The Qin Girl Gem Routine (Subscribe)

The group match on the second day was obviously more intense than the first day

Several teams fought fiercely, and they all took out their own things.

Not to mention SKT, the first echelon team like 1G

Even the TL, PVB and FW teams in the second and third echelons behind, these teams also won

Made something of my own, and played pretty well

Originally considered to be the weakest FW team, their performance was not bad, they defeated him

Our opponent PVB team.

If it is the former FW team, it is definitely not weak, as the vanguard of the anti-Korea.

But now many members of the FW team have been poached and come to

this is


The overall strength of the team has declined

And in these years, the LMS division has also come to an end.

They were originally the five major divisions, but now there are already rumors that their LMS division is about to

Will be disbanded, and may merge with the wild card division later

This is also impossible.

In the past two years, the results of the LMS Division in the World Championships have been very average. In fact, it is not just the FWN competition.

team, the loss of personnel of other teams is also very serious

Great player gets poached

For example, RNG is now playing jungler Kasa, who used to be the jungler of the FW team

Up to now, there are only seven teams in their predicament in the entire competition area.

Ineffective, which is one of the reasons for the disbandment of the division

This is basically a certainty, and the managers of the competition area are already integrating resources.

It is said that at that time, it will be merged and reorganized with two or three other divisions.

This is also the reason why everyone was not optimistic about the FW team from the beginning.

The decline in team strength, the turmoil in the competition area and other factors.

But this MSI game, their performance is still better than expected

The performance of each team is different, the best performance is still G2

Everyone is paying attention to the G2 game

The two teams that G2 played today are TL and FW

So there is no need for Chen Hao to play. In these two games today, Wunder played.

This made some viewers who wanted to watch Chen Hao’s game feel pity.

Chen Hao led a new trend in this MSI competition.

After yesterday’s match ended, there were a lot of Wei En’s top laners on the major servers.

Basically, nine out of ten people who take Wei En’s top laner are cheated… No, basically they are all cheated.

It’s all super ghost data

Not everyone who plays Vayne’s top laner is Chen Hao, how can these people have such a good operation

And Italy

And, they are easily caught when they are targeted by the jungler

Either 0/9 data, or 0/11 data.

Such super ghost data made many players vomit blood depressedly.

A lot of people play Wayne’s top laner teammates, they are so angry

As a result, when many people are playing ranked, the first hero banned is Wei


This is to prevent your teammates from taking Wayne to the top lane.

This is actually a little farce

competition is getting fiercer

Soon came the match between SKT and IG

Although both teams lost to G2, everyone’s expectations for them were lowered before the game

But I have to say that these two teams are still in the first echelon.


It is also the team that threatens G2 the most

Everything still depends on the performance behind.

Now that the two teams are playing against each other, there are a lot of people paying attention.

These two teams are both lost hopes.

Especially for the LCK, they urgently need a champion to prove themselves, to prove

Their LCK division is still the first division, they have not declined

Plus the grievances and grievances between the LCK division and the LPL division

So when the game between the two teams came, the attention was higher than usual.

I think SKT has a better chance of winning∥”.

G.. may not be able to beat SKT.

Before the game, a bunch of people made predictions, wanting to see the odds of the two teams winning.

There are quite a lot of people who support SKT

In contrast, people who support IG

This is also normal.

There is Li Ge in the SKT team, this is the most anticipated oneplayers, popular

is the highest.

Many people also want to see Li Ge win the game.

Including, everyone in G2 is also watching this game, wanting to see if the two teams can compete in this game

Force each other out of the bottom of the box

Under the attention of everyone, the match between the two teams officially began.

This time, 1G is on the blue side and SKT is on the red side.

After some BP contests, the two sides quickly selected a lineup.

SKT took out the routine of the jeweled piano girl, which was a very powerful routine before

Lineup routines, invincible in the later stage.

In fact, this lineup routine first appeared on the European server.

