, I won’t be called uzi! (Please subscribe

The puppies were caught and killed when they got off the road?

Letemi, who was on the road, was also shocked.

In this game, he was under a lot of pressure on the top lane, and it was basically difficult to separate his mind to manage the bottom lane.

did not expect

Their strongest road was actually caught and killed by g2 just now.

This is their current head to head ratio.

Three of the kills were spawned in the bottom lane.

This situation seems a bit wrong.

How to send so many heads.

Their rng’s bottom lane is rarely beaten like this.

What’s more, it is still g2’s bottom lane.

It’s Letemy who doesn’t dare to talk too much so as not to offend you

He continued to line up with Chen Hao.

After the sixth grade

His Urgot combat power has been greatly improved

Letemi wanted to find opportunities in his own lane, to see if he could suppress Chen Hao’s wave.

Now that my teammates on the other lanes are at a disadvantage, let’s see if I can be on the top lane

stand out.

In his heart, he still wanted to win Chen Hao once.

corrosion blasting

Seeing the opportunity, Letemi fired a corrosive explosive beam at Chen Hao’s Sword Demon

If this “one zero three” thing hits.

Letemi will definitely go up and consume the opponent immediately

Letemi can’t even remember how many times the opponent has dodged his Q skill

Can you hit this time?

still no

Chen Hao’s positioning is so good that he easily dodged his q skill.

And after dodging the Q skill, Chen Hao chose to fight back

Letemi himself was consumed with some blood volume, and suffered another small loss.

All he could do was pull back.

Continue to hold your own on the road.

It seems that we still need to find breakthroughs from other places.

In pure laning, he has no advantage.

Online is also pressured

The difference in making up the knife has expanded from the previous sixteen knife to twenty-two knife.

Unknowingly, the gap widens again

Letemi also has a terrible headache

Chen Hao put too much pressure on him

This time rng suddenly exploded in the bottom lane, and was double killed by g2

All of a sudden, the audience fell silent.

what happened?

In just a short while, why did rng’s bot lane duo get caught and killed

Originally learned the lesson of being caught and losing blood for the first time, rng will always

Make the field of view better to prevent being gank.

No one thought that g2 just caught Ruoque to death just now.

Then he immediately went down the road to catch people.

Hit rng ー caught off guard.

Make them unable to react at all.

People on other roads are also unable to support them.

Their previous focus was on the succubus.

Seeing that the nightmare’s big move is gone, I thought the crisis of the bottom road was liftedEveryone breathed a sigh of relief

It is a wandering mage who has been neglected all the time. He used his big move to drive quickly and went down with the nightmare

road, blocking rng’s retreat

After a while of coordination in the bottom lane, the duo was successfully killed.

Watching my screen turn gray

Uzi’s face is iron


The most uncomfortable thing is that my head was taken away by the smoke

If someone else took this head, he would probably feel better

If I don’t kill your bot lane later, I won’t be called uzi!” Uzi gritted his teeth

He was very upset.

This wave of g2 came down the road to arrest people, there was no sign at all, it was when everyone relaxed their vigilance


They all thought that Nightmare’s first wave of ults was exhausted, and the risk would be great after catching and killing the Rock Sparrow

With a big reduction, there is no need to worry about Nightmare using the big trick to trap people.

That’s why they go down the road so brazenly to press the line.

But at this time, a mid laner Ryze who had been ignored by them stepped forward at this moment.

With the nightmare in hand, he continued to drive to the next road.

Then, they let rng see the coordination of their lineup

Ad first uses big moves to keep people, it’s completely a tool player’s style of play

That’s why the support will choose Luo instead of the protective support such as Tam and Bron.

But this effect is surprisingly good.

Luo cooperates with the jungler and other teammates to enter the field, which can play an explosive effect.

ng’s bottom road can’t escape at all, and no one can come to rescue.

Both surrender their heads

Originally, rng was going to catch a wave of bot lane

We want the jungler Casa and the mid laner Xiaohu to come together to catch a wave.

