I want to eat four ways for one person! (Subscribe)

The voice of uzi sounded in the voice

He needs better protection in teamfights

Just like the team battle just now, as long as there is another person to protect him, he can operate.

But because other teammates are too far away from him, there is no way to provide good protection.

He will be killed first by the opponent.

As the core of the team, once uZi dies, rng’s team battle will be very difficult, and everyone else’s

Not enough imitation

When facing people with g2, there is no way to kill them

Just look at the team battle just now, there are still two people with residual blood on the opposite side, you know, the damage is just

yes a little bit

If uzi could have survived at that time, I am afraid it would be another


Among them, the most annoying thing for uzi is that his head was taken by Chen Hao.

He and Chen Hao are rivals.

Being killed by a deadly enemy and taking the head, this is simply a wordless mockery

A man with such a high heart like him must not be able to bear it

Li was furious.

just going crazy

he wants to torture back

He wants to kill this sword demon into a dog.

Let the other person know that he has nothing

Whether it was in rng before or in 92 now, it is just a waste

He wants to trample the opponent’s wolf under his feet.

It’s better to retire the opponent

Let him never turn over.

Only in this way can we relieve our anger

He clearly remembered the scene where the opponent fought with him after breaking up in the base.

The other one is that he needs to develop quickly

Make your own key gear out.

After being killed twice, his current development is very average.

Rhythm break.

The equipment is all behind

Wait for the resources in the 107 meeting field to be given to me

Uzi’s tone is unquestionable, almost ordering Casa in a tone that is not negotiable.

Although Casa felt a little uncomfortable with the tone, there was nothing he could do.

as the core of the team

The priority is the highest, not just resources in the wild

Some online resources must also be given priority to him

Resource allocation is always the ui first

Xiaohu doesn’t have any objections here, anyway, he’s playing mid laner Sion right now, so just mess around

Well, it doesn’t take too many resources.

The head ratio is 1:7

g’s situation is at a disadvantage

They need to stabilize the situation now, and they can no longer let g2 expand their advantage.

Otherwise, the game is really lost.

Losing the game is even more unacceptable to them

never lose

This team, which they regard as a weak team, if they all lost, how shameful would it be?

As a favorite to win the championship, they can’t afford to lose

Anyway, the kt team lost to g, ig is also very strong

is a first class team

But g2 is different, this team is just one

team only

They definitely can’t lose.

They still have to advance and win the championship!

“Now rng needs to be stable, don’t be in a hurry

“They have to wait for the key to the puppy to be made before they can take over the group.

The team battle just now was also a bit anxious, “ng’s formation was scattered, Xiaohu and Ka

Sa went to cross the tower, and the puppy had to face the upper middle of g2.

But… 92’s support is indeed too fast, almost as soon as the bottom lane battle broke out

Send it down immediately

The explanation here also thinks that at this time

Need to stabilize the situation.

After these few waves, the rhythm of g2 is very good, which makes people see a different side.

The opponent advances and retreats in an orderly manner.

When supporting, you can

rushed to the battlefield.

When retreating, without hesitation

very disciplined

Exactly like a machine.

This team seems to be more terrifying than they imagined.

But no matter how strong this opponent is, can it still be as strong as the opponents of CK before?

Miller shook his head and thought about it no more.

He still believes, “ng can create miracles and defeat the opponent in front of him

Still continue to watch the following games.

Doll still believes in rng’s performance here.

The two sides entered a short and stable development time

G2 is not in a hurry, but is waiting for the next opportunity.

With the advantage, the rhythm is in their hands.

Now Janko can invade the opponent’s jungle without any qualms.

The upper middle advantage allows him to play comfortably.

Casa started to have a headache.

He has to deal with the invasion of the opponent’s jungler while giving resources to the puppy

His development has been greatly affected, and he has been left far behind by Nightmare.

The loss of rhythm in the early stage made him not know what to do.

He also has to guard against nightmares at all times.

