is a headache, how to deal with it? (Please subscribe

After a short break to adjust

The personnel of the two teams returned againto the dance of the game

After the first round of fierce competition, g2 currently leads by 1 point, they first

Played the first game.

On the contrary, the rng team, which has received much attention and attention, stumbled and encountered Waterloo.

His eyes dropped in shock.

Many people are thinking, there will be another upset, and then they will stop at the quarterfinals.

We have only finished the first game so far, so it’s hard to say. “Someone shook his head, thinking that now

it is too early to conclude

It’s hard to judge who will win in the end.

Now it seems that g2 is ahead by a game, but you must know that rng’s overall strength is stronger, who will win?

Can you tell who will lose in the next game?

Maybe rng will get serious later on and exert all his strength

These are all very normal things.

rng’s strength on the bright side is stronger than g2

In the eyes of many people, it is a matter of course that they can g2.

I’m still more optimistic about rng

Hey, I’m just the opposite, I’m optimistic about g2, I like their top laner.

Hao has been a fan for ten years, he has only played professionally for more than a year, that is the return of a one-year fan

After g2 won the last game, it gradually gained

Poke fans

Especially Chen Hao’s Sword Demon, after such a dazzling operation, attracted a group of people

s concern.

“Heavenly God descends to earth” and “One Hammer Four” are the most frequently mentioned hot words on the Internet.

His popularity should be the highest in the g2 team, Ah P, who is ranked second, is not as popular as him

And Chen Hao’s fans are all over the world, and a lot of people like him on the Internet

LoL players from all over the world like him very much.

The 107 people in the card game area even regarded him as an idol and learned his style of play

This night, I’m afraid there will be many people playing Sword Demon

Both teams are back on the field

After a short period of adjustments, everyone in rng is in a better state, not as lost as before

The game is that bad.

When they appeared on the stage at the same time, Uzi also glanced coldly in Chen Hao’s direction.

It seems to say, you wait for me

In this round, he must come back fiercely and kill Chen Hao like a dog.

In the last round, ui died in Chen Hao’s hands several times, this was the most uncomfortable part in his heart

so he wants revenge

He wants Chen Hao to know what is called operation

Other states also look ok.

After Casa re-entered the game, he was not as nervous as before.

When he just lost the first game, he was robbed because of the fire dragon, and he blamed himself very much.

I think it’s my own fault, which leads to the loss of the last chance

If he had calmed down at that time, hadn’t been frightened by Mengxie, and the punishment hadn’t been used in advance, then the fire

dragon is theirs

They will not be so anxious to keep the g2 people, and they can deal with each other slowly.

But it was because Xiaolong was robbed, they were so angry that they were so anxious to keep each other.

Then one step is wrong, step by step is wrong.

The sword demon found an opportunity, and the four of them were attacked by the sword demon at the same time.

perfect triple q

Deals explosion damage.

Then the rest of g2 harvested behind, and they finally lost the team battle.

Casa took the blame and took it on himself (bjfc).

In fact, he can’t be completely blamed. He was really too nervous when the Nightmare big move was released.

Only then will the punishment be advanced.

Part of the responsibility, in fact, should also blame RNG for going down the road

If it weren’t for their playing too casually in the early stage, despising the opponent too much, not treating the opponent as a human being, and

How can you start at a disadvantage, get caught again and again, every time you can be caught dead by the opponent

Down the road is the root of the biggest problem

Because of the strength of the bottom lane, everyone selectively ignores

After adjustments, Casa’s state recovered well.

Ms. Guo is still a substitute and has no chance to play.

Letemi’s choice in this game is mainly to focus on the team, not on the line

He wanted to meet Chen Hao online for a long time, but fell through for the time being.

But after the duel in the last round, he actually knew… Chen Hao’s strength still depends on him


But he didn’t give up, and he wasn’t reconciled.

He also wanted to have a real head-to-head confrontation to see who had better manipulation.

But in this round, Laitemi wants to choose a hero who can protect the bottom lane, so he can only choose Shen

So there is no way to compare with Chen Hao to see who is stronger.