Kill the opponent, then take a blood tower or dragon

They can completely establish the advantage of the bottom lane.

As the core of the team, as long as uzi can gain an advantage, they believe that the other party can take over

Tube game.

But after the jungle rock sparrow was single-caught by Nightmare, it caused a series of chain reactions.

On the contrary, g2 made a move first and caught them off the road

Just the other way around.

turned into the rhythm of g2

g2 sudden force

everything was too sudden

After Miller was stunned for a while, he could only smile wryly.

This wave is indeed a very good timing for G2, starting from the capture of Kasa’s rock sparrow, the plot

Played very well. ”

The Nightmare’s ultimate move, the Flying Rock Sparrow, is a stroke of genius.

It can be said that the thinking of g2 is too clear.

There are no underdogs in the World Championship, even such a team that does not look very strong is still full of strength.

full of threats. .

But it doesn’t matter, although rng is now at a small disadvantage, but we believe that

letter, they will definitely be able to call back later. “The doll is also giving confidence to a group of viewers

Keep them confident in rng.

It’s not like rng has never played a disadvantaged game

Believe in rng, believe in uzi.

I believe they can win.

g2, will not be a stumbling block for them.

That’s right, it’s just a little bit ahead, and the economic gap is less than 1,500

This ad is so good, what’s the use of getting a head, the puppy still crushes him online.

Puppies still have an advantage over him

The group of fans also firmly believed that rng would recover the disadvantages.

g The next step is to stabilize the situation and wait for the arrival of the strength period of your lineup

Doll is still optimistic about rng’s performance

Yes, rng can’t be in a hurry now, they need to be steady, their bot lane still has advantages

Positive. “Miller agrees

It depends on how rng will respond

After killing the opponent’s bottom lane duo, g2 took advantage of the opportunity to take Xiaolong.

Take the resources that should be taken first

As for pushing towers.

Not yet.

The opponent’s middle lane comes down to help defend, it is difficult to have a chance to push the tower

But this wave of catching the road, 92 earns enough

Take the head again, take the dragon again

The economy has lagged by more than 500 yuan before, and now it is more than 1,000 yuan ahead.

The economic gap isn’t huge, but it’s a good start

ng was completely led by their g2, falling into their rhythm.

Chen is right, this rng’s bot lane is really easy to target.

They didn’t seem to take us seriously, it was too easy to catch.

Instead of being angry, g2 laughed instead.

This is the effect they want to create.

The more the other party despises them, the easier it is for them to catch

You said that if RNG treated their g2 as a top team, would they be caught like this?

It is because of contempt that they press the line so unscrupulously

There are four kills ahead in g2’s hand.

It had a small advantage in the early stage.

Their contempt and arrogance will pay for them.

It’s a great feeling to think about leaving a favorite team in the quarterfinals.

The atmosphere of g2 is very relaxed.

They expect that they can beat rng in today’s game

It’s just starting now, and continue as planned.

Under Chen Hao’s command, g2 continued to target the bottom lane.

The rng bot lane duo that was killed returned to 5.2 and went online.

This time, they were much more cautious online.

Xiao Ming has real eyes on his body, and after reaching the line, he continues to arrange his vision.

Down the road this time it is considered to have made a vision

got caught twice in a row

They did not dare to be arrested again.

If they are caught and killed again, it will be really difficult for them to go down the road

Their lineup is the lineup in the early and mid-term. They can’t get an advantage in the early and mid-term.

how to spell

Uzi’s complexion was not very good-looking.

Before the start of this game, he was full of confidence that he could put the opponent in the bottom lane.

break through

But so far, instead of blowing up the opponent, he was caught online

Twice, a total of three heads were sent out from the bottom lane

The opponent who pressed the knife in the early stage was gradually chased up by the opponent.

Only the ten-knife make-up is ahead.But the other party has two heads in his hand, one of which is still a blood

The economy is not lagging behind at all.

He is very angry.

He didn’t believe it.

G2’s bot lane, he can’t do anything about it.




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