Explanation, please don’t drink poisonous milk! (Please subscribe

Anyway, everyone can’t see RNG’s big move.

Hiding and hiding, on the contrary, hiding yourself.

No matter what earth-shattering, weeping ghosts and gods you have prepared, it is useless now

You can’t even get through the first level, you said you have a way to deal with the last level BOSS, then no

Is it funny?

Everyone laughed.

After seeing IG’s performance, looking at RNG’s performance is completely different

From the BP, we can see the attitude of the two teams towards the game.

G’s lineup is to fully utilize its strengths

Their laning ability is very strong, and all the heroes they get are strong in the line.

Instead of sacrificing other players for a certain point.

Unlike RNG, in addition to four guarantees and one, it is four guarantees and one, and it still guarantees one Lucian.

After 1G finished choosing their own lineup, it depends on how G2 will deal with the last move

What kind of top laner will they choose to deal with G’s BP

“Chen, what top laner do you want to choose?” the assistant asked

I don’t know who is the top laner and who is the mid laner in IG. “Ah P’s expression is also rare and serious.

Facing rookie, before the fight started, a huge pressure hit

This opponent is not easy to deal with

He has to cheer up.

The overall strength of the G2 team, although trained with the help of Chen Hao, has been greatly improved.

promotion, but facing a team with super personal strength like IG, it is really hard to say that they will be able to play

what kind of

The BP of 191G caused them a lot of trouble from the very beginning

themI can only pin my hope on Chen Hao.

Let’s see how he responds.

last hand chose

It depends on what Chen Hao will choose.

As the time passed by every second, everyone’s eyes were on the last choice

Chen Hao’s choice touches everyone’s heart

Then crocodile


When Chen Hao made his choice, his teammates only expected it, not much


They all believed in Chen Hao’s choice unconditionally.

The crocodile is also a bully online.

It doesn’t matter who is the top lane or who is the middle lane

Against Akali, the problem is not big, the crocodile basically restrains short-handed heroes.

To fight long-handed heroes like Jess, you can call the jungler to catch them together.

It’s the hero Crocodile, if you don’t have an advantage in the early and mid-term, if you drag it to the late stage… it will work

It will be greatly reduced, and the mid laner is Galio, G2’s lineup will be difficult to play in the later stage.

G2’s choice…was a little risky.

After seeing Chen Hao choose the crocodile, the commentators were also analyzing the effect of this choice.

Choose crocodile?

After seeing Chen Hao choose the crocodile, G also fell into thinking

They also have to make arrangements, who to send on their side to fight the crocodile on the road

It’s Akali

still use jess

In the middle lane against Galio, these two heroes can also be played, and they are both very good

However, these two heroes are what the middle and upper two are good at.

Jiang, which one do you want to play?” Rookie still plans to ask for theshy’s personal opinion

then give me Akali

After Theshy thought about it, he decided to use Akali to fight Chen Hao’s crocodile.

Don’t look at Akali as a hero with short hands, but the upper limit is also very high, everything depends on the operation.

Lineup adjustments were made, and the lineups of both sides were soon determined.

In the first round of the game, 1G played their best lineup here, the main

Online, G2 is more of a test.

But… it seems that the focus is on the road

In this game, the top road may be a point of more attention.

Lineup confirmed

Blue side IG: top laner Akali, jungler prince, mid laner Jess, bottom lane is Lucian + Bron

Red square G2: Top laner Alligator, jungler Xin Zhao, mid laner Galio, bottom lane is Burst + Luo

From the point of view of the lineup, IG is here to try to suppress this opponent online, and G2’s lineup

It is the face-to-face formation.

Both sides have determined the lineup.

Jess switched to the middle lane, and Akali played the top lane. “The commentator saw that the lineup was determined.

After that, I also began to analyze the lineups and lineups on both sides.

Jess is better at suppressing other heroes online, and the opposite mid laner is Galio.

road don’t worry too much

Lukali will suffer a little bit against the crocodile in lane, but with Xia, it is still not necessary

too worried

I think IG also took this into consideration and chose to switch Akali to the top lane.

