The protection of this bureau needs to be strengthened! (Subscribe

This is absolute confidence in one’s own strength

What’s more, the opponent’s bottom lane is indeed weak.

Among the eight teams, the strength is not outstanding.

It is even more impossible to compare with uzi.

uzi is known as the world’s number one ad this year!

He believes that he can play an absolute advantage in the bottom lane

There was no expression on his face.

The only word in his eyes is victory.

In addition, I hope that the next game can continue to revolve around my bot lane.

uzⅰ continued

Still want to play four guarantees one tactic

He still wants to let himself turn the tide

He believes in his own strength.

He felt that with his own strength, as long as he displayed it, there would be absolutely no problem, and he could lead

The team wins.

As long as his teammates cooperate well and protect him well, he can take over the game alone.

because his name is uz

He is the core of the team

Only he can lead the team forward.

He doesn’t want to lose again.

he can’t afford this face

Want to win the game, win g2, win Chen

With his relationship with Chen Hao, no one can beat Chen Hao if he loses.

It’s not just about winning or losing.

In the following games, he just wants to hide

win crisply

Give each other a chance

Although the last game was played around the bottom lane, but the cooperation was not good, he was cut

In the back row, the means to protect him are more

It’s hard to come by.

He didn’t show much of his strength

So he hopes that in the second game, he can get more means to protect him in the lineup

For example, take a cautious order or something

The coach nodded and agreed with uzi’s suggestion, he also didn’t want to change tactics

They also believe in the strength of uZi, and the four guarantees and one guarantee are the safest and most secure of them all the time.

For good tactics

As the absolute core player in the team.

strength, there is no doubt.

His debut was the pinnacle, and he won the runner-up in S3.


Especially this year, uzi’s state has reached its peak state.

Has the strength to hit the championship.

After the powerful enemy kt team was sent away by q

This is also the closest time their RNG has come to the S Championship

Their opponent is not g2, but ig

They felt that they would lose the last game, not because of their strength, but because of their lightness.

look, lose in their own play

This time they readjust and will never lose again.

No one else has an opinion on this either

They are also used to this style of play

don’t want to change anything

Just like Xiaohu, he got used to playing as a functional mid laner this season, let him play now

He will not get used to playing carry? type mid laner.

Besides, he hasn’t practiced this type of hero for a while, and his hands are also unfamiliar.

Letemi has a little idea in his heart, he actually wants to get some heroes he wants to play

But he feels that it is useless for him to say it now, and others will not agree

Crispy and easy to eat.

The coach began to rearrange the tactics for the next game.

For those who played, the coach did not make any replacements.

He was weighing it up, and he still intends to continue to let Casa play

Four guarantees and one tactic, it would be better for Casa to play.

In this way, rng finalized the lineup and tactics for the second game.

Still using the four guarantees and one tactic

However, compared to the first game, the protection of this game has increased!

Well, you don’t need to put too much pressure on yourself, weAs long as you play well, you can


The coach also enlightened everyone at the end.

Let them not be too nervous, adjust their emotions

They still don’t think that g2 will be stronger than them

Compared with the dullness in the rng team’s lounge, the atmosphere of the g2 team is more relaxed

a lot of

Play the first game.

The pressure on them is nothing.

Chen Hao’s rebellion task list also shows the progress of the task completion at this moment

Renegade task eight: Eliminate rng in the quarterfinals, let the opponent stop the quarterfinals, according to the competition

The results are used to assess the completion level (in progress, the current completion level is 1/3)!

And there is a line of words at the bottom, to be rated!

His task this time is a bit special. After completing it, there will be a task completion status


The task is completed, only the first condition

However, the issuance of rewards needs to be related to the evaluation level of the task

Divided into three levels of abc, in fact, it corresponds to three different levels of 3:0, 3:1 and 3:2


Different levels correspond to different rewards.

As for the rewards, I don’t know yet.

Only after the task is completed can we know what the reward is.

According to the guesses of these levels, it must be the award for the task completion of the A-level evaluation

Rewards are higher.

“Win the first game, two games to go

Chen Hao was not in a hurry either.

This time, he intends to send rng away in the quarterfinals, which is also a gift he gave to the other party in response.

It’s a ‘repayment’ for what the other party has done to me

Especially for such a top team in everyone’s eyes,

Favorite team to win the championship

This is also a very interesting thing.

If it can be scored 3:0, it will be more interesting.

Chen, you played too well just now, this sword demon is too domineering, he chased all four of you by himself

Haha, just now, I almost thought we were going to lose this round of team battles, but luckily

Chen stood up, and a god came down to earth

Ah P and all the G2 players admired Sword Demon’s performance in the last wave of team battles.

body cast

If it wasn’t for Chen Hao’s Sword Demon, they would probably fight Han in this wave of team battles.

Although the game may not necessarily be lost, there are also some uncontrollable factors

After all, this is rng, not an ordinary team.

Facing such a strong team, we must always remain vigilant.

g2 says hello, but never ambiguous when playing games

Their pre-match hilarity can actually be regarded as a part of tactics, which can stimulate people’s mentality.

Some people have a good attitude and will not be affected.

Some people have a bad mentality, and they may be affected, which will affect their game

state in

This is also an officially allowed operation.

It’s the same thing as pregame trash talk

Guess the next game, the opponent will definitely ban Sword Demon

I guess it will definitely be banned, the team battle just now must have cast a psychological shadow on them all

Chen, how are we going to play the next game?

g2 Everyone looked at Chen Hao.

As long as Chen Hao is there, they will have a backbone and know how to play the game.

Still targeting them. “Chen Hao smiled slightly.

With the end of the first game between g2 and rng

The scene of Chen Hao’s Sword Demon hitting four with one hammer was made into a related video and posted on the Internet

Once the video was released, it quickly attracted attention

On the Internet, it caused a great sensation and repercussions

Many people praised g2 one after another.

“G2’s top laner is too strong

I buy Karma, this sword demon is too powerful, from now on I will be a fan of the 92 team.

“It’s unbelievable that g2 can beat rng. I always thought that rng’s team play

Invincible, uzi is invincible!

Come on g2, let everyone see your strength, you are the best!


Chen Hao’s popularity has risen sharply, and many people are paying attention to this g2 foreign aid player.

His strength conquered a group of people.

The boss of g2 had already laughed so hard that he couldn’t close his mouth from ear to ear.

The better g2 behaves, the happier he will be.

He is glad that he picked up a treasure

At the beginning, he also reported the idea of ​​giving Chen Hao a try, but he didn’t expect to change it directly.

g2 battle

From a bad team, it has grown into a strong team.

Dominated the eu competition area, reached the world championship, and now is moving towards a higher level step by step


He doesn’t know (Zhao) Dao can win the championship, but every step forward…he feels that it is a profit

have to

The major professional teams also held different views on the first round of the game.

NC team, as a team in the same division, they only think this is the normal performance of G2

When they were in the league, they were hammered by g2 a long time ago

The player Chen Hao even beat them all on the road.

Whether it is a single belt or a team battle… His performance is unparalleled

This is an all-around top laner

Not only can he play output-type top laners, but his tank-type top laners rely on

The nc team will not tell this secret to others

Team g is here, they are discussing and analyzing team g2 at the moment

Although they also want rng to advance, they are in a head-to-head confrontation with them.

But they also need to be prepared.

ng lost

Then their opponent in the semi-finals will become g2.


The same as their previous games, not many people were optimistic about their ig ability kt before the game, but in the end

In the end, they also won kt.

Some still need to be cautious.

after a break

The second game is about to start




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