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"Welcome everyone to watch the second game of EDG vs QG. Hey, I just checked my Moments and Weibo, and they are all discussing Kennen's"Sky Thunder"’……Even in North American forums, there were a lot of reposts and praises. Reaper's outstanding performance on the field can be said to have attracted attention from all over the world."Miller said

"In this round, QG probably won’t release Kennen."Xiaomi said

"Yes, Reaper's Kennen is too invincible. If you don't target him and let him develop silently for 30 minutes, his role in team battles is too terrifying, and he has become one of Reaper's signature heroes in the arena now."Miller nodded.

Rank and competition are two different games, and even Chen Ziyou is no exception.

In the Korean server Rank game, his signature heroes are Wushuang Sword Princess, Exile Blade, Master Yi and Desert Butcher.

They are high-cap heroes that best reflect personal ability, with high risks and high returns. They can also be said to be"orphan heroes."

Just show off yourself...Teammate? What is that?

In the game that emphasizes teamwork and operation and development, his signature heroes have now become the other three

——Wandering Mage, Time Assassin, Violent Heart

"The next game is the key to whether QG can maintain their"unbeaten record on the blue side." Miller said.

QG, the team, had never lost a big game before, and the worst result was a 1:1 draw.

The reason is that QG on the blue side... has won all the games so far!

According to big data analysis statistics, in professional games, the winning rate of the blue side is indeed higher than that of the red side.

Not only the first move, but also the"bottom-up" perspective of the blue side when in the game screen is very suitable for the human body, and the operating consciousness will be more comfortable.

But QG, who got the blue side, was in a dilemma at this time.

After banning Kennen and Ekko, the third ban... they were very entangled

"Ban Ryze?"

In the second game, EDG was on the red side.

Logically, the blue side, which had the first move, didn't need to ban Ryze.

If EDG didn't ban him, they would just grab him instead of banning him.

But... the player who made top lane Ryze popular was Reaper, and at the same time, the player who was best at beating Ryze was also Reaper.

He wouldn't use a tank to fight your Ryze in the early game, but would directly use a warrior or assassin.

"V.Let you take Ryze first?" Seeing that the time was almost up, QG coach asked

"No, no, Ryze... I'm afraid I can't handle the pressure."

V shook his head hurriedly. Facing the surprised and stunned stares of his teammates, he smiled awkwardly but politely.

I'm not the only top laner whose mentality was broken by Reaper. Why are you looking at me?

He was really weak and scared...

Only after the real fight did he know how much pressure it was to go against Reaper.

This fear was even worse in the second game...

Because Reaper was in the backhand counter position.

This means that he can get an advantage against the hero 100%.

Banpick was carried out quickly, and the lineups of both sides were quickly determined.

EDG vs. QG, the second game.

Top unit: Jayce vs. Maokai.

Jungle position: Digger vs. Nightmare.

Mid unit: Viktor vs. Kassadin.

ADC position: Jinx vs. Annie.

Support position: Thresh vs. Janna

"Wow, both teams picked some rare heroes. Reaper's Jayce... well, I'm not surprised at what hero he picked. But QG's mid and jungle actually picked Kassadin + Nightmare? Although this combination is not as strong and coordinated as Yasuo + Zi,……"

"The roaming gank ability is very strong!"

Even Miller saw through QG's intentions, and EDG naturally did the same.

"They want to attack the bottom lane."

Mingkai said, and then felt like he was talking nonsense. Who doesn't know QG's style?

So he added:"Crazy attack on the bottom lane."

Chen Ziyou:"……You look like your mother is a member of the demon cult."

Viktor can't suppress Kassadin, and he can't keep up with Kassadin when roaming.

Not only Viktor, basically, if Kassadin handles the details well, he is not afraid of any AP hero in the line.

Kassadin after level 6, combined with Nightmare... No matter how good EDG's vision is, it is impossible to prevent four-on-two.

"Change the line." Chen Ziyou suddenly said

"Swap lane? Jayce is a hero that cannot be sacrificed.……"Meiko asked in confusion.

They were just preparing to fight at level 1.

Chen Ziyou smiled when he heard this.

"I'm not talking about switching lanes, but……"

·······Request flowers·······

"Switching lanes between mid and top? WTF!!!"

The mid lane minions of both sides came into contact. When Doinb saw the man with the Hextech hammer coming out, he was stunned.

Kassadin, who has handled the details well, is not afraid of any AP hero.

Where there are advantages, there are disadvantages.

Kassadin can't beat any of these tough guys, including strong AD assassins and warrior heroes.

"The opponent is a dog, right? Such a routine! ?!"

Doinb's mentality jumped. The rune he brought with Kassadin was even a magic resistance rune, and he didn't bring any armor.

Looking again, Jayce brought magic resistance.

Whether fighting against Maokai or Kassadin, it is right to bring magic resistance

"On EDG's side, not only the BP can be swayed, but also the players can be swayed.……"..........

Miller was also stunned in the commentary booth.

This lane change was too clever, it must have been a temporary decision, and no strategy was prepared beforehand.

Because the summoner skills of the mid and top laners were still the original lanes, Pwan's Viktor was Flash + Run, and Reaper's Jayce was Flash + TP, which showed that both of them were originally going to play a normal laning match. It must be no pressure for Viktor to go up and fight Maokai.

Not to mention Jayce fighting Kassadin, it was simply a father beating his son...

Even if Kassadin lacked an ignite, the opponent would not be able to beat Jayce.

——Electricity surges (Q)!

At level 1, Doinb took two Qs and several basic attacks from Jayce.

Exchange blood, exchange blood non-stop.

If you have skills, use them. If you don't have them, use basic attacks to suppress.

Jayce playing in the middle lane is completely different from playing in the top lane.

When playing against tank warriors in the top lane, Jayce uses his long reach and flexibility to grind blood, and after gaining a blood advantage, he will go forward to fight.

But in the middle lane, Jayce must burst!

Grind blood?

Which AP mage's Poke ability can make Jayce look weak?

Piltover is tall, rich and handsome. Compared with the tough guys in the top lane, he must use flexibility to decide the outcome.

When fighting against these sissy guys in the middle lane, he must show his toughness! Use your strengths to attack the weaknesses of others.

Doinb was clicked to the point of being worse than death. He started with a crystal bottle and had to knock down two bottles of supplies at level 1.

His outfit was also routine.

If he knew that he was laning against Jayce, he would definitely not bring a crystal bottle, but would choose cloth armor, five reds, or Doran's shield. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Faloo Novel

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