On the day of the game, Chen Ziyou still got up at ten o'clock, had breakfast, and did morning exercises.

Afterwards, after playing two Rank games to warm up, the EDG team went out to the game site.

EDG team vs. King team is the last game of the day, and they don't have to rush.

In the S5 period, LPL did not have any home and away system. The LPL league was basically held at the Wukesong Stadium next to Shanghai Zhengda Plaza.

The EDG coaching staff and players took the club's bus to the venue. On the way, Abu arranged today's lineup.

"The starting lineup of King team today is four old Royal family members plus Nami. Although it is a new team and has not been run-in enough, they are all veterans, so don't underestimate the enemy."

In professional competitions, there is always the phenomenon of 'veterans never die'. Many professional veterans rely on their experience and often have outstanding performances even if their hand speed and reaction are gradually lagging behind the newcomers.

For example, FNC's Soaz was ordered to take charge in a critical moment, SKT's Bengi kicked the water dispenser and led SKT to come back from 2-0 to 3-0 and survive...

Chen Ziyou vaguely remembered that in this game in the previous life, King team did not have much desire to win when facing the league overlord EDG. Except for the Royal family veterans in the middle and top positions, all other positions were newcomers who had just been promoted from LSPL. EDG also played AJ, and even replaced Pwan in the second game. Even though both sides sent out newcomers, EDG still easily defeated King team 2-0.

But now, it has sent out a main lineup full of veterans.

‘Because of me?

Chen Ziyou couldn't help but think of the butterfly effect.

Perhaps his fame and strength were involved in some things that led to the changes in history.

"Don't worry, Abu." Mingkai said with a smile:"I know Zhu Jiawen (namei's real name) very well. I will arrange for him."

"That won't do." Abu shook his head and said,"Today is Reaper's first show, we have to give him a stage to perform. Also, we have to try out the new tactical system. After all, a training match is just a training match. Mingkai, you play around the top lane today, and support the bottom lane when you can.""


After planning the details of today's game, 20 minutes later, the EDG team entered the backstage of the competition venue.

On the big screen, a fierce game was going on.


There were too many IDs that Chen Ziyou was familiar with among the ten people on the field.

The top, mid and jungle of RNG were exactly the most famous trio of RNG in the future, Letme, Mlxg and Xiaohu, and the ADC was Wuxin, who was replaced by Uzi after winning the S6 Spring Split.

However, in the eyes of LPL audiences and commentators, the RNG team at this time was just a group of unknown young players.

The M3 team was different. Their lineup was very luxurious. Their team was the Galaxy Battleship that attracted much attention this season.

The top single was the S4 world champion top single looper, the jungle was Condi, one of the important figures in the future rise of WE, the mid single was Dade, who was rated as the world's number one mid single by Riot last year, and the ADC was the still immature SMLZ (Sima Laozei), but now Ma Ge was also known as the emperor of LSPL. M3's support is even more powerful... He is the cousin of SKY, the emperor of humans, Lovecd, who is known as the 'ugliest professional player'.


Currently, only Chen Ziyou knows that this Galaxy Battleship M3 will be as sluggish as OMG in the spring season, and will go downhill...

In professional competitions, almost none of the so-called 'Galaxy Battleships' have a good ending... In any team competition, the degree of fit is the top priority.

Sometimes, the 'chemical reaction' born from five unknown people gathering together is more important than having 'star ace players' in all positions.

EDG.Whether Reaper fits the EDG team is something that everyone who is following today's game is curious about.



"Good afternoon, everyone! Welcome to watch the 2015 LPL Summer Season."

"I am a doll"

"I am Miller."

Today's commentators are the veteran commentator duo, Wawa and Miller, known as the 'Haier Brothers'.

"In the last game, RNG beat M3 2-0, which was a bit unexpected. Miller analyzed:"M3 played without any coordination, and it can be seen that there are huge problems in running-in."

"Yes." Wawa nodded in agreement, and then tried to smooth things over, saying,"However, team coordination can be improved as long as we play more. We can still look forward to the performance of the M3 team in the future. They have great potential. Okay, then, let's get started with the next game."


"Today's game is also highly anticipated."

"That's right"

"Although King is a new team, the four main members are all old Royal Club players. As we all know, their poor performance in the spring season is largely due to Uzi's departure, and the new‘ADC’They are not strong enough to play the four-protect-one system they are good at. But this season, they joined a very strong and stable ADC player - Namei!"

"Hey, this is very interesting. Namei was a member of EDG last season, and today he is facing his old team. I wonder how he will perform?"

The Haier brothers are supporting each other, as if they are performing crosstalk.

"Of course, the focus today is on EDG, the champion that just won the MSI championship, and how they are doing in the summer season. Especially their new top laner——"

The doll gestured exaggeratedly


Coincidentally, the director also gave a shot to the contestant's seat.

Sitting in his seat, adjusting the keyboard and mouse, the handsome boy looked serious.

Instantly, there was a scream from the audience.


"Reaper, Reaper!"

"EDG, come on! EDG, come on!"

There were male voices in the cheers, but more were the voices of female fans, and even many of Reaper's personal fans.


The Haier brothers were stunned for a moment. They had never seen a new player get such a big cheer and support rate when he first appeared on the court.

"Oh, after all, he is a popular anchor, handsome, and has strong skills."Wawa shook his head and sighed:"I am jealous, how about you, Miller?"

"I am jealous too. But we are all over 30, so we should not compare ourselves with young people.

Miller joked and then explained seriously.

"Some viewers may not know the player Reaper, so here is some information. He is the No. 1 player in the Korean server with the highest win rate. He mainly plays the top position and is very good at carrying top heroes. The second and fifth accounts in the Korean server are also his own smurfs. His strength can be said to be very strong and has been recognized by professional players around the world."

"Can he integrate into the EDG team, and what kind of changes can he bring to the EDG team?"

"Can this galactic battleship withstand the test?"

"Let's wait and see!"

As soon as the voice fell, the BP session officially began.

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