is likely to capsize in the gutter! (Please subscribe

The director switched the camera to Uzi, and it can be seen that the other party is very relaxed and in a good mood

not bad

The commentator also thinks that they are in good condition today

confidence in them

Everyone felt that with rng’s current state, it would be very difficult to lose.

After the commentary, everyone became interested in the game

Many people are paying attention to this rng game, expecting them to be able to compete in this year’s world

There was a good performance in the world competition.

Hope they can successfully advance to the semi-finals.

Then go all the way up, and finally win the championship.

The game between ig and kt yesterday, I really didn’t expect it to be played for five games

While the players are still debugging the machinery and equipment.

The two commentators mentioned yesterday’s game again.

Yesterday’s match between ig and kt was definitely the best match in the current world championship

9’s performance yesterday was really good, almost 3:-0, but Jian Ji’s best performance at that time

The latter knife is slower than the opponent


The two are feeling emotional while feeling lingering fear

Although they are not yesterday’s commentators, they have been following the game

For yesterday’s game, the last two games, they really raised their hearts to their voices


One Zero Zero “was really nervous.

It’s so exciting.

If it’s a bad heart, I probably can’t stand the stimulation

But yesterday’s game was really exciting

Both g’s performance and kt’s performance are very good.

It can be called the peak duel.

Congratulations again to ig

The promotion of 6 out of 9 is also given to us? The competition area ushered in a good start, which is a very good thing

for todayThe RNG game also has a stimulating effect and will have a positive impact

, at least in terms of rusticity, there will be no small improvement. ”

Today’s game, if rng can win. Then the next semi-finals will be ig

It’s a duel with rng.

The more Wawa and Miller talked, the more the audience felt that this year’s situation was very good.

How do you look at it, it seems like the championship is about to be won

within reach

Without the biggest competitor of the kt team, the lpl division seems to have nothing to fear


As for the European and American teams, they don’t like it for the time being.

And now lp? still has three teams in the arena

No matter how you look at it, the championship is the most beneficial to them

The commentary here does not think that rng will lose.

From all aspects, rng is determined to win.

There is also a gap in strength between the two teams. “It is recognized

In terms of overall strength, rng is stronger than g2

Moreover, Chen Hao, the core player of G2, is also someone familiar with RNG, I believe they can deal with it


I hope rng can give full play to its due strength today and win the game.

Well, players from both teams are ready.

The contestants on both sides are ready and will soon enter the BP session.

Everyone is in spirit at this moment

Finally came the main event.

Except for the spectators of lck who were a little bit less interested in this game, everyone in the other divisions was very excited

be full, wait early

Hurry up, “ng’s game is about to start.

Such a scene happened in different places

Many people hurried back to their homes or dormitories, turned on their computers, and entered the competition

waiting in the studio

Many people don’t want to miss this match between rng and g2.

Crowds of people flooded into the game live broadcast room

At this moment, the number of people watching this game has also exceeded 40 million popularity

The data is still skyrocketing.

very popular

Everyone is looking forward to this game, and everyone is looking forward to rng being able to advance to the semi-finals

On the other hand, g2 has a relatively large gap in popularity.

Even if they are the No. 1 seed in the EU division, only the audience on the extranet supports them.

Come on g2, defeat rng, let everyone see your strength.

But those viewers on the extranet also strongly supported g2.

They believe in the strength of 92.

Teams including fnc and c9 are also paying attention to g2 at the moment.

Especially the fnc team, they are the most aware of the strength of the q2 team

They are teams in the same division, and fnc knows how strong this team is.

It is absolutely difficult for those people to feel the powerlessness they felt when they faced G2 in the league.

This is the suppression under absolute strength.

The g2 these people see now is just the tip of their iceberg.

The most terrifying thing about the g2 team is their core top laner

The strength of this player is truly terrifying

Can drive the whole team to become more terrifying

that sense of oppression

that crushing feeling

They won’t understand. “Everyone in the fnc team shook their heads slightly.

The world still thinks they are the European and American Lobby team

This is a wrong judgment on them.

