uzi: Hurry up and protect me! (Please subscribe)

level, is a very critical section

After both junglers reach level 6, their first wave of big moves is very critical

Which way will it be used?

on the road?

or down the road

Many people speculate that maybe rng will target the bot lane

After all, the bottom lane uzi is their core, only by ensuring the development of uzi can they take over the

win the game

Casa, wait down and grab the next road.

Zi also informed Casa

Casa didn’t dare not listen.

He has the least seniority in the team

How dare you offend the other party.

Do you still want to mix in rng

Just look at how many games Xiangguo has played this year. On the surface, it is a change of style of play.

The real reason is not because of discord within the team, offending people.

What’s more, he also heard from Xiao Ming what happened to Chen Hao before.

Well, everything is fine.

Uzi not only let Kasa come to the bottom lane, he also let Xiaohu from the middle lane come together, they plan to

Jump over the tower and kill the opponent.

If you want to kill the bottom lane on the opposite side, they can take advantage of the situation to take down the opponent’s first tower together, so as to

and Xiaolong

on the road

Sa couldn’t help at the moment.

I went there just now, but the opponent was too vigilant on the road, and didn’t give him a chance.

retreat to a safe position early

It was as if he already had a premonition that he was going on the road.

There is no other way, the road can only let Letmi deal with it by himself

He’s heartless too

One is that this top order is too difficult to catch, if you fail to catch it, it will be a waste of time

The second is that his focus should be on the bottom lane.

Anyway, Letmey’s side doesn’t seem to be easy to be single-killed, so don’t worry too much.

Cai Temi is very experienced in this area, probably not

Even if there is a problem, there is no way, he can only support it by himself.

Tool people should also have the awareness of tool people.

Chen Hao’s understanding of Sword Demon, including the release distance of skills, etc., is far ahead of Laitemi.

This is also the reason why Letemi was suppressed by Sword Demon online.

Letemi has a wealth of experience in dealing with stress online.

Things have stabilized online for now.

It should be impossible to kill me alone. ’ Letme murmured to herself inwardly.

Compared with other teammates in the team, he has two completely different experiences.

He has to be careful of Chen Hao on the line all the time

Unless the junglers come to catch me together.

That’s what Letemy worries about.

But if the jungler came to catch me, then Kasa would definitely attack the bottom lane directly.

Letemi bet that the other party will not come to catch him.


Even if no jungler comes to catch him, he won’t have a good time in lane.

The sword demon found an opportunity, and caught him playing a trick again.

He lost a lot of blood

The most important thing is that Chen Hao also gradually pulled away his last attack

There is already a 16-knife make-up gap.

Hmm? Sixteen dollars?

Letemi’s eyes changed.

The difference in making up the knife seems to be bigger than he expected

He thought that he was at most eight or nine knives behind the other party.

But in the blink of an eye, there is already a gap of sixteen knives

How is this going?

People are stupid.


The commentary here is also paying attention to the situation of the junglers on both sides at level six.

After the sixth grade

Their first big move is extremely critical.

Next, rng’s center of gravity should be on the bottom lane

If the puppy can open a breakthrough in the bottom lane, then rng can get up the rhythm


As for g2, it depends on who the succubi’s first big move is for

In contrast, Nightmare’s big move is more threatening than Rock Sparrow

When everyone is guessing.

Nightmare’s ultimate move is activated!

this moment

Everyone’s eyes are fixed on the screen, wanting to see who will fly with the big move.

on the road?

middle road?

Or go down the road?


It’s playing wild rock sparrow.

Nightmare’s Ultimate

Flying rock sparrow!” Miller finally reacted.

This completely exceeded everyone’s expectations.

At the first moment when the dream demon saw the rock sparrow through its eyes, it directly swooped in to fly the rock sparrow

That’s right , catch this rock sparrow

This is also a strategy that Chen Hao left for jankos before.

Now it finally comes in handy

While everyone was guessing, they discovered that the Nightmare had given the big move to the Rock Sparrow

Rock Sparrow was sent flying by Nightmare’s big move, and he had nothing to do with Nightmare who was completely close to him.

