Why Did the Puppy Die Again?

These two waves of rhythm rng played very well.

With the cooperation of Xiangguo, he first took down the blood tower in the bottom lane, and then took down the first canyon.


The disadvantages in the early stage were quickly recovered

The two sides seem to have returned to the moment at the beginning of the game again.

This is a good thing for rng.

Their lineup in this game is to lag behind Q2

The later the stage, the greater the advantage of their lineup.

They suffered losses in the first two rounds, and they suffered losses in the absence of late stages,

If the mid-term is not played well, it will be completely


This round is to absorb the experience of the previous two rounds and increase the ability of the later stage

If they really didn’t play well in the early or mid-term, they can also delay to fight against each other in the later stage.

Chasing the disadvantage back, rng has hope of winning again.

The crowd of fans also watched the game excitedly

Nervous and worried.

Before, when they saw that the puppy and the tiger were both caught and killed, their hearts ached.

Fortunately, after Xiangguo had a big move, the rhythm of these two waves played well.

heart is back

They expect rng to win this game and start a comeback rhythm

As a favorite team to win the championship, rng placed too many people’s hopes

If you win this round and then go on to win two rounds later, it will be perfect

I think today may witness the history of letting the second chase the third

There is also such a premonition.

Ho Ho, rng Chong Jia Duck!

Some fans are still firmly optimistic about rng, thinking they will win

The game should be replacedFragrant pot!

One thing to say,

The pot of the game is not Casa’s

Some people think that 120 rng is too late to let the incense pot play, if the incense pot is played earlier, maybe

They would not be what they are now

Maybe the score is 1:1 or something instead of 0:2 now

With the disadvantage of rng, they came back and found the rhythm again.

Everyone started discussing again.

Most people are optimistic about the current rng situation.

Some people think that rng should have played Xiangguo a long time ago, maybe it won’t be as difficult as it is now


Internet is very lively

After rng regained its own rhythm.

picked up again

He played aggressively in lane.

Jhin was crushed under the tower by him.

He lost a lot of blood.

Z is still very scary in terms of the ability to steal damage from the line, and the grasp of the attack distance

Obviously a higher grade than the other party

In order to ensure the development of uzi, Xiangguo also gave up the wild area resources on the road to uzi.

Give him the toad to eat.

As the core of the team, the treatment they enjoy is also very different.

His teammates gave him the best resources.

The commentary here is also temporarily relieved, not as nervous as it was at the beginning

When Xiaohu was killed before, they were really sweating, almost thinking that rng

This round will be the same as before.

Fortunately, the rhythm of Xiangguo picked up in the back and brought back the disadvantage.

hope to come back again

Now it’s time to wait for the incense pot. “The baby is also looking forward to the incense pot behind to continue to bring the rhythm

If the big move is done, the threat to (bjfc)g2 will be great

Laitemi is facing Chen Hao in the bottom lane, don’t worry for now, the lane is very stable, the opponent wants to single

It is almost impossible to kill him, unless the jungler comes to catch him, there is a chance.

But I think now Olaf should not spend too much effort to catch a Sion, nothing

What’s the point

It’s Xiaohu in the middle lane, you may need to pay more attention

Wawa and Miller are more worried about Xiaohu’s side

With him in the middle, it is easier to be targeted.

Tiger’s summoner skill brings teleportation, not purification

Just like before, after being chained by the enchantress, there is no chance to run away.

On the route, Uzi is protected by Xiaoming’s Thresh, so there is no problem for the time being, even if it is a fight

Wild to catch, can also light a lantern to leave.

Xiao Ming also stood relatively back, ready to throw a lantern to meet Uzi at any time.

So the ui is also very confident and bold to press the line

After they switch to top lane, they are doing a quick tower push

The defense tower on the opposite side, under their attack, the blood volume is also dropping rapidly, and soon

There are almost half of the defense towers left.

I believe that it won’t be long before this defensive tower will be taken down.

