight for Clockwork, using Q to break the flaw, AEAA. The health bar melted exaggeratedly.

Hirano Aya was helpless and could only use the E skill to restore the health of her own mid laner.

Seeing Fiora use the Q skill, Kog'Maw activated W and turned back to attack Fiora.

He wanted to take the opportunity to output damage to Fiora. An excellent ADC will never miss any opportunity to"steal output" in a team battle.

But they often die suddenly because of the habit of"stealing output". All top ADCs, including Uzi, Imp, Deft, and Bang, have had moments of sudden death.

Imp started


To be honest, Chen Ziyou really wanted to ask Imp a question.

——Why do you dare to approach me?

Hit Flaw + Passive Power of the Aspect, double-accelerated Sword Lady, turned around and rushed towards the Big Mouth

——【Unparalleled Challenge (R)] was activated, adding another level of acceleration.

Imp then quickly retreated.

However, it was too late.

The Q skill cooldown was ready, and Sword Princess broke through the air and cut through the first flaw.


Speed up and break the second flaw

……Who gave you the courage A?

Speed up again, break the third flaw, and the Hydra will reset its normal attack.

……Fish Leong?

The last attack landed, and Kog'Maw was killed, and the health recovery array appeared.

Acorn and Kog'Maw were running in the same direction, and he didn't dare to turn back to protect his ADC.

However, Fiora, who accelerated and rushed forward, soon saw the running tree. He rushed into the tree with another Q, but since there was no flaw on the tree, Chen Ziyou's Q did not gain acceleration.

But it doesn't matter.

【Laurent's Heart Eye Blade (W) can be used not only for defense, but also for offense.

Invisible sword energy splashes out, slowing down the tree.

E skill turns on, Sword Princess AEA. After cutting out two flaws, take away the tree

"It's over, LGD is all over!" Ze Yuan sighed,"This Sword Princess's damage is too high, no one can withstand it, and Imp also underestimated Sword Princess's output and hunting ability. In order to kill Annie in seconds, he just used Flash to make up for the damage, which laid the groundwork for this sudden death.……"

The pursuit is still going on.

On the front battlefield, in order to protect the low-health Clockwork from escaping, Hirano Aya's Minotaur was also taken by Deft.

Clockwork and Lee Sin were fleeing in a hurry on the middle lane, and were about to escape to the second tower.

But Fiora had already driven straight in from the upper jungle area.

Then, as if ignoring the second tower in the middle lane, Fiora directly used Q to take Clockwork, aiming at the flaw and slashing the small shield of Clockwork's E skill, but couldn't support his own health and died directly.

Before dying, Clockwork used QW to slow down Fiora.

Wei Shen is really a man of deep friendship.

This W slowdown allowed Taobao Quan's W skill to resume, and he used the eye to escape.

However, Reaper's killing intent has not faded.

Facing the damage from the second tower, he continued to chase forward.

At this time, a new wave of soldiers came out of the highland tower, and Fiora used Q to the soldiers to reduce the cooldown and continued to chase.

((Zhao De)"Fuck, are you crazy?"

With the damage from the high ground tower, Fiora caught up with Lee Sin.

Taobao Quan had no choice but to fight back.

All of his QE skills hit Fiora.

However, he was still killed by Fiora's QAEA and A, four swords in one second, and watched Fiora, who still had 30% of her health, leave the tower.

——Quadra.ki11 (quadruple kill).

After leaving the tower, Fiora cut off the line of soldiers, and after clearing this wave of soldiers, her health returned to 70%.

The new version of Fiora has developed, and her ability to chase and kill and harvest the endgame is so strong? ?

The reapers of team battles seem to be no longer just ADC and mid laners...

The top laner also seems to have the ability to harvest the endgame and end the game.

All of this seems to be printed with the ID 'Reaper'.

After this wave of team battles, Deft and Pwan fell to the second tower in the middle lane, and cooperated with Fiora to demolish the highland tower.

Afterwards, with the help of the resurrected jungler and support, EDG directly opened the big dragon's eye.

After 21 minutes of game time, LGD chose to surrender.

_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection, recommendation

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