At 10 o'clock in the morning, Chen Ziyou was awakened by the alarm clock.

After brushing his teeth, he went to the hall to gather. After becoming a professional player, the first thing every morning is... to do morning exercises.

Yes, when Chen Ziyou first heard about it, he was also speechless.

But moderate physical exercise is very important for professional players.

Can you make money by playing games, gain fame and money? It seems very easy to many people?

However, professional players have to train for at least twelve hours a day, excluding holidays, and even up to fifteen hours of continuous training without holidays during the preparation for the competition. In the LCK, some teams even have extreme training for seventeen hours a day before the competition... Basically, apart from eating, drinking, defecating and urinating, they are playing games.

Professional players who sit in front of the computer screen for a long time have a lot of load on their fingers, eyes, necks, backs, etc.

Tenosynovitis, spinal disease, high myopia, radiation complications... and other diseases are all occupational diseases of e-sports.

Moreover, e-sports is a young person's job with a very short golden age, and it is impossible to do it for a lifetime.

Moderate physical exercise can prevent the occurrence of most occupational diseases.

Chen Ziyou followed Qijiang and said,"You clap, I clap." After doing morning exercises, it was time for breakfast.

Professional players' breakfast is basically arranged and planned by a special nutritionist.

Players cannot eat anything else, especially before the opening of an important game...

For example, during the game, they suddenly had a stomachache and performed very poorly, and the starting mid-lane without a substitute had a stomachache and was hospitalized for a long time due to gastroenteritis. This kind of accident must be avoided as much as possible.

At 11:30, professional training officially began.

First... custom training.

In the custom room, basic skills are consolidated.

Online players use different heroes to line up against each other, practice last-hitting, practice laning...

Jungler players use different heroes to practice the order, speed, and vision control of jungle brushing...

Cultivate the habit of players to remember the enemy's eye placement position, eye disappearance time, and summoner skill CD...

Throw skills at each other to practice positioning...

Simulate the operation of the line-changing game...

Boring single-player training, lasting one hour.

It was finally over, and the next stage started immediately.

In the afternoon, it was time for the training match.

The first day of the training match was a duel with the CJ team in the LCK region.

Sometimes we try new heroes, new systems... sometimes we consolidate the mature play styles... there are wins and losses.

We play until dinner time before taking a break.

After dinner, everyone reviews today's training game, finds out the problems and makes suggestions.

In the evening, the players are allowed to rank freely.

The EDG team has relatively strict control over the players' Rank points.

Players cannot show too much"real skills" in the rank, so as not to be studied by other teams, but they cannot play blindly. What if the fake becomes real and the more they play, the worse it gets?

Under such conditions, if a professional player does not have 600 points in the King's Rank at the end of the month, half of his salary will be deducted.

‘Very tired……’

Chen Ziyou turned on the live broadcast and started his ranking journey. He looked a little dazed.

After his rebirth, his concentration, reaction, dynamic vision, coordination and other"spiritual" abilities have all been raised to a"monster" level.

Now when he plays ranked games, if he is serious, he can still play bravely, and is not inferior to before.

But after a day of rigorous and boring training, he really couldn't get excited about the Rank game.

The level is too low, the teammates are too stupid, and there is no cooperation...

After tasting the"ice and fire, lightning and poisonous dragon drilling" of the top courtesan in the brothel, who would be interested in the simple and crude"humming" of the roadside pheasant? Even if the latter is cheaper and more affordable, no matter how beautiful or fancy, it is far less beautiful and moving than the former. Unless... there is a lack of money. The so-called"rank game is just for fun" by professional players is not modesty, it is really just for fun.

Chen Ziyou played for another night, winning more and losing less, and got a lot of points, but the ranking of Reaper7 only moved up one place and came to the fifth place in the Rank ranking.

"Dopa and the-shy rushed to third and fourth?"

After the broadcast, Chen Ziyou discovered the problem.

"……These two brothers, are they trying to take back the No. 1 in the Korean server from me?"

As a rank king and a Korean, Dopa's reaction was very normal.

It can even be said that his reaction was a little late... because Chen Ziyou, who had officially embarked on the professional path, was gradually losing interest in the 'rank rank game'.

At this time, Abu walked into the training room and clapped his hands.

"The summer season schedule has come out, and our first opponent has been arranged."

"Our first opponent in the summer season is the King team."

The King team is a new team that just came up from the LSPL in S5.

The club owner is called 'Qin Fen', a very famous second-generation rich man who is often compared to Wang Sicong. mlxg, who has a good relationship with Chen Ziyou, is a member of the King team... However, this is also a matter of the spring season.

After the spring season, Royal Club was about to fall down to the secondary league due to insufficient points.

But then, through a four-party transaction with VG, KING and GT e-sports clubs, it obtained the LPL quota of VG e-sports club's second team VG.P team and some players from KING and GT teams. Subsequently, Royal Club used the LPL quota of VG.P team Officially changed its name to RNG team, and successfully performed the Reincarnation Technique.

In the transfer period not long ago, Mlxg officially transferred to the newly formed RNG team, and formed a new generation of domestic mid-jungle with Xiaohu of GT team. The

King team also had a big change.

The members of the team, except for some new players, are all familiar names.

Top laner Cola (Cola), served in the S4 world runner-up Royal team.

Jungler insec, the Korean monk, the pioneer of blind monk's roundhouse kick, served in the S4 world runner-up Royal team.

Mid laner Corn (Corn), the first Yasuo and Fizz in the national server, also served in the S4 world runner-up Royal team.

ADC player Namei (that pussy is very beautiful), served in the S4 period of EDG team.

Namei was the number one player in the official ranking of Riot in the S4 period, and was the real world's number one ADC (funny), although he was poisoned to death by Riot's poison milk + Taiwanese beef noodles in the end...

The support was also one of the"dog concubines" in the past, the world runner-up support Zero

"Although the King team is composed of veteran players, it was established not long ago, and the team has not been running-in enough, and the system is not mature. I heard that the strength shown in the training match was not strong."

Abu said slowly

"Reaper, this summer season's first game... you play."

Hearing this, Chen Ziyou's eyes lit up and the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

He didn't expect the first game of his professional career to come so soon.……

"Are you confident of a good start?"

Abu joked

"Of course."

Chen Ziyou smiled slightly.

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