Is rng about to come back? (Subscribe

After the pot reaches level six, there is still no small threat.

g2 won’t take it seriously

Chen Hao also specially told his teammates

He is very familiar with Xiangguo, he knows the opponent’s style of play, and he is also very clear about what the opponent brings.


Before you are not sure about the location of the incense pot, be careful.

But before rng didn’t know where Olaf was, he also played very carefully.

a time.

Xiangguo is on the road again

This time Xiangguo avoided all eye positions on the top road, and he stood in the triangular grass on the top road

next to the exploding fruit

Waiting for the opportunity.

Xiangguo’s gaze was fixed on Chen Hao, as long as the opponent made a mistake in his position, he would immediately

Will make a big move to fly the opponent

But after Xiangguo waited for a while, he didn’t find Chen Hao’s mistake, he didn’t find the opportunity

he is not straight

He doesn’t know whether there is a jungler behind the opponent, and when he is uncertain, everything is still


At just over nine minutes, there was a wave of kills in the middle.

The tiger was decapitated by the enchantress

Xiaohu, who has been stable for so long, was found a chance in the middle, and was chained by the enchantress.

Arrived. In the first section of the chain, he moved well and dodged it

It was copied from the big move later

Chains, not so lucky.

Then Olaf, who was watching covetously, came out and cooperated with the demon girl to kill the little tiger.

That’s what led to the kill

Hey, little tiger

This head has to be kept, you can’t get too many heads by g2 in the early stage, otherwise it will be

Really can’t fight anymore. “Miller is very worried

Now the head ratio of the two teams is 0-2, which is fine for now

But if you let the opponent take more kills, then you won’t be able to fight in the mid-term

The heads of the people who were killed in this wave just now fell into the hands of the enchantress

Hold on, hold on, hold on

Seeing that he was killed, Xiaohu frowned.

His head may be more threatening than the puppy’s first blood

After all, the dog’s head is taken in a burst, and the strength of the opponent’s ad is what level, so it doesn’t matter

Saying more, even if you get the head, you won’t be able to get up.

However, the witch is different

The more heads the Enchantress takes, the greater his threat.

g fell into a disadvantage in the early stage

This made everyone worry about rng again.

Wouldn’t rng lose this game again?

this is the last chance

If you lose this game again, “ng” will just be cool.

Stopped in the top eight, but was swept out 3:0

I’m afraid I’ll lose face and lose my hair

These people probably won’t see the fans who have been supporting them by then.

With so many people’s expectations, but it’s just like this?

So, they must not lose

They have no way out.

I can only watch Xiangguo and Laitemi’s ∥”.

Everyone put their hopes on these two roads.

Especially Xiangguo, this round has pinned the hopes of many people.

They hope that Xiangguo can bring the rhythm up.

The Dream Demon already has a big move, and the next step is the rhythm of the incense pot.

depends on how he plays

At the moment that everyone is looking forward to.

Pot is also going to the bottom lane, and while going to the bottom lane, he pinned the signal to the bottom lane.

He’s about to start his own gank.

In this wave of offense with the bottom lane duo, Xiang Guo and Xiao Ming cooperated very well, and they took advantage of

The machine killed the auxiliary Braum.


This wave of kills immediately lifted people’s spirits.

There was also shouts at the scene.

Incense pot awesome

Xiao Ming is awesome!

The attack organized by Xiangguo instantly changed the situation of rng.

After killing the support, they have a numerical advantage in the bottom lane

Just push their bot lane a blood tower!” Uzi gave the order directly, he wanted to take this opportunity

Yes, take more resources that can be grabbed.

so that he can develop faster

If you can win the first blood tower, then the development of uzi can take the lead

At this moment, the opponent’s bottom road is a blood tower, and there are still two-thirds of the blood volume.

Tiger also came down from the middle to help apply pressure.

G2 can only let go of this outer tower when he goes down the road.

rng successfully took down this one-blood tower.

After taking this one-blood tower, rng chased Jingji back in an instant, and it was 500 more than g2

The economy has overtaken.

The most important thing is that this wave has allowed UI to eat the economy of a blood tower, which is also for them

good thing.

