Being raped by Chen HaoFear of Single Dominance (Subscribe)

The first match in the group stage is over.

The best performing and most eye-catching team is none other than G2.

They played really well and showed super strength

On the first day, two strong teams fell into their hands

Both SKT and G lost to them.

And also lost badly

Obviously, judging from the comparison between the two teams, the difference will not be very big, but when facing the real opponent

when square, but

There was a very big gap.

Especially on the road, the contrast is very obvious

It’s not bad for them to order

But when facing G2 top laner Chen Hao, he was still not an opponent.

Like khan, he gets blown up in the top lane.

hit directly

For him, this is something that hasn’t happened in a long time.

But now it appeared in the MSI game.

Khan himself was a bit stunned

This is the first time he has encountered such a powerful opponent.

He feels that his strength is not bad, although the current state may not be as good as last year’s peak

At least he is a world-class top laner, but when facing Chen Hao, he is still a top laner.

There is a sense of powerlessness.

This is very scary.

Just like when Li Ge was at his peak, when all mid laners faced him, -19

kind of feeling

Chen Hao is a new generation of top laner.

The world’s number one top laner, this title may not be enough to describe his horror

After all, there are too many people who can be called the number one top laner in the world, and someone will emerge at every stage

Including khan himself, he used to be the number one top laner in the world, but now what

But the top laner is different.

This is the most terrifying existence.

This is the object that all top laners must fear and surpass

Such a terrible top laner, who else is the opponent?

When the first day of the group stage ended, everyone was amazed at Chen Hao’s strength.

His operation is extremely terrifying.

His understanding of the game is also far beyond others, he has found another way, and has his own unique ideas.


That’s what’s scary about him.

He’s like a giant tower over everyone

Leave everyone else breathless.

Including theshy side, I feel like I don’t know how to fight head-on

Khan is also having a headache here.

This is only the first round of the group stage, and they will meet again in the second round

Then, how will they respond

If they can’t think of a good way, then they will still end up in the same way

So they have to think of a countermeasure

Otherwise, there is really no need to fight, it is no different from giving up.

As the spring champions of their respective divisions, they definitely wouldn’t do this.

The pride in them is not enough to make them do this

Their desire for a championship will not do this either

The group of fans behind them didn’t allow them to do this either.

The game has entered the stage of being as hot as tea.

everyone is working hard

They won’t give up.

Even if this hope is only 100%

They will also persevere, this is e-sports.

If they don’t even have the courage to challenge for the championship, then why are they still standing here?

No one stipulates that there is no possibility for a weak team to lose a strong team.

like the last time the world

Didn’t C9 also start from the play-in round and go all the way to the semi-finals?

This is the miracle, this is the dark horse.

But it has to be said that Chen Hao alone dominated their fear

Those opponents who are about to face the G2 team also deeply feel a sense of helplessness at this moment.

sense of power.

Especially the next opponent who is about to face G2. It is the old acquaintance TL team.

Although the two teams did not face each other in the last world championship, but in private, they are experienced

often play training games together

They are too hot to know each other

Know how to fight.

Because he was playing against the TL team, Chen Hao also chose to rest and let Wunder play.

In such a match, there is no need for Chen Hao to play in person

Seeing G2’s substitution, the emotions on TL’s side are a bit complicated

To be honest, they hope that the other party will do this in their hearts, but at the same time they don’t want the other party to do so.

do it.

If the opponent changes players, the pressure on Team TL will be much less, and their hope of winning

But I don’t want the other party so much, the reason must be a matter of face

If the opponent changes players, doesn’t that mean they are a weak team?

Subconsciously, it’s like telling other people that they don’t take them seriously at all

So let the main players rest and let the substitutes play.

But they also know that although wunder is replaced, there is no hope that their TL team can win.

not much hope

Under’s strength is also one of the best.

If it wasn’t for Chen Hao being too monstrous, the opponent would definitely be the core of a team

single player

But Chen Hao’s light was too strong.

So much so that Wunder’s side is bleak.

In this way, after changing players, G2 faced the TL team in the first match of the second day

Still without any surprises, G2 easily won the TL team.

They showed everyone their super strength and let everyone see the potential of wunder

Such a top laner, some people feel that he is buried in G2.

After all, with Chen Hao in G2, there is no chance for any top laner

Yes wunder knows that he stays in G2. He can learn more from Chen Hao.

The reason why he is so strong now is also learned from Chen Hao.

After G2 hid the TL team, everyone refreshed their understanding of G2 again.

This is no ordinary team

Even without Chen Hao, this team is terrifying.

“G2 is really strong

Everyone can still show such a strong strength after seeing G2 after the substitution, in their

A shadow cast over Riley.

The situation of MS competition has changed

look up.

All eyes are on G2

They have become the objects of research by all 203 people.

Now everyone is focusing on them

The attention of SKT and G has been reduced before the game.

The main reason is the battle situation on the first day, which made everyone disagree with the performance of SKT and IG.

If it’s another kind, it’s different

Unfortunately, both teams were strongly suppressed by G2

So that everyone’s eyes are on G2.

G2オ is what everyone is most concerned about.

How to deal with G2 and how to fight G2 has become the primary study of each team

In addition, they can also absorb some things while studying G2.

The G2 team’s understanding of the game is still very different

They can also learn something from G2’s style of play

After the end of the match between G2 and TL, there will be a match between PVB and FW.

These two teams are the bottom teams in this MS competition, and they have received relatively little attention

But no matter what, they are also viewing teams in their respective divisions, and they still have strength

He also played very well in the game

This time, the FW team actually won the PVB team.

Then TL played again, but against the G team.

Today’s TL team is a bit unlucky, they first met G2, and now they are playing against IG,

Strong teams are one after another

Then there’s SKT’s game

The group matches are getting more and more intense, and the situation of the competition is gradually becoming clearer



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