And such a misjudgment is definitely the most fatal

Very likely, “ng will capsize in the gutter.”

G2 pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger, it’s definitely the scariest

Their strength in the group stage is just the tip of the iceberg

fnc they are the clearest and the ones who know g2 best.

They think that maybe rng will suffer a big loss in the hands of g2


The eyes of everyone at c9 were also focused on Chen Hao, the top laner at g2.

During this time, they played training games together.

But they haven’t won a single game

This shocked c9

They are the top four

But there is still nothing to do against g2.

Only then did they realize that this team was not as weak as it appeared on the surface.

Hope this is our illusion. “c9 everyone shook their heads

It’s hard for them to judge now

You can only find out when the game is played

the other side.

People from g and edg are also watching.

For ig, they care more about winning or losing this game.

Because whoever wins this game will be their opponent

RNG should win

g Here, there is a high probability that rng still has a higher chance of winning.

After all, the two teams are too familiar.

They are well aware of rng’s strength.

The horror of this team in BO5

Anyway, they have no certainty of victory

It all depends on the performance of the puppy

After the two sides were ready, the bp finally started.

on the blue side, g2 on the red side

The two sides started banning heroes

The first three heroes banned by rng are the Great Inventor, Sword Girl and Sword Fairy.

One of them is for g2’s ad, and the other two are for Chen Hao

Needless to say, Daomei, the hero with the best performance in the group stage directly killed EDG

rng naturally won’t let it go.

Ji has always been Chen Hao’s signature, and he will not let go of it either.

ng There is no problem with the first three bans.

“G2’s backhand here is to ban Xia, Niutou and Thresh.

Last year uZi didn’t know how to play Xia, this is where he was complained

Part of the reason why Chen Hao fought with uz was because the other party didn’t know how to do it.

And after this year, uzi worked hard on this hero.

Now that Xia is in his hands, she is also a very powerful ad.

This hero is also very scary in the current version of the lane, the damage is high in the early and mid-term, so

It was banned.

This is also the place where g2 discussed tactics before.

It seems that g2 is also particularly targeting rng’s bot lane here, and puts some more threatening

click to ban

“G2’s bot lane strength is indeed relativerng is weaker, it must be targeted

There is no problem with the heroes banned in the first three moves by both sides.

Both did some homework.

The key is what the next choice will be.

Urgot was chosen first here.

The hero Laitemi has also practiced a lot, so he is playing relatively well

This hero is also a relatively strong top laner in the current version.

I took it out this time, and used it to match up with Chen Hao

I still want to compete with Chen Hao.

In the past, Letemi was the opponent’s substitute and the opponent’s defeated opponent. He must want to play today.

Today’s game proved that he was no worse than the opponent.

This can be regarded as a small knot in Leitemi’s heart.

And g2 here backhanded the two heroes Luo and Wandering Mage.

Luo? “Seeing that g2 bot lane assisted and selected a Luo,” ng was surprised.

It’s not that the hero is bad

It’s that they feel that g2 may not dare to choose this hero.

It doesn’t make much sense to be selected, does the opponent dare to fight them in the bottom lane?

If I dare, I am very happy

He can take the opportunity to penetrate the opponent’s bot lane.

And if he didn’t dare, then Luo’s selection would not be able to protect his own ad.

Uzi is better at killing opponents again.

The corner of Uzi’s mouth is raised, he seems to be able to foresee the scene where the opponent’s AD dies tragically under his hands


It is obvious to find

Then Kasa chose the rock sparrow jungler and the auxiliary female tank.

totally tough

If you choose Luo, then I will take out the female tank.

Let’s see who goes down the road.

g2 added an ad in the third move, smoke

This Jhin’s cooperation with Luo is not very good

You can only mix online, and you can’t kill rng people.

This choice makes rng very confused

There are still mid laner and ad positions on rng’s side.

They’re going to make puppies as conte bits.

And g2 retains the top laner position here, as the last Kangte position.

They all use the core players as the last response

Chen Hao was not in a hurry at all, he planned to wait for the other party to choose before choosing himself.

His hero pool is very deep, don’t worry about it at all




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