The hope of rng comeback is back

this rhythm is right

Hahaha, this is the way to fight, rng come on, win g2.

But I still have to watch Xiangguo’s game, it’s just comfortable to watch

Isn’t it too early to replace the incense pot?

This wave of bot lane gank, rng is catching deadAfter getting the support, he took advantage of the opportunity to push down the blood tower in the bottom lane.

This wave was played very well, and it immediately brought back the disadvantages in the early stage.

The most important thing is that the morale of the team has returned, making people see the hope of winning again

As for g2, there was no panic.

Although one person was caught and killed in this wave, and a blood tower was lost in the bottom lane, but they did not

Lose your rhythm.

What’s more, they still have Chen Hao

Go get Xiaolong now, they can’t stop it. “Chen Hao immediately directed his teammates to get Xiaolong.

The state of the fire dragon is not very good, so I can only release this fire dragon

Otherwise, when the Enchantress and Olaf come in, they won’t be able to stop it

There is no one from rng to stop it, g2 successfully took down the little dragon

Not too bad.

Fire Dragon’s attribute blessing to their lineup is also terrifying.

After g pushed down the first tower in the bottom lane, his rhythm can be considered to be back

It’s not like before, a little confused

Xiangguo’s bot lane gank has stabilized their rng situation again.

After knocking down the bottom tower, they switched to the top lane

I plan to give up the road to uzi’s development.

Uzi is still their core output

We must ensure his development.

If you want to ui up, you can take over the game in the later stage

In this round, Laitemi played Sain, and he didn’t need too much economy to play a good game


basically has no effect on him

He played against Chen Hao in this game, and he also focused on stability

Chen Hao can only suppress his pawns, it is not so easy to kill alone.

With a big move in hand, if something goes wrong, he will drive away immediately

It’s hard for Qinggangying to get a chance to kill Laitemi solo

After all, Letemi is not a vegetarian.

After uzi switched to the top lane, he also wanted to see if he could give Chen Hao a chance

He asked Laitemi to use his big move to keep Chen Hao.

He has always wanted to kill Chen Hao with his own hands.

If he could kill Chen Hao once, he would be happier than anything else.

This is the real coolest thing

If Leitemi’s big move can keep Chen Hao, then this wave of them may really become


While Letemi’s ult was activated, uzi also started his own ult.

speed up with teammates

After seeing Letemi’s ultimate move, Chen Hao’s face remained unchanged, not nervous at all.

Directly using his e skill, quickly hooked to the wall, and then quickly jumped to another

another position, easily dodged very skillfully

This is the flexibility of Qinggangying, which made Leitemi’s initiative ineffective

After dodging the opponent’s skills, Chen Hao retreated without looking back

He didn’t even use flash, this wave of rng didn’t force him to do anything more.

In fact, if they have the Nightmare ult to cooperate with this wave, they may really be able to successfully attack


But it’s a pity that Nightmare’s ultimate move was used up in the last wave, and it is still cooling down.

It’s a pity for rng not to catch Chen Hao.

It’s a pity, if the top laner of g2 can be killed, the rhythm will probably be completely(

of) bottom up.

But Chen Hao didn’t give them a chance

ng took advantage of the time when there were many people on the road, and took down the canyon pioneer.

Canyon Pioneer won, many people who are optimistic about rng are all excited

hope is back

Hey, rng is about to make a comeback.

2333, it is very likely that rng created a history of letting the second chase the third.

See it? This is the true strength of rng!

My pot teacher is steady on the stage.

Just now the rhythm was found, a group of people felt

The feeling of wanting to come back, to win


But winning the canyon vanguard will really help rng’s rhythm a lot

Zi’s ​​self-confidence seems to be back.

He played a tower pushing rhythm on the top lane

When Bao Zhe came to the road, he manipulated them all and knocked out a lot of blood.

There is a difference in personal strength between the two

This is more

float up

Such an opponent, he himself doesn’t know why he lost to the opponent in the previous two rounds

This time, he strengthened his confidence to penetrate the opponent online.

So what if the opponent got his first blood, it still doesn’t work

See how I beat him online




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