Engage in RMG mentality! (Subscribe

When the opponent feels more determined to go down the road, why don’t you… just go down the road

A trap, let the other party automatically jump in

Moreover, Chen Hao was a member of rng before, so he is very familiar with rng, and he knows how to deal with it.

Do the opposite.

It was Chen Hao’s idea.

The more the opponent thinks that his bot lane is a breakthrough, the more he can dig a trap for him.

The opponent jumps

Zi’s ​​strength is very strong, but also has obvious shortcomings

Otherwise, the factory manager wouldn’t say a word at the beginning, and the second-level arrest will be over.

Although there is a sense of ridicule in it

But take a closer look, in fact, this is also a very good way to play rng

Design a routine for the bottom lane.

Break the opponent’s mentality.

It’s Chen Hao’s idea

The mentality of going down the road collapsed.

What will ng do to win?

They rely too much on ui, now except for uzi, other people’s abilities are gradually limited

After Chen Hao left rng, this became more and more dependent on uzi.

When Lai Temi entered rng with Chen Hao at the very beginning

He’s actually a good offensive hero

It’s just that later I gradually relied on tank heroes, and then sacrificed for the lineup, so it was slow

Slow only play tank heroes

He is positioned in rng, which is just

with person

don’t need him to stand up

Of course, he also worked very hard and made great progress in this year, otherwise he would not have

It is called equality of all beings. He is as stable as a defensive tower, making the opponent’s jungler lose his gank


Especially after the hero Aoun came out, it just fit his style of play and became his basic


became his signature.

He only needs to do two things

The current row resists damage, and starts a group first.

That’s it.

nothing else he needs to do

But now the version of the World Championship is gradually changing.

The pace of the early stage is accelerated.

The importance of Nakano has gradually become prominent

Their style of play may not be feasible.

The mid laner Xiaohu is used to the functional mid laner, and has developed an inert thinking, and his mentality gradually

Gradual change, it is no longer the previous Hu Jiuwan.

They are now completely holding uzi’s thighs

But once uzi fails, or is severely restricted, the problem will be exposed

Why did rng lose so much in the second round of the group stage? In fact, it has already begun to highlight the problem

It’s just that they haven’t noticed it yet.

I thought it was because of bad condition.

The status is one, and the more important thing is the version change and

Chen Hao is too familiar with the rng team.

Not only the style of play, he is also familiar with everyone in it.

know how to target

So what if rng’s style of play changes? If they also have the idea of ​​playing in the middle field, I think

How to do it?” jankos then asked

Will we be afraid if we hit Nakano?” Chen Hao asked rhetorically

The reason why their g2 can dominate the eu division this season is because of their upper middle

wild strong

Especially Chen Hao who is on the road, he is simply a monster in the top lane

Dominated the entire top lane.

All the top laners of the teams in the eu division have been abused by him all over the place

Solo kills are common

Haha, that’s really not scary. ” jankos laughed

The style of play they are best at in g2 is to play the middle and wild linkage.


They have a secret that other teams don’t know

That means their team commander is still Chen Hao.

This is the most fundamental reason why their g2 is so strong

The tactics were discussed for nearly an hour, and it was basically completed.

This match is done.

Then everyone played two more training games, and then arranged separately.

time passes quickly

Finally came the match between the two teams.

rng played against g2.

Huh, the game is finally coming.

The audience has been waiting

However, among this group of viewers, the overwhelming majority support rng

The ooze monsters rush to the ducks, try to win g2 3:0, let them see how powerful you are

They dared to taunt us before the g2 game, so they must pay back.

That’s right, g2 must be brutally killed. ”

And revenge for our edg, and eliminate this g2.

On the Internet, a group of netizens discussed

Or post barrage and comments in the live broadcast room of the game.

333, our PL results this year are very good

Thank you q old iron for killing kt, this is really the team that didn’t see Ick in Seoul this year, so cool


Not to mention, it’s really cool, and I can finally vomit the depression of the Bird’s Nest last year.

