Let them see the real strength of rng! (Please subscribe

After rng lost the first game.

Netizens reacted differently.

A small group of people began to curse.

What the hell did ng play in the first game.

Even if a team like g2 loses, it’s better to disband as soon as possible.

There are also some people who are worried that rng will end up in the same way as kt team.

It is the favorite team to win the World Championship, and it has attracted much attention. I am afraid that they will all overturn in the quarterfinals

stop eight

That would be really upset.

But more people areI don’t think there is anything to worry about, it’s just a small field

Already, this is a best-of-five competition system, losing one game will not have too much impact, as long as the subsequent games play well


Occasionally, sometimes you don’t perform well on the spot, and it’s normal to lose a game

After all, it is impossible for a team to be an ever-victorious general. There will always be times when the team is not in good shape.

all in all.

Most people still maintain strong confidence in rng, thinking they can play g2

to get better grades.

I don’t think they lost to g2 because of their lack of strength

At most, it was careless in the first game, bad luck and lost the game.

Let g2 win one round first, then rng win three rounds later

No way, no way, no one really thinks that g2 can really beat rng, right? Just g2

Such a team is 19, if it can rng, I will live broadcast and eat the keyboard

It’s just one game, it’s nothing, it’s a BO5 game. Let them meet in the next round

Know the real strength of rng

I admit that g2’s top laner is a bit strong, and the Sword Demon played very well just now. but as long as

Play well after g, play g2, and it will not be difficult to enter the semi-finals

We rng are going to win the championship, how could they fall down here

Anyway, I am stud rng3:1 and q2.

believe in rng , believe in puppy

Losing the first game will not change everyone’s opinion of rng.

Wawa and Miller also recovered from the last wave of team battles at this time, and began to fight

After the game, analyze the reasons for losing the game just now.

In the last wave of team battles, they were also really shocked by Chen Hao’s performance of Sword Demon.

If it weren’t for this sword demon, I’m afraid rng could really win this wave of small dragon team battles and recover

disadvantages, then stabilize the situation and gradually turn the tables

Phew. It’s really unimaginable that Chen Hao’s sword demon is so strong.

Later, rng may have to consider targeting this sword demon in one hand. “Mi Gui let out a long breath.

It’s really a pity that Chen Hao is a player. If rmng didn’t let him go… maybe the current r

g would be even scarier. “The doll said subconsciously.

It’s scary to think about it, one Chen Hao and one Cai Temi

And shield, at the same time.

simply invincible

But in fact, they also know that this is unlikely.

Chen Hao was hidden in rng at the beginning

If he doesn’t go to g2 and doesn’t even play a game, how can everyone see him like this now?

Such a strong side.

“In the first game, rng did not play as well as g2. They played too casually in the early stage

I’m a little underestimated, so that every time I hit the jungler in the bottom lane, I can succeed

There is indeed a big problem in the deployment and control of the vision of the bottom lane

Coupled with the good grasp of the big rhythm in the next few waves of g2, rng’s disadvantage is even greater

Nightmare’s first ult is Flying Rock Sparrow, which is something I never thought about. Then Ryze again

I took the succubus to the bottom lane to catch it, and I was caught off guard by rng.

2’s command may be stronger than we imagined

The two hit the key point right away.

that is the command of g2

To measure whether a team is strong or not, apart from the player’s personal strength, it depends on his


what is command

It is to have an overall view that others do not have, and to make decisions at critical moments

The reason why EDG was so strong before was because their commander was the director of the factory

Later, the factory manager retired to the second line, and after Emperor Ha was replaced, the strength of the team dropped significantly.

At each level, everyone’s performance is average

That’s because when the factory manager is not in the team, the conductor is replaced by the younger sister

My sister is still a bit lacking in command ability

I got a message from others, it is said that the commander of g2 is Chen Hao

Is Chen Hao the commander of g2?” Wawa was also surprised by this news.

At this moment, they once again refreshed their cognition and views on Chen Hao

If command ability is added, then Chen Hao’s comprehensive ability has to be raised by another level

I’m afraid g2 is not as weak as they imagined.

This loss is not all bad for rng

“I hope rng can take advantage of the failure of this game to pay more attention to this opponent and cheer up

In the end, it was Chen Hao’s sword demon that showed his strength.

Destroy rng.

When the two explanations are analyzed.

For both teams.

Their state is also completely different


The atmosphere in the lounge at the moment is a bit depressing.

looks a bit dull

Everyone was sullen and didn’t speak.

Xiang Guo half closed his eyes, as if he didn’t know what to do.

The gazes of other people also glanced at uzi in unison.

Losing the game, everyone’s in a bad mood

Especially for UI, it is extremely uncomfortable

They actually lost to g2 and Chen Hao in the game

what kind of team is this

Among the teams that entered the quarterfinals this time

I think G2 is just the middle and lower team.

and they rng

That is the favorite team to win the championship. Among the teams entering the quarterfinals, it is definitely ranked first

After kt was defeated by i9, the only team that threatened them was that

Besides g, who else do they need to worry about.

The two teams are obviously not at the same level

Get defeated by a weaker team

Naturally not happy.

What’s more, this team is led by Chen Hao.

Defeated by the team brought by the nemesis.

This feeling is very uncomfortable

It’s just like

palm, slapped him hard in the face

He was blown away.

But this anger, there is no place to vent it now

In the first game, the whole team played badly, including him himself.

Nothing to play.

I can hit the head in the back.

but this time

sorry everyoneBlame my little dragon for being robbed by g2, that’s why we finally come back

no hope

Why don’t we let the incense pot go?

Casa was the first to stand up and take the blame

He felt that he would lose the first game, and he had a big problem

In the last wave of team battles, Xiaolong was robbed.

If it wasn’t for this little dragon being robbed, they still have the last hope of making a comeback

he is the one

The one who wants to snuff out.

He thinks he has a big problem

not playing well

After being killed by the Nightmare in the early stage, he lost his rhythm, and there was no rhythm in the audience.

After listening to Casa’s words, the coach did not express his position immediately, but 107 waited for others

go on.

The incense pot squinted his eyes, and his eyebrows moved a little.

He hasn’t played a game for a long time, and he really wants to play

But he is also very clear…it is not so easy for him to play

This season, he has played almost as many times as he can count on one hand

But he is still much better than the original Chen Hao.

At least for this World Championship, he is on the roster.

As for the original Chen Hao, his name was immediately removed, and he was not on the list.

Not from the starting lineup to the bench.

I also had problems with this game. I didn’t have a good vision in the early stage, which caused us to be caught in the bottom lane.

Caught it a few times. “Xiao Ming followed up and explained his problem.

Because they underestimated the opponent, they played too casually in the early stage.

Will eat this evil fruit.

If you don’t treat your opponents as human beings, they will naturally…lose.

Losing this game can be said to be unexpected, or it can be said to be expected

My top road was not stable, and the last knife was suppressed a bit too much. ’ said Letmey,

He really wanted to win Chen Hao once, but this time, he still lost to the opponent.

Being oppressed by the opponent online is miserable

Obviously he got Urgot, who has a laning advantage, but he just can’t play the advantage

Hu: “I didn’t give timely feedback on the opponent’s mid laner.

Then it was uzi’s turn.

I also hit the top, and when I was in the bottom lane, I pressed the line deeper.

Individuals reflect on the problems they encountered in the first game

it’s good for them too

Perhaps in the next game, these problems can be avoided.

But in the next game, I will punch through them and get off the road!

uZi is still obsessed with penetrating the opposite g2’s bottom lane




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