Casa’s Rock Sparrow was directly killed by Nightmare

Casa’s mouth twitched

Special meow, young people don’t talk about martial arts

This wave of kills broke rng’s rhythm

They originally planned to use the linkage between the rock sparrow and the mid laner to catch the opponent’s bottom lane together

but now the chaffinch is dead

The engine of rhythm is turned off

what’s going on

Z also frowned after seeing the rock sparrow being killed by the nightmare

This g2 team, which he didn’t care about, actually caused them a little damage twice in a row.

little trouble.

This makes his

somewhat upset

He wants to torture g2 and Chen Hao with blood

But how did this start?

First he lost one blood, and now the jungler was single-caught by the opponent.

Could it be the wrong way to open it?

Uzi didn’t think that g2 was very strong, he just thought that g2 might be lucky.

uZi spat in his heart

If the opponent does not confront him head-on in the next lane, it is impossible for him to kill the opponent, so

It’s a bit of a make-up

it’s annoying

Can continue to press the line

However, when Ruoque died

G2 can do a lot of things

quietly online

The main reason is that they were all attracted by the succubus who just recruited the rock sparrow.

So no one noticed Ah P’s wandering mage

When the rng people see Ah P again

That’s the big move of the traffic mage, bring people to drive here

Taking advantage of the timing of the rock sparrow’s death, they acted first to catch a wave of botsThis is how Chen Hao and the others played this round.

The bot lane for rng.

Otherwise, why would they choose Luo as a support?

Instead of choosing a support to protect the ad.

ask for flowers

Because of this round, their ad only needs to be a tool man

Then Luo entered the field with other teammates.

Sure enough, when the wandering mage’s ultimate move appeared on the ground, Jhin also activated his ultimate move

That’s what this blaster does.

2 The positioning of him is

With people.

used to recruit people

this moment.

Everyone’s eyes change

They finally saw the cooperation of several players in g2 in the bottom lane.

Jhin first uses his ult to keep people, then the wandering mage drives people away, and then… Luo enters the field to fight


No wonder… 92 chose Luo from the very beginning

It turns out that Luo’s role is here

Miller finally understood.

They always thought that the combination of Jhin and Luo was too nondescript in the bottom lane

They think it’s better to change the wheels and be in the bottom lane than to blow up

but now

They want to change their previous perception


first shot

Hit the female tank

Ming can’t dodge it, he wants to block Shanzi’s gun.

The power of the first shot is the least, and the damage is not high, but the deceleration is more disgusting.

he was kept

Wandering mages arrive with nightmares, but as soon as they appear.

The female tank’s big move fell down

Ming’s reaction was quick, and he counterattacked in time.

Nightmare is blocked by a shield, that is, the wandering mage is greatly recruited

* Make a move, plan to fight the nightmare first

But at this time.

There is also a headache point, Luo enters the field.

Uzi had no choice, when Luo wanted to carry him, he could only surrender his flash skill to hide

At this time, the wandering mage recovered from the dizziness and directly imprisoned Lu Xi of uzi

Ann couldn’t move.

Then lose

Fortunately, the damage of the wandering mages in the early stage is not high, and this set of skills is only a talent.

Remove half blood.

But there is still the control of the nightmare.

The cooperation between the two sides must be the stronger side of G2.

Four hits two, it is impossible to let them escape

And the rock sparrow is just reborn at this time, and then came from home

Thain in the middle can’t be the first

rushed to the battlefield

Laitemi, who was the top laner, was even more tightly suppressed by the Sword Demon.

G2 has already figured all this out.

They have been planning and digging holes from the very beginning, just for this moment

From the moment the rock sparrow was killed, all this began to be linked.

like the butterfly effect

quick save me

But there is only a female tank beside him, who else can save him besides the female tank

Z was a little panicked for the first time, he was set on fire.

Almost all control was given to him.

He has little room to show off.

g2 won’t show him either

In the end, rng’s bottom two were killed.

By the time Sean arrives at the bottom of the road, it’s already too late

Chacha Uzi’s head will be taken away by Jin’s last shot

The door pressed the line this time, and the ward position was arranged in the bottom lane.

But the big move of the wandering mage directly jumped over these eye positions.

The other head was taken by Ah P.

This wave of g2 makes a lot of money!




If you don’t kill your bottom lane after

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