This routine also appeared in the LEC competition area later.

This point, Chen Hao and the others know it best.

Because this routine was first developed by their competition area, and it became popular in Hanbok later.

In fact, the core of Gem Qin Nu’s routine is one sentence, which is to use Qin Nu’s pull

Output ability + the ultimate protection ability of gems to achieve a defense as stable as Mount Tai.

The double-salary outfit in the early stage can perfectly make up for the economic gap that the piano girl is not good at making up for the knife, and the salary is pretended to be

The economic growth after the model is very scary, making up the knife + salary equipment + stealing money + (Qin girl’s excellent K

head ability). And the last ten minutes of making up the knife also gave the gem a certain experience.

The higher the movement speed and milk volume of the Qin girl, the higher the speed and the higher the milk volume. This benefit belongs to the whole team). so

The advantage of the bottom lane can make up for the disadvantages of other lanes to a certain extent. This is the best combination of Qin Nu + Gems

The strongest point, the normal bottom lane is to put all the gold on the ADC, and the ADC does

It can be output, but Qinnv is different. After Qinnv has an economy, she can not only output output

, can also provide the team with: shield + milk + movement speed and backhand control. So once there is a way out

Advantages, these two combinations can use this advantage to affect the entire team in team battles, which is also

The core of this routine.

This also makes this lineup terrible.

On the IG side, they took out the German dish to go down the road to deal with it.

Because they know that Qin Nu has two fatal weaknesses, that is, her frail body and her fear of being attacked.

people force open

In the early stage, the two assistants were in the bottom lane, and their confrontation ability was relatively poor.

Taking out Draven who was so strong in the early stage seems to be a good choice

What’s more, Ah Shui is also a good player of Draven

Is it SKT’s piano girl gem routine?

Or the combination of Ashui Delevingne + Titan is stronger.

Just watch this game

The results will also reveal

.‖I think IG is a bit overbearing, and let SKT get the piano girl gem combination.

I don’t think so, maybe skt might lose

Why? Qin Nu Gem’s routine is so strong, and the commentary has played for so long before, will it lose?

I’m not sure, I always feel that this kind of weird lineup can’t make it into the elegant hall

But this game also attracted the interest of a group of people.

The two teams played against each other this time, and they did come up with something.

Everyone also wanted to know who could perform better.

The game buffer ends and enters the game.

G, except for theshy, the others directly form a group

Personnel from both sides met in the river

The four players from the two sides played against each other first, but because SKT’s people were relatively close, they fought ahead of time.

people arrived

The grade group officially started

Five against four, SKT must have the upper hand

So 1G was taken down first.

Rookie was killed first by the focus fire.

The other people on both sides are still shopping, theshy saw the people from both sides fighting together

He also rushed down to support his teammates.

And there is a point that is overlooked, that (well done) is the German language

Delevingne’s damage was too high in the early stage, he directly took the head of Qin Nu

Later, after theshyi arrived, the two sides did not explode again.

The two sides united at the first level, and then resumed normal alignment

In the early stage of the line, the combination of bot Lu Delevin and Titans firmly suppressed SKT’s bot

The rookie in Wangbang Middle Road found a chance to catch Li Ge to death.

This gave rookie a wave of development.

King Ning’s focus gradually shifted to the bottom lane.

His idea is very good, that is, to grab the bottom lane and let the bottom lane Draven develop first.

He first went to grab the opponent’s jungler, first disabled the opponent’s jungler, and then went to support the bottom lane

In this wave, IG played a wave of two for one.

AD and support each took a kill.

Then they went on a road, either fighting, or a road on the way of fighting

Go to the middle road to grab, and then go to the bottom lane to grab.

Fights broke out every time, taking down the man-headed dragon.

This gap is slowly widening, the most important thing is that the German language has developed, and the hands

Unknowingly, there were three heads, and another person in the back ate the economy of a blood tower alone.



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