This time rng was aggressive, better than the previous round.

When the game first appeared, they looked down on the opponent g2 a bit.

But now that the car was overturned, they began to pay more attention to it.

The two sides quickly entered the bp of the second game.

The two sides switched positions in this round.

2 is on the blue side, rng is on the red side.

G2’s ban in the first three hands this time is still aimed at rng’s bot lane.

Xayah , Bullhead and Thresh


But for rng, they have a headache

Because they found that there are too many points they want to target.

Which one to target?

Sword Demon and Nightmare played very well in the game, do they need to be banned?

This is an area that needs to be considered carefully.

What heroes are banned?

There is also the great inventor of the bot lane ad, this is also

Chen Hao’s signature Sword Girl and Sword Girl also need attention.

The ban position is not enough

rng is a headache

After thinking twice, they still banned the Great Inventor, Sword Girl, and Sword Fairy

These three are still the highest priority.

Since they want to target the bottom lane, the great inventor must not let go

If this guy is snatched by the opponent, it will be difficult for them to push the line online

Although the sword demon is also very strong, if they are more careful in this round, they probably won’t

There was a situation where the previous round was hit four times.

I will not give the other party a chance to descend to the world.

However, we still have to look at the opponent’s first-hand choice first.

themThere are really many heroes who want to be banned, but there are only three bans in the first round.


The first-hand pick here in g2 is Akali.

Carrie is a hero, can be in the middle or top, it is a swing position

After the redesign, this hero is more maneuverable than before.

Those who operate well can increase the upper limit of this hero infinitely.

But this hero also has many people who can counter her, such as Bron and Lissandra.

Akali was selected first, but it made rng feel relieved.

This Akali should be used by g2

After seeing this choice, everyone in rng speculated.

After so many games, he

I just saw that the mid laner used it in g2

Carrie, and playing well.


Lissandra of Conte Akali was chosen backhand here

Coincidentally, Xiaohu was still struggling with which mid laner to choose.

Then he grabbed another assist, Luo

Luo is a hero who can provide protection and be the first to attack. He is a very strong support. This time

They got it first.

It was g2 who were not in a hurry here, and they chose Tam in a calm manner.

Finally picked the super protective Tahm

Looking at g2’s bot lane play in this round, it’s a bit different from the previous round

Their support in the previous journey was to select Luo, which played a very good effect.

perfect fit

The two sides are fighting wits and courage, and on bp, they see each other’s tricks

It depends on who has the advantage

Who can get the hero they want.

In the third hand, 92 chose Nightmare

When rng wanted to ban but had no place to ban it, g2 still snatched it first.

Yes… the choice of this nightmare, in fact, g2 has other plans here

It’s not for a jungler position.

But rng didn’t know, they saw that in the last round of g2 they chose the dream monster as a jungler, and the opponent played very badly

wrong effect.

Then it is natural to think that the choice of this nightmare is also a jungler

rng’s third hand is Xin Zhao!

They plan to use Xin Zhao to fight Dream

Can keep their jungle strong.

There is no need to be like before, his rock sparrow will die after being approached by the succubus.

Now that he has selected Xin Zhao, he will not persuade the opponent when he encounters Nightmare in the jungle.

In this way, the top three BPs of both sides were selected.

g2 chooses first, and rng chooses as a backhand.

But it hasn’t been fully selected yet, and they are not sure that this is the final position

For example, RNG guessed that Akali in G2 is in the middle lane, and Dream Demon is in the top lane.

They think that g2 will leave the special position of Kang to the core player Chen Hao.

In fact, according to the previous thinking, this is indeed the case.

But playing rng today, g2 has prepared a lot of small routines

They are not temporary preparations.

Just made full preparations.

Especially Chen Hao is a player from rng, he is very familiar with rng, and knows

how to deal with

Isn’t ng a favorite swing position?

This time they played 9g2, which was actually a swing position.

The positions of Akali and Nightmare are not completely determined yet, they can be swayed

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