The opponent’s jungler wants to kill him solo now, and drinklike water

Once encountered in the wild, he is almost impossible to escape

District resources have been greatly plundered.

The development of chaffinches has been greatly affected by

Casa can only go online to help catch people

But I went to two waves and returned without success

After the level of the Wandering Mage is raised, the line clearing speed is too fast, and it will not cross the middle line at all.


Taking advantage of the upper middle push line.

At the minute, g2 took down the canyon pioneer.

Then cooperate with the canyon pioneer to help Chen Hao win the first blood tower on the road.

Playing is already firmly in his hands, and rng is not given any chance to relax.

There was no expression on uzi’s face.

He is now looking for resources to develop as much as possible.

After the bottom (bjfc) road pushes the lane, go to the wild area to get the stone man, and then switch to the middle road

eat two soldiers

Don’t stop for a moment.

His last hits also increased gradually, more than thirty knives

The make-up knife that was recovered before was pulled away by him again

I switched to the top lane to develop in a single lane, you can figure it out yourself.

Then he went on the road and ate the thread alone

Letemi was also forced to switch to the bottom lane

With the development of the ui, the commentary seems to see hope again after it has been broken.

What happened to the cooperation of rng?

If Xiaohu and Xiaoming can get a good team first, maybe they can play a wave

Bright teamfight.

The initiative ability of the ng lineup is still very good.

There is Sion, there is a female tank

These are all very powerful heroes.

will not be passively beaten

The next wave of fire dragons is probably RNG’s last chance.

rng’s lineup is in the early and mid-term, but they didn’t have an advantage in the early and mid-term, so what’s the matter


As time goes by, as the level increases.

The team’s lineup is a parabola, rising first, and then arriving in the middle

After a vertex, it starts to go downhill.

The g2 team is different

Their lineup is getting stronger in the late stage, and no one can deal with the wandering mage.

If you want the Wandering Mage to take a single belt in the later stage, who should you send to fight?

Like no one can stop

Ryze can even use his big move to lead troops into the tower and speed up the tower push, which is also very scary


In addition, the rhythm is now in the hands of g2, and the economy has been expanded little by little

They can’t let themselves fall into the rhythm of slow death

They must find a way to find a breakthrough

Most likely, that is the next fire dragon.

Only when you gain an advantage in the front, carry out infinite grouping, and don’t give the opponent a single chance

They will be easy to fight.

But at the moment on the side of the g2 team, it seems a lot easier.

Under Chen Hao’s command, they fought in an orderly manner

They all obeyed Chen Hao’s command, and they always aimed at rng’s bot lane.

Unexpectedly, it worked out well.

Easier than expected.

The next road is too arrogant

confidence is a good thing

But if you are too confident, it is easy to overturn.

G2 took advantage of this and easily gained an advantage.

Their tactics for the bottom lane are also very important.

The data of uzi is 0/2/0.

Xiao Ming’s data is 0/2

The opponent’s bot lane alone contributed almost four kills.

Do you think who could have predicted such a situation before the game?

Many people thought before the game that g2’s bot lane would be easily pierced by rng.

But instead of being pierced, they even took a lot of heads.

They completely admire Chen Hao

Come on everyone, we will strive to win this round as soon as possible. “”Chen Haoyu smiled, still maintaining the

calm down

He didn’t relax his vigilance after gaining the advantage.

Although they are now leading the economy by four or five thousand, it does not mean that they will definitely win.

Looking at last year’s EDG, people still led the economy by 10,000, and it was not overturned in the end.

rng still has the power to fight

After Zi’s Lucian released the key equipment, he had a good output.

After eating a few routes of resources, his development caught up, and his equipment did not lag behind.

G2 must not be underestimated here

It is also the key to Miller and Wawa’s belief that rng still has a comeback.

After seeing the people from rng go to the Xiaolong area to control the vision, they also started to do vision.

The two sides will start a new round of competition around Xiaolong

If there is a road, let Ah P lead the line.

After Chen Hao finished pushing the line in the bottom lane, he also gathered towards Xiaolong.




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