The rhythm seems to be completely controlled by rng.

They both played comfortably during this time

During this period of time, avoid team fights with g2, then rng can develop well.

But there are always some differences between ideal and reality.

Olaf moved, ready to attack the road.

When the game screen switched to the top road, it happened that Olaf was holding the red b

After uf, is going up the road.

Raff…going on the road

The vision of the road is not bad, and Xiao Ming’s position is also good, relatively far behind, it should be

is not a big problem

Miller also noticed Olaf’s movements on the minimap

but they don’t have any worries

They all think that Thresh can protect uzi on the road.

When Olaf had almost reached the triangular grass on the top road, the director also cut the screen

switched to top road

Everyone’s line of sight also saw the situation on the road.

After everyone listened to the explanation, they basically didn’t worry about it.

I don’t think it’s a big problem

When Olaf accelerated and rushed out of the grass, Xiao Ming was also the first

found him

, and then threw the lantern in front of uzi.

Go puppy.

Xiao Ming’s reaction speed is fast enough.

Uzi is also walking backwards, ready to light the lantern and leave


this time

Braum’s big move was thrown out at the same time, trying to block the opponent’s movement.

my pupils shrink

He was going to take a step forward, and he could touch the hand of the lantern, so he subconsciously walked back

I plan to turn around and move to avoid Braum’s big move.

He was worried that he would be interrupted by the other party when he was lighting the lantern.

It’s the difference of a moment.

He was still boosted by Braum’s big move, and the shield on his body couldn’t block it

The whole person was blown away

The dog didn’t go away, and was greatly strengthened by Braum’s big move. “Everyone sees ui

Go to the lantern, get bigger by Braum’s big move

And when he was knocked into the air, there was no way to light the lantern

Olaf and the duo of g2 also killed at this time.

Still using the previous routine, inserting eyes directly on the lantern.

When uzi recovers from the knock-up state, there is no way to light the lantern.

One real eye and one fake eye are all on the lantern, how can this be done?

Can’t light the lantern at all

And at this time, there is no need for uzi to flash, and the result will be the same everywhere.

At this time, flashes, he also has to die.

It’s just a flash to move the grave, it doesn’t make much sense

The moment he didn’t light the lantern for the first time and left, it meant that his fate was over.

Under the attack of the three big men, Uzi could only surrender his own head.

Killed again.

His top road was overshadowed by g2’s small routine again.

Depend on. “uZi couldn’t help scolding

face is black

he is really disgusted

but there is no way

Even in normal ranks, many people have done this before.

This is

It’s not a good feeling to experience it yourself

The commentator sees uAfter i was killed, there was also a sigh

Just now they felt that the road was very stable, but they didn’t expect that something would happen in the next second.

2’s eye-inserting routine, and uzi didn’t click on the lantern

Puppy still has to be careful, this is not the first time he has been sanctioned by such a routine.

I feel that the puppy is still a little too confident, a little ignoring the ability to control the opponent, I think

All slow down, as if you can light the lantern and walk slowly. “Miller analyzed the situation just now.

He felt that the puppy might have had such a mentality at the time.

underestimated the opponent.

so that you don’t run away

Otherwise, when you see the other person, it must be terrible to light the lantern and leave immediately.

to escape.

There is no need to have a big move to avoid Braum.

Even at critical moments, you can use your own flash to hide from the opponent’s skills

Either way, you can escape easily.

but it happens

uzi is still killed

He used his position to hide skills, but he didn’t dodge

The range of Bron’s ultimate move is still a bit wide.

After he was knocked into the air, he had no chance to run again.

In the live broadcast room of the game, seeing uzi being killed again, everyone was in an uproar

Why did the puppy die again?

It is said that there is Thresh protection online, so the probability of being caught and killed should be very small.

Many people can’t figure it out.

In the game, the ad with the protection of Thresh is generally more difficult to catch.

But here in uz, they were caught twice and killed both times

it’s kind of unbelievable




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