Yes, last year I paid three times the price to buy a ticket to the Bird’s Nest, and I tore it up in the end

Wow, Kaka, I feel that there is great hope of winning this year.

“As long as RNG wins G2, then there will be a team in our PL division to enter the finals. This is

If EDG works harder, maybe this year’s finals will be held between our PL teams. “Have

People fantasize about this moment.

The more people talk, the more they look forward to it

This game has also attracted much attention.

Many people want to watch rng sweep g2 and advance

Then I want to watch their civil war in the semifinals.

g2 only, for rngit’s not hard

Although I sympathize with the experience of the top laner in q2, but… I still support rng

I don’t care, I just like rng, I support rng, rng is the champion!” “Huangza member

And on a spinach website, the plates of rng and g2 are also very large.

Basically everyone thinks that rng will go to g2 and win easily

So the odds of g2 winning are high.

it’s all a sideshow

Before the game, the major anchors and some people in the industry also divided the strength of the two teams.


In the comprehensive evaluation, it is believed that rng’s strength will be higher

Especially in BO5 games, rng has a lot of experience and has a very high winning rate this year.

It’s about 70-30. “This is a winning percentage that most people agree with

And for this RNG game, PL also sent two classic commentary teams, Doll and Miller

At the match site, there were also some spectators who came from far away to support rng.

Turn the place that is not the home field into their home field.

Very lively.

come on

ask for flowers

There was a huge shout

The players of the two teams have also arrived in the waiting room of the competition site at this moment.

The voice of rng outside is really loud.

Everyone in g2 was also a little shocked

This popularity… can’t really compare

Compared with rng, g2’s popularity will be very poor.

There are sporadic supporters at the scene

On the Internet, there are many people who support them

A group of fair-haired, fair-skinned and beautiful girls are supporting everyone in q2 and supporting Chen

Chen Hao is quite popular among them

it’s our turn

The coach looked at the time and saw that it was about the same time, so he urged the players to play

In this game, there is no doubt that Chen Hao will be the starter.

Wunder! Continue to substitute.

While g2 is on the stage, rng’s people are also on the stage.

When the members of the two teams were on the stage, they just ran into each other.

The two sides looked at each other.

Others didn’t feel much.

When Z saw Chen Hao, his eyes turned cold and he snorted.

I’ll let you know… what regret is.

Sample. “” Chen Hao responded with a light smile

After leaving a word, UI will take a step to go to his place.

When Letemi passed by Chen Hao, his eyes were a bit complicated.

Long time no see, Brother Hao. “Letmi still said hello

Long time no see. “Chen Hao also responded.

As for the others, they didn’t say much

On the contrary, Casa was a little curious about Chen Hao, the former top laner of rng.

During this period of time, he also secretly pestered Xiao Ming and inquired about some past events

Also learned a few things.

But as a rookie in the team, he doesn’t have much say.

I dare not discuss it openly, so as not to cause uzi’s unhappiness.


The two sides each walked to one side and walked towards their own position area.

The host at the scene also introduced the starting players of the two teams

G’s starting jungler here is Casa, and Xiang Guo is still a substitute and did not play.

Players from both sides have entered the competition area, which means that the competition is about to start.

The explanation has also entered the topic.

Hello everyone, I am today’s commentary doll.

I’m commentator Miller.

Today’s quarter-final match is rng vs. g2.

At the time of the G2 team, maybe our lpl players are not familiar with it.

In fact, this team also has a little relationship with rng

The top laner in their team is the original rng’s top laner.

The commentary also briefly introduced the situation of G2, and introduced Chen Hao’s identity.

However, such things as the inside story will definitely not be said.

After all, some things can be said in the commentary, and some things cannot be said

So today’s game is still a bit interesting

Puppy looks good today

When the camera switched to Uzi’s body, the doll also smiled and said.

They are all very optimistic about rng’s performance today

This is just a quarterfinal match, and the opponents are European and American teams

they don’t realize

Will not win g2. pill




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