The God-like Sword Demon! (Subscription required)

Side battles are imminent

There was a tense atmosphere.

For RNG fans, their hearts are broken

Pull into a ball.

They are even more nervous than the players in the competition

Many people are silently praying for rng

I hope they can reverse the situation and make a successful comeback

Many people can’t figure out why the game ended like this at the beginning

Obviously everyone thinks that rng is stronger than g2, the two teams are completely different



But now it’s beaten like this

What went wrong?

rng’s bottom lane duo is the best in the world.

From the beginning of the laning, u crushed the opponent, and I don’t know how many knives were crushed.

The two players in the middle lane are almost in balance, and no one can do anything to the other, and they develop each other.

The road is a little bit disadvantaged, and he is pressed a little bit to make up the knife, but it is also within the normal range

According to this development, no matter what, it will be their rng advantage

The bottom lane has every chance to penetrate the opponent.

But after being caught for a few waves in the bottom lane, it became a disadvantage.

I also play casually, and the bottom lane is too targeted

In fact, if you look at it carefully, everything seems to be controlled by an invisible hand.

But they couldn’t tell what was wrong.

I hope this wave of Xiaolong group rng can fight well and beat the disadvantagesreturn

It depends on the performance of the puppy

Everyone here is still looking forward to uzi’s performance

uzi is the god in everyone’s eyes

Although his current 0/2/0 data doesn’t look very good, but everyone doesn’t realize

His role will be reduced

He is still the core of rng

Still the key to winning the game

He ate so much money in the back

All the friends ‘give up’ the economy to him.

His development is definitely not bad.

If you eat more money, you must also bear greater responsibility accordingly.

He became the key point of this team fight.

Everyone can see the scene at this moment, people from both teams are making a fuss about Xiaolong.

In seizing the field of vision and seizing a position that is beneficial to oneself

Still have to be careful about the jungler on the opposite side, don’t let him cut to the puppies in the back row.

And that sword demon, I always feel that this person is very weird

Chen Hao’s sword demon in this round seems to be very ordinary, but it always gives people a strange feeling

If you want to say it’s not strong, but you can suppress Laitemi’s fight, the difference between online make-ups is almost 30

away from

But if you want to say strong, there are not many outstanding performances other than taking the lead after making up the knife

They’re a bit lost

But there is a deep connection between Chen Hao and rng after all.

People are still more concerned.

It can be said

This time he came back with g2 for revenge

“rng’s field of vision control is not bad, several key positions have all set up the field of vision, no

Use people who worry about each other to kill from behind.

The commentary is also analyzing the current situation.

They are also very nervous

This wave of little dragons is related to rng’s victory or defeat.

Whether we can fight back depends on how well this wave of dragons fights

This is their last chance.

If they can play well, they can recover the disadvantages ahead

After taking a good position, rng was not in a hurry.

They are still playing around, biding their time.

G2 is not a vegetarian either, and used this opportunity to push the middle tower and put pressure on rng.

Rng had no choice, knowing that it couldn’t be delayed for too long, so he began to try to pull Xiaolong out to fight.

Letemi and Xiaohu’s Thain fight in the front, blocking the opponent’s people, there is a kind of one man guarding the gate

The feeling that Wanfu can’t open it, Xiao Ming’s female tank is next to the UI, and it is well protected.

Casa Control Dragon.

Uzi is protected layer by layer, he is responsible for output

If the nightmare on the opposite side dares to fly over, it is definitely asking for death

After the little dragon was pulled out of the dragon pit, these people started to beat the little dragon, and the little dragon’s blood volume was also

slowly descending.

2 This side is also surrounded from the middle.

As everyone pushed forward, they lit up the field of vision in the grass

Ap uses his skills to fight and consume at a long distance

Long stood in front of the two teams.


The dragon’s blood line is also approaching the killing line.

Watch out for dragons.

uZi yelled at Kasa.

this dragon is very important to them

Casa’s eyes are also staring at the dragon

His hands were already on punishment.

He calculated the damage every minute and every second.

It depends on whose damage is more accurate, and whose hand speed is faster

But at this moment.

It was suddenly dark.

After hearing the sound effect of Nightmare’s ult and his vision went dark at the same time, Kasa’s little hand

Shaking, pressing the punishment in advance.

He was so nervous that mistakes actually occurred.

his face changed


but it’s too late

Immediately afterwards, another punishment came out

dragon , snatched by q2

“Pretty.” Everyone in g2 cheered up

I saw Xiaolong being robbed.

Zi is very angry

what the hell is this

He clearly drew attention, but he just couldn’t control it.

The other group of spectators who watched the game felt the urge to vomit blood, and they also complained at the moment

What is Casa doing? This is all being robbed.

Can’t even control the little dragon?

“I miss Mr. Guo’s first day

What about Mr. Guo? Or let Mr. Guo play the next game.

The barrage in the live broadcast room of the game, after Xiaolong was robbed, suddenly appeared

Casa is going to take the blame

It can be seen how angry a group of fans are.

It was originally a disadvantage, but now Xiaolong was robbed.


rng is also on the top

They cannot tolerate this happening.

keep him

also angry

Now that the dragon was robbed, they also planned to keep the other party’s people.

Under Uzi’s words, rng started to move.

There are only two of them who can start a group first.

It’s Tiger’s Sean

Ming female tank

At this time, they can’t control who protects whom.

Immediately plan to rush with the whole team

Sion’s big move was activated, he took the lead in charging, and rushed towards the g2 crowd.

g2 everyone can only pull back

A head-on battle kicked off

ask for flowers

All the audience cheered up at this moment, staring intently at the game screen, not daring to

Forget about any detail.

Tiger Thain’s big move is the first move, rushing over, the target is Ah P on the opposite side

Ah P handed over his own flash and escaped Xiaohu’s big move

g2 fought back.

Nightmare didn’t care about Casa, but flew the puppy directly

The commentators were all nervous at the moment.

This time Xiaolong was robbed, in fact, they are quite regrettable

After all, it is a fire dragon, if you can get it, it will be of great help to rng

Letemi followed closely behind and rushed over with Xiaohu, trying to disrupt the back row of g2.

At this moment, Urgot’s combat power is still very terrifying. If he is allowed to deal damage… this is a g2

I’m afraid the back row will explode

Seeing the dream demon flying by himself, UI showed a cold look in his eyes.

good time

He is protected by Xiao Ming, and he is not afraid of the other party flying him at all.

When the nightmare flew over, Ming directly used the e skill to come over.

But this skill is blocked by Nightmare’s shield

Ming is not in a hurry at all, he has already arrived at these things, and he is still holding the Q skill in his hand, just in time to faint

Live each other

The dream demon comes over, just onea living target.

They have long been ready.

This time he will be called back and forth.

Uzi shot directly at Nightmare, wanting to take advantage of the time when the other party was under control, to hit him


Nightmare’s blood is falling slowly

And the frontal team battle.

Sion also caused some problems for g2, he was too fleshy and hard to impress.

g2 doesn’t want to waste too many skills on him

Juggert is next to him, a threat to g2

The teamfight situation seems to be good for rng.

g2 was beaten while retreating.

Leaving a flying uzi succumbed to the awkward situation, and was quickly killed

NG’s fans immediately became excited when they saw this scene.

This team battle seems to be about to win for rng.

“rng come on

“rng is going to turn around

Not only the audience, but even the commentators also think that rng’s team battle must be won at this moment.

but at this moment

Individuals stood up.

Chen Hao’s Sword Demon!

The sword demon activated his big move, and at this moment suddenly rushed into the opponent’s crowd

G2’s counterattack horn sounded

Luo, who had been waiting for a long time, cooperated with Chen Hao and entered the arena together.

The four people who directly charmed rng

The sword demon is like a god descending from the earth

hammer four

Chen Hao, who had been silent for most of the game, showed his power at this moment.

at this moment

He did terrible damage

two paragraphs of q,

The e skill is connected to the third paragraph q at the same time

Except for the Taurus

The other few people were immediately disabled

Jhin raised his gun at the same time and took aim from a distance.

Quickly took the first head

And Ryze, who is cooperating with Chen Hao’s output, is also exerting strength at the same time

Just a moment later, the tables turned

A Sword Demon enters the field and deals explosive damage

Tide changes again

rng… Dangerous. pill




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