The rmg round is gone! (Subscribe)

Everyone’s hearts were raised at once

They all mentioned the throat.

The situation is changing too fast

It was almost too late for them to react.

Originally thought that after losing the succubi in seconds, the situation of rng was very good, and there were people


The sudden appearance of the sword demon caused such a terrifying team battle AOE damage.

Damage explosion.

A sword demon. “The doll’s voice trembled a little.

His eyes widened, he looked like he had seen a ghost

The damage was horrific.

It’s off.

what kind of harm is this

too terrifying.

The individual turned the situation around abruptly.

make things tough for rng

After the Sword Demon entered the arena, “ng was defeated instantly.

The timing of entering the arena is just right. When Nightmare is killed, everyone thinks that g2 will take 4

When fleeing, the opponent chose to fight back

Turn on the big move and kill the crowd.

Hit three paragraphs of q damage.

Everyone knows how terrible his injury is

Knowing how well the sword demon is developed, the equipment is almost the best in the audience.

this operation

It’s a good time.

Zero Seven “g… I’m afraid this round will be lost.” Miller’s voice also sank,

a little complicated.

Such an eye-catching operation was made by the opponent.

It would be great if this was typed out by rng

they feel bad

really sad

I became the one being shown.

When I killed Nightmare just now, I cheered a bit, thinking that RNG has a chance to come back


Who would have known… the appearance of the sword demon changed the situation of the battle again

“The slap in the face came too fast.” Miller smiled wryly

This sword demon is too strong.

“He’s more than forty dollars ahead of Letemi’s CS!

he just found out

Miller is even a little pity, this player is a member of the g2 team.

If this is… a player from the p? competition area, how wonderful it would be

This kind of strength can definitely lead the lpl team to a higher position

It was Miller who forgot.

At the beginning, it wasn’t that Chen Hao didn’t want to stay in lpl, but that no team wanted him.

He was forced to leave his hometown

Went to play games in other divisions.

Now, he came back with a heart of revenge.

He wants to lead the team himself and win the championship

Climb to the top of the podium in the professional arena.

This scene, a group of people were shocked.

In the live broadcast room of the game, a group of people were shocked

Wow… this wave of sword demon is really like a god descending from the earth

“He played really well too.

It would be great if this was our own player.

The opponent belongs to the opponent, but the performance of this sword demon is really perfect here

nothing else to choose

The timing of the shot was just right, when rng was chasing them, he suddenly turned his head and chose to fight back.

This is no ordinary reckless

If it were another player, I’m afraid they would choose to escape.

Including a group of professional players who were watching the game, they were also stunned by this operation.

theshy in the audience, his eyes shine even more

Not to mention anything else, just this one-handed operation made them admire.

Inside the door to see the door, the layman to watch the fun

These professional players also saw a lot of things from this sword demon’s shot

Bold but cautious.

The hearts of rng fans are going to be uncomfortable.

because after this wave

I’m afraid the situation will be very difficult

Originally RNG was at a disadvantage, and if they lose this round of team battles, the gap will only get bigger and bigger

This wave of dragons is rng’s last chance.

But first Xiaolong was robbed, now he was beaten into a pile of blood by the sword demon

last chance lost


Turn the hell up.

rng himself was also stunned.

ト比, what kind of damage is this Sword Demon doing?”

it’s a fart

They were still chasing G2’s people last second, and they saw that this wave of team battles was about to win.

The next second turned into their rout

run away

Chen, your approach is too powerful


そThe voice in the team, alsoThere were bursts of excited shouts, and they were also

The operation gave the farmer a shake.




In an instant, G2’s aura reached its peak.

Second uZi first, don’t let him go

Chen Hao didn’t care about the crowd’s cheers, but called them to attack uzi together

Facing the siege of the crowd, uzi really can’t stand it this time

His face was livid.

This wave of Chen Hao’s performance is so good, it’s like slapping him in the face.

Still pumping back and forth.

It was just pushing him to the ground and rubbing against it.

Chong Chong

A group of people came to kill, how can the rng people with residual blood stop them?

Chen Hao just played uzi

In uzi’s heart, there are also ten thousand grass mud horses galloping at this moment

No one can protect him

When he handed over Flash, Chen Hao also followed Flash to kill him

He can only fall down.

After uzi is killed, it is difficult for others to show any performance

Afterwards, Letemi, Xiao Ming, and Kasa were all killed.

Ryze drove people to block the road, so that they couldn’t escape at all

In the end, the rng group was destroyed.

g2 only killed the succubus

This wave of small dragons, they first grabbed the small dragons, and then played in this team battle

Five results.

The advantage has expanded again.

And this time the advantage is very, very large.

After killing rng’s people, g2 teamed up again to push the tower, get resources, and inherit the advantage


The economic gap between the two sides has widened to eight thousand

The 8,000 yuan at this time is already very difficult to reverse.

With the passage of time, the strong period of the g2 team has gradually come

Ryze will also work hard

And rng’s lineup is slowly going downhill

how to fight

face is extremely ugly

In this game, from the very beginning when he was caught, he was in a bad mood

He was headed by Chen Hao

He is likely to lose another round to Chen Hao.

With the defeat in the team battle, rng’s economic gap is very large, they can only passively defend

All resources are taken away by g2

Then g2 later used the big dragon to make a fuss and killed the rock sparrow.

Success. Killed the dragon

With the big dragon buff, rng experienced the horror of the g2 sub-band

totally unable to cope

In the end, under 131 minutes of pushing, rng lost the first game.

With the explosion of the base crystal

g2 took the lead to win the first game

this win

It exceeded a group of people’s expectations.

Before the game, no one was optimistic about g2, they all thought they would lose, they all thought it would be a 3:0 loss to rn

But now they got a good start in the first round

Win first.

Everyone was optimistic about rng, but they lost the first game

The group of people were all slapped in the face.

After losing the game, the heat quickly fermented.


“What happened? I lost the first game

Everyone didn’t know what to say at this time.

The EDG players also shook their heads slightly and sighed.

They played against g2 before, to be honest, when they played against g2, they always felt

I feel like I haven’t forced out the opponent’s true strength.

However, it feels like g2 is not that strong.

Always gives people a confusing feeling.

Now that rng lost, they also suddenly realized that g2 might not be that simple.

Originally, they all thought that rng had a relatively high probability of advancing.

But now rng lost the first game, as a team in the same division, they also feel helpless


There is also G, at this moment they are also planning to re-examine the G2 team.

After all, they are in the same half of the team.

In case g2 really wins rng, they should be prepared.

The barrage in the live broadcast room is also much less than before.

Am I dreaming?

“rng will lose to a team weaker than them

Many people are in disbelief.

But the reality is in front of 5.2

indeed lost

And also lost badly

In this round, they only took two heads from g2, but g2 killed more than a dozen of them


Among them, most of them come from the bottom lane

They played too casually at first, and after a few rounds of being caught, the advantage was gone

In the first round of the game, the Internet suddenly became lively

Part of it is still recovering from the failed ending, and part of it is feeling too terrible

Siyi, the other part is thinking about why rng lost

There are no underdogs in the world competition

Even such a seemingly weaker team can overthrow a strong team

Madan, rng is not going to follow kt’s old path, is it?

Someone started to worry.

They were afraid that rng would be the same as kt.

Don’t worry everyone, it’s only the first game now, this is a BO5 game.

Everyone believes that “ng bar, they will surprise us


Believe in rng, believe in puppy, let g2 get in the way first, let them see later

Download the true strength of rng.

However, at present, there are still many people who still believe in rng, and believe that they will be in the next game




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