The focus of G2 in the Wenyi game is obviously on the top road.

If the crocodile does not gain an advantage in the early and mid-term, its role in the later stage will be greatly reduced.

It’s not an exaggeration to be a super soldier.

That’s right, the hero Crocodile is not very effective in the later stage, and the opponent’s mid laner is boosting

Leo, once they don’t gain an advantage in the mid game, they won’t be able to play in G2 in the late game

And 1G also has the support of Bron, who can play backhands without worrying about the opponent’s face popping out.

The commentary here is very optimistic about IG’s performance in this game

Everyone thinks that G2’s lineup has obvious weaknesses

Let’s see what happens on both sides

After the fall of the gods in the LCK division, the strongest opponent has fallen.

This hope is felt by all.

This year is the most promising year for both teams. ”

This remark once again made many viewers complain.

Explainer, please, don’t talk about the most promising year, the more you talk about it, the more panicked I become.

That’s right. I was a little panicked too.

The audience expressed that they were a little panicked

Fortunately at this time

The game buffer is over.

The commentators didn’t chat for too long, and turned their attention back to the game.

Looking forward to Shy’s performance in this round

Everyone is looking forward to the matchup situation on the road

In this game, the top road will definitely be very uneasy.

And against theshy, this is what Chen Hao has been looking forward to

enter the game.

Both sides stood at their respective intersections and guarded their positions.

Don’t let the other party’s people invade and go to yourself

The first-level regiments of the two sides did not fight, and the junglers started from the red.

After Chen Hao went to help the jungler to get the red, he returned to the lane just in time to make up the knife

On the line, Theshy is to go forward and use the Q skill to consume the blood of the crocodile

Chen Hao didn’t move too far forward, but pulled back a bit, just in time for the opponent’s Q skill attack


In order to allow himself to develop safely online, theshy took a look in the grass early


The opponent’s jungler started with the red BUFF in the top lane, and it is likely to come to the top lane to catch himself in the early stage.

Chen Hao was not in a hurry.

Both sides are testing each other,

The opponent’s blood volume.

Chen Hao is waiting for level 3, which is a breaking point for the crocodile.

If you use it well, you might be able to solo kill the opponent online

Of course, Chen Hao didn’t think he could kill the opponent so easily.

If it was so easy, theshy wouldn’t be called theshy

Both sides have done a good job in the details of the line-up in the early stage, trying to control the pawn line as much as possible.

It seems calm, but 150 is already undercurrents.

They are all looking for each other’s flaws.

Theshy’s mistakes, or Chen Hao’s crocodile’s mistakes, may be punished by the opponent

seize the opportunity

The pawn line and positioning are all well done.

This is the detailed handling of the top order.

Do not give the opponent a chance to catch his mistakes.

superiorThis side of the road is fine for the time being, other roads are here

Galio in the middle, was suppressed by rookie at the beginning, Jace is still better on the line

Hit Galio.

Gained a small CS lead.

If they go down the road, Ah Shui and Baolan are also trying their best to press the line, relying on their own personal strength

force, temporarily suppressing G2’s bot lane combination

Although Ah Shui is a rookie, his strength is not weak.

At first glance, G2’s opening situation … 1 seems a bit off.

Except for the top road, there is no problem for the time being, the other two roads are at a disadvantage

Seeing such an opening, more people complained

“With the strength shown by G2 now, I really can’t figure out how RNG lost

RNG is too good

“RNG can’t really fight fake matches, can it?

In the live broadcast room of the game, a bunch of bullet screens appeared

Most of them are complaining about RNG

Who made G2 and G play so clearly at this time.

However, with the current lead in the middle and lower lanes, it cannot be said that IG will definitely be able to do so.

The game is not over yet, everything is uncertain.

A team like G2 must not be underestimated.

At present, the advantage of IG’s lead is not great, that is, it is just a few make-ups ahead online.

G2’s bottom lane was originally a stocking.

They have long been used to the situation of being suppressed in